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  1. And I’ve stopped using this product as I’m tired of spending 30-45 prepping a flight only to have it CTD every time.
  2. Yeah the log file is exactly the same every time. Mrogers0547 has the last log entry - waas related. I’ve never seen another problem with a CTD where the last set of log entries are exactly the same. Not only for me, but others as well. The fact that the developers dismiss that clue as coincidental does not make any sense. I understand that it doesn’t provide a lot of info but it seems like a good place to start.
  3. Warning - rant coming. Abandoning CL650 - too many CTDs and other issues. Just really tired of spending hours setting up flights only to CTD at some point. Yes - pulled plugins, yes reverted NVIDIA driver, yes updated NVIDIA driver, yes posted on Discord, yet posted on X-Pilot, yes pulled custom scenery etc, no - nothing in XP log, no - nothing in Windows Event Viewer etc. This is a very expensive aircraft, and very well modeled, extremely realistic blah blah. Yes to all that - and bottom line - its not any fun with this ever-present issue. Spending way too much time troubleshooting. Really disappointing and frustrating. And given that this was about the only aircraft I was using on a regular basis in XP - probably done with XP too. Back to MSFS which has it's issues as well - but not like this. OK - done with rant. Feel much better.....
  4. Yes. I'm trying a different NVIDIA driver, and removed all plugins. We'll see - but I'm interested if there was a solution for this. Be nice not to have to experiment for weeks trying different configurations.
  5. I am having exactly the same issue with CTDs and the WAAS log entry as the last.  Did you ever get a resolution on this, aside from putting NVIDIA in debug mode?  I do have the latest NVIDIA driver.  

  6. I am having the same exact issue with every flight. Was there any resolution on this.
  7. I removed plugins and scenery and still getting the same CTDs with the same ending WAAS data download in the log.
  8. Here's another CTD log. Again, WAAS weather updating is the last thing. Log.txt
  9. I've had two CTDs in the last couple of days, and looking at the xp12 logs they have similar endings - with the last processes related to Vulkan handling new WAAS downloaded weather. At the time of the crashes I've been in the FMC setting things up - I believe this last time was working with PERF INIT, flight plan entered, things pretty much ready to go. I have not yet removed all the plugins as I thought this information could be useful in and of its own. I am using ORBX NoCal TrueEarth HD scenery for this flight. I will remove the custom scenery and see if that resolves the issue. I think my previous CTD flight was also in an ORBX TrueEarth scenery area. CurFlow: Lighter Aircraft SW wind NewFlow: Jets+Larger NW wind 2023-06-11 17:18:35 CL650[waas_api.c:193]: WAAS API data download successful 0:12:07.601 I/RWX: WEATHER UPDATE at zulu-time 1686528531 0:12:59.934 I/GFX/VK: Surface formats for surface: 0:12:59.934 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM 0:12:59.934 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB 0:12:59.934 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_R16G16B16A16_SFLOAT 0:12:59.934 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32 0:12:59.934 I/GFX/VK: VK_FORMAT_A2B10G10R10_UNORM_PACK32 0:12:59.934 I/GFX/VK: Surface 0000021BEBFDABA0: 0:12:59.934 I/GFX/VK: minImageCount 2: 0:12:59.934 I/GFX/VK: maxImageCount 8: 0:12:59.934 I/GFX/VK: supportedUsageFlags 9f: 0:12:59.934 I/GFX/VK: supported modes: 0:12:59.934 I/GFX/VK: VK_PRESENT_MODE_MAILBOX_KHR: 0:12:59.934 I/GFX/VK: VK_PRESENT_MODE_IMMEDIATE_KHR: 0:12:59.934 I/GFX/VK: VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_KHR: 0:12:59.934 I/GFX/VK: VK_PRESENT_MODE_FIFO_RELAXED_KHR: 0:12:59.934 I/GFX/VK: Created swapchain for 0000021B4B292850 with size { 663x883x3 }. Mode: VK_PRESENT_MODE_MAILBOX_KHR 0:12:59.934 I/wmgr: Re-building fbos for window 0000021B467BDF20 using pool 6 0:13:04.127 I/GFX/VK: Cleared memory pool 6, allocations: 1, block bytes: 4759552 Log.txt
  10. I've been away from this ac for several months and coming back into it there are some issues. First, I'm immediately in the cockpit - skipping the FBO. I'm getting an audio warning on start up to check the script quarantine, and a visual message about a sound file. And nothing is operational in the cockpit. I'm thinking a re-install is in order for this XP12 version. If so, can someone provide a link to info about the correct way to reinstall the product. And of course if there's a solution without requiring a reinstall I'm all ears... Edit: Looks like there are a lot of LUA scripts disabled, and a 650 script in quarantine. I'm concerned that I just delete the CL650 Aircraft directly and re-run the install that this will not get cleaned up. But perhaps I will be enlightened in a reply to the post. Thanks in advance!
  11. That wasn't the issue. In fact I never figured out what was going on and haven't had the problem for a while. I suspect it had something to do the the A/T. And in this AC the difference between V1 and Vr is very small in my experience and by the time you actually get some lift from pulling on the yoke, you're well past Vr even if you start at V1.
  12. No - but I haven't looked at this in a bit. I'll check it out again.
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