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  1. What I have found to be the only solution is to select "debug" in the Nvidia Control Panel help tab. If that is not selected then X-Plane / Challenger crashes after about 3 minutes. Without fail. With "debug" I have ZERO crashes or X-Plane closing unexpectedly. Awesome frame rates with maxed graphics and the Challenger flies like a dream.
  2. I am having exactly the same issue with CTDs and the WAAS log entry as the last.  Did you ever get a resolution on this, aside from putting NVIDIA in debug mode?  I do have the latest NVIDIA driver.  

  3. I was constantly having the same issue. Try opening Nvidia control panel and selecting "Debug" in the Help drop down. I don't know why, but it is the ONLY way I can fly the Challenger. Great frame rates as well.
  4. What seems to be causing all these random, for no good reason crashing of X-Plane is not X-Plane or the Challenger. I was getting this in my Event Viewer log: "The description for Event ID 0 from source nvlddmkm cannot be found. Either the component that raises this event is not installed on your local computer or the installation is corrupted. You can install or repair the component on the local computer. If the event originated on another computer, the display information had to be saved with the event. The following information was included with the event: \Device\Video3 Error occurred on GPUID: 100 The message resource is present but the message was not found in the message table" This is a Nvidia issue and has been affecting people playing many other other games, all types of video cards, Win 10 and 11, and has been going on for many months. One poster on Reddit suggested running Nvidia Control Panel in "Debug" mode. That's what I've been doing and have had ZERO crashes with the Challenger and my frame rates are UP in the mid 30's to mid 40's. I've had X-Plane running all day with no problems. With "Debug" mode de-selected the X-Plane / Challenger crashes within the first 5 minutes.
  5. I have 3 copies of X-Plane 12, on 3 different SSD's. One with all my scenery all my plugins. One with only scenery, but NO plugins. One with a fresh install of X-Plane and fresh install of the Challenger and No plugins or extra scenery. Nvidia drivers are updated after a clean wipe and reinstallation. All three get the same crash with the same last line in the log.
  6. Every single time I ATTEMPT to fly the Challenger, X-plane just simply quits mid flight. And every single time, the last line in the log.txt is this: "2023-02-21 14:32:38 CL650[waas_api.c:193]: WAAS API data download successful" No other plane in X-plane has this issue. Log.txt
  7. I am having the same exact issue! No rhyme or reason. With my plugins; without any plugins; with custom scenery; with only Laminar scenery. Matters not. On a fresh install of X-plane; on the original install that has been updated throughout the release. Fresh install of Challenger as well. Seems every single time "CL650[waas_api.c:193]: WAAS API data download successful" or "CL650[waas_api.c:205]: Failed to download WAAS API data: server responded with error 404 (Not Found)" were the last Log.txt entry. Log.txt2.txt 20230201Log.txt Log.txt
  8. In flight I think it's the destination airport if a flight plan is active.
  9. Google the definitions of "Indicated Airspeed", Calibrated Airspeed", Equivalent Airspeed", and "True Airspeed". Also "Pressure Altitude" and "Density Altitude" and how they affect those different airspeeds. Might as well look up "Ground Speed" while you're at it. Not being snarky, but this will clear up many misperceptions about the different expected performance indications.
  10. Same here. 11.40 data works just fine! Love this airplane!
  11. How long were you on battery power before getting the generator online?
  12. I'll say it again... set your max frames per second to 30 or 35 and your stutters will stop.
  13. Try this: in Nvidia control panel, 3d settings, set Max Frame Rate to around 35 frames per second. That's all the FPS you'll get but the stutters will be gone and it looks great. I have all my X-Plane settings at or near maxed out. GTX 1080, I9 processor, 32 gigs ram. Play around with the frames per second setting till you find what works for your system. Mine works great at 45 fps.
  14. I agree. MSFS is more an arcade game than a flight simulator. The Hot Start TBM is so much better!
  15. A trick I found that works well to eliminate stutters on Vulcan is to set "maximum frame rate" in NVidia control panel to around 35. I have a high end system and before I was getting 70 fps or more, with settings mostly maxed out, but the stutters were horrible at the same time. Now I get a solid 35 fps but NO stutters. The TBM is smooth as butter inside and out.
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