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  1. Hi, I found that the sim CTD's when I use the 'select' button in the nearest APT list when the list is empty. Here is a screen shot of the empty nearest airport list: Choosing the select with the right knob (circled in red) results in a CTD, presumably because the list is empty. Using RealityXP's GTN 750, the flight plan was from EGSX to EGSS. I'm using navigraph data, loading up at EGSX in the UK. If I switch to a different data type (e.g. VOR instead of PPOS APT), the list does get populated. The only data type it struggles with is PPOS APT. Attached is the log file and crash report. All anti-virus is disabled. Any help much appreciated. Cheers, Max Log.txt 2730fff6-0828-4ff6-a1a0-def3ab3c8992.dmp
  2. Fixed it. It's wierd, during previous tests when I removed all plugins from the folder I was having similar issues, but I guess 1.1 fixed something (maybe to do with Gizmo? I have no idea, I had been messing around with the installation). But this fixed it. Is there a solution in sight for this incompatibility?
  3. Hi, DISCLAIMER: I have removed all 3rd party plugins, running latest version with latest Navigraph airac, XP10.50 I posted a while ago about this issue I have been having, unfortunately it caused a bit of drama, but since the issue seems to be ongoing I think I might have another attempt at reporting it. I experience random crashes that occur when: -reloading the aircraft multiple times (via gizmo menu, e.g cold and dark/turnaround), somtimes I'll start the sim, put that aircraft to cold/dark, wait 5 minutes and then go to "turnaround" and it crashes. Reloading the aircraft with less than a minute intervals almost guarantees a crash. -random crashes during any and every fase of flight -upon shutting x-plane down it goes "x-plane.exe has stopped working" which I'll label as a crash as well NONE of these issues occur with any other aircraft I have, they are independent of scenery and situation but appear to be random. This is a game-breaker for me unfortunately, I've lost patience and faith that I'll be able to fly IXEG without this show-stopping problem and I'm really hoping to get this solved. I've attached a log of a crash that happened sitting on the ground, doing nothing. Any help appreciated. Cheers, Max Log.txt
  4. Hi Phil! Welcome to the IXEG forums. I think I can help with your issues. Do you use RTH by any chance? I found that certain settings for lighting in RTH didn't allow me to see displays and/or lights in the cockpit. Hope you can get this fixed, IXEG is a lot of fun once it's working Hang in there! Max
  5. Wouldn't be the first time posts get deleted on these forums. Sorry I can't help you.
  6. May I please ask why my response got deleted without notice or answer?
  7. Hi, This is a follow-up from my previous post about multi crew procedures (thanks for the respones, by the way!). Does anybody have access to a free QRH online for the 737-300? So far I've only been able to find paid booklets. I really believe the only way to do this aircraft justice is to fly it by the book, quick literally, and test out some of the abnormal scenarios followed by the correct checklists and procedures applicable to that scenario. Thanks! Max
  8. Hi, Since smartcopilot is now working reasonably stable, my co-pilot and I would like to start working on the way we handle the aircraft and each other. I was wondering if there are any standard operating procedures to follow to learn about the terminology in the flight deck, each pilots' responsibility, what Pilot Flying actually means, callouts, etc. Cheers, Max
  9. Hi, I'm experiencing a repeated hard crash in the cruise, about 2-5 minutes after reaching TOC. Logs attached. Did not have this issue with earlier versions. Cheers, Max GizmoLog.txt Log.txt
  10. Same here ony 1 download left.
  11. By the way, for online flying, does anybody know which airac CYCLE it will be shipped with? Cheers
  12. Hi, I'm trying to make an EFASS profile for the upcoming 73, I was wondering if anybody could identify the engine and supply me with a few figures to fill in? Cheers, Max
  13. I'm a bit late to the party, but I just wanted to say I agree with BeachAV8R. In my opinion default X-Plane 10 + freeware cloud textures + a weather injector like NOAA offers amazing results such as clouds and/or thunderstorms at range, and in general a very organic and random image, like it would be in the real world. I bought SkyMaxx 3 and was slightly disappointed, the transitions are abrupt and the clouds all look more or less the same, not very organic. Overcast going all the way to the horizon with no holes or patches... So in terms of texturing I prefer the freeware stuff. I'm doubting if I should buy weather injector when it comes out, but if all it will be doing is producing weather at longer range and stopping the whole "one weather scenario at a time" issue, then I think I'll stick to default because it's already compatible with NOAA, and the texturing is in my opinion better.
  14. This is what I love about the whole project. In science, a theory is not valid unless it's impossible to disprove. I see this same kind of attitude with IXEG concerning complex systems like the FMC, it's not complete until it's proven to be robust and "unbreakable". I'm not a programmer but I'm assuming IXEG dedicate more/as much work into the rare or abnormal scenarios than normal situations, because the normal situations are only a quarter of the story. This is what has been lacking with other products, I feel like other developers have worked on their aircraft to get it to a stage where it can fly and perform, PROVIDED everything is done/entered correctly, resulting in a very glitchy and shallow product that does not respond correctly to the slightest abnormal input. Wonderful stuff
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