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Everything posted by mjrhealth

  1. Its the default GPS gets its data from XPLANE dat if using 11.5 im sure
  2. First off most UK landing videos seem to leave it as Zero, but question is, is it supposed to give you an audible warning or just the flashing DH on the Screen
  3. Yes it works, Caught me once almost got me today, happened to catch a falling speed, YSSY to YMER even we get freezing rain in AUS
  4. As fro trim check your COG it needs to be moved about 15cm, I did have that issue once, as for Reverse, make sure you have TQ gauge up, as you need to make sure that the red line is gone and throttles synced than it should work some times takes 2 goes, they are working on improving the logic
  5. Teh gust lock switch moves back on its own after abt 10 seconds. Being that way since V6 release.
  6. Not on really long runways, just land and hit reverse when you get close to required taxiway, saves fuel. maybe on really short fields where there is no option.
  7. I scond that
  8. @N1K There are a few planes in Xplane where you have to enable NWS, in real life if you didnt im sure you would probaly damage the landing gear, at least in xplane it tells you " I cant push back your nose wheel is locked"
  9. Hi dont know whats causing this but will do some more tests. This happens with and without FSGRWX which i purchased not so long ago. But I will get sudden weather changes and wind will drop to 0. Than with FSGRWX i can refresh it and its fine again. I think this may be Xplane weather getting in on the act, happened twice on my last 1 hr flight. No fun wehn you have a 21 kt wind from left that goes to zero.
  10. If using better pushback you will need to engage NWS or it cant turn the plane, actually it will tell you it cant puash back. though I havnt tried yet with this plane These [lanes dont normally park at gates, havnt seeing a single video on youtube where they have a push back.
  11. Hi. loving your update even with the minor bugs, but a question, I am not so sure I can kill the engines in this ver, in V2 will you have things like engine fires etc if not treated with respect etc be nice to have.
  12. Actually they do if you switch it on left of glare shield and turn the knobs, but there is an xplane bug, I think caused by cloud shadows that makes the light go away, seeing it on a few planes.
  13. The next time you get off your chair to get something than promptly forget what, youll know why.
  14. Most users demand realism which is why they get pilots beta testing, so if you want less buy carendao or get FSX
  15. I have no addon scenery, I have yet to see the need to spend money on it. No Ortho no airports just weather(absolute must since you are flying)) and planes, there is absolutely no reason when at 35000 ft for scenery, but people need to spend money and others are happy to take it. But off topic
  16. Yes a horizon Sky up, ground down, if it where the case we wouldnt need FMS and autoland, but no idea of what sky color has to do with visual clues.
  17. Dosnt take long to set Altitude as for Decision Height it has being raised they will address it, and I dont know how you could possibly compare Carenado to this. There are other minor issues being addressed.
  18. I thought flight simming was about flying aeroplanes, seems its all about vistas. I guess I was wrong.
  19. Just make a copy of xplane and update one. Dont know why you still on 11.4
  20. Which is what most people do. Sometimes, mostly
  21. As posted in the saitek post, I did a flight yesterday, I found the plane tends to hold its speed 5 KTS lower than set by the speed bug.
  22. Hi had to update was using wrong control for speed bug, But there is an issue the IAS it tries to hold is always 5 kts slower than what you set. Any other issues please let me know. But now plane does hold IAS you just need to set it 5 KTS higher than what you want. xsaitekpanels.ini
  23. Got my answer What is the purpose of T/O inhibit? Definition To inhibit non essential warnings during the T/O phase
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