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Everything posted by Coop

  1. The temps are persistent, so they will return to just as it was left (In this case a warm engine). I'll take a look at cover/tie down persistence to see if there is anything going on with the code for that.
  2. All of our custom commands can be browsed through the X-Plane command setting dialog, they are all prefixed by afm/sr/cmd. Besides that, the only default commands we use are for the GCU 478, G1000, and autopilot, which can be found through searching the attached file above.
  3. Hi, The autopilot is using the default X-Plane autopilot commands. I've attached the X-Plane command list (all default X-Plane commands). The GCU commands (which has the three knobs on their left side) can be found under sim/gps/gcu478/... The rest of the autopilot commands can be found under sim/autopilot/... Commands.txt
  4. Nobody on our development team can replicate this issue. It is most likely either due to hardware conflicting with X-Plane's autopilot logic (as our autopilot is using the base X-Plane adjustment system) or a plugin/script install that is interfering. If you can come up with the exact steps that you took to get it to this situation, that would be massively helpful in debugging.
  5. This file keeps the same name, it goes into the X-Plane 11/X-Aviation/Cessna 172SP G5/plugins/G5/settings where it should replace the existing file
  6. I've seen the LR G1000 do this once before. Pressing the Alt-Sync button (push the Alt knob) on the GCU should bring it back within the proper bounds.
  7. Try this acfConfig.cfg file: acfConfig.cfg
  8. Its gotten a bit held up with the holidays and all. It should be released very soon.
  9. Hi Henry, This is an X-Plane limitation with having a customized G1000 and is thus not possible. For your forward view, use the 3D cockpit and position the camera over the glareshield. With the next update there will be a setting added to allow hiding all objects when in an interior view, that should be releasing soon.
  10. The control sensitivities are going to be different based on what hardware you are using. I would imagine that a similar control response profile that you use on a SF260 would work well with the SR22.
  11. Gizmo should be saving the license file for 14 days. In Gizmo preferences within X-Plane, you can make sure these 2 main boxes are checked: This also sounds like there is potentially the folder marked as read-only or something that prevents Gizmo from saving the license file to disk. @Cameron might have a better idea for debugging?
  12. In high ambient temperatures, the system has the potential to not function (air bubbles can form in the fluid lines). Additionally, if you are running on battery, low voltages can prevent the system from functioning. These are the most likely culprits, I am not seeing any replicable issues with the TKS system on my end.
  13. There is also a bug in X-Plane's Metal pipeline on Mac devices that leads to slow panel parsing. We've reported this to LR, but there isn't anything we can do about it in the meantime.
  14. Under the maintenance tab in the SR22 menu, you can try running TKS system maintenance. It will output a maintenance log file to X-Plane 11/Output/SR22/logbook
  15. Hi Darren, None of the livery generation code touches the Alternator 2 logic, so imagine this is some coincidence in testing. The Alternator 2 on the SR22 needs a few requirements to be met to engage: The Essential bus must be powered to engage the field protection circuit. (This can be powered by Bat 1, Bat 2, or Alt 1) The RPM must be relatively high, due to the circuitry of the setup (>~1500-1750 rpm) There is a timeout on the warning, so I am guessing it only gets noticed after running the livery generator due to the time it takes.
  16. We've seen this happen a bit. We have a fix to prevent this from happening that we have sent off to the store and should be released soon!
  17. Looks great!! Thanks for sharing
  18. Hi Neil, I am not seeing the G5 plugin installed into the aircraft from the log. Running the included G5 Aircraft Installer application (located in the main directory of your X-Plane 11 install), and then directing it to the location you have the PA28 (Aircraft/Extra Aircraft/JF_PA28_Arrow_v1.7/JF_PA28_Arrow/) should get it working.
  19. @Bravo Pilot This sounds like the plugin isn't loading as well (as the plugin is responsible for hiding the pilot object when in an inside view), the instructions posted before should help:
  20. Hi Neil, In order to debug what is going on, we will need you to send us a copy of the X-Plane log.txt file. You can find a guide to get this file here: How to find the X-Plane log.txt file?
  21. The M20 has specific install instructions, which can be found at the bottom of the page here: https://afmsim.com/g5/
  22. Is the starter cranking the engine and it isn't catching, or is that also not working?
  23. As the Aircraft .ACF file name is different, X-Plane probably isn't finding the proper FMOD .snd file. Try duplicating and naming the SimAcoustics .snd file (located inside the Aircraft/X-Aviation/Cessna 172SP G5/fmod folder) to be Cessna_172SP_G5.snd.
  24. Yeah, it appears that somehow the X-Plane autopilot got confused on the proper course - not sure how this happened in this situation. I would recommend in this case hitting the direct to button or using heading adjust to manually get it back on course.
  25. This sounds like the plugin isn't loading, so you can follow the steps provided here: https://support.torquesim.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057635513-Steps-to-resolve-plugins-not-loading-Error-Code-126- If that doesn't get the issue fixed, can you send your log file? (Instructions on that here: https://support.torquesim.com/hc/en-us/articles/360057635413-How-to-find-the-X-Plane-log-txt-file-
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