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Everything posted by whiskeyportal

  1. hopefully their next release will be a 206 or the 208.
  2. One of the few things I REALLY miss about FSX is the scenery. Nothing out there that is out right now even comes close to ORBX PNW
  3. Stayed up WAY too late flying this amazing bird last night, thank you for making us an amazing bird. Worth every penny. Now who do I talk to about a Horizon UofM paint
  4. This plane is looking amazing, I can't wait to get her in the air!
  5. good read, i'm really stoked about this bird!
  6. Sweet! But damn too, sold my CRJ in FSEconomy when the project died. :/
  7. No dice. Anyone been able to do this? There's no option for the 696 >
  8. Enjoying the Oahu scenery very much! It's cool flying around the island and seeing areas I've been and being able to point them out, great work!!
  9. An amazing model, thank you so much for your hard work.
  10. WOW!!! If you're taking requests could I get a U of M paint
  11. I download/installed yesterday but haven't had a chance to fly it yet but I had one quick question. The water looks amazing, can we land in it? Or is it an overlay?
  12. Well I'm taking the 1st through the 15th of April off work, soooooooo..........
  13. Except that an iPad isn't very reliable or accurate. I was torn between the iPad and a 696. Here's a side by side comparison Needless to say I went with the 696.
  14. Definitely the home stretch, and a good thing too, I spent $2.33 million in FSE buying a SAAB 340 in anticipation of this release, and I can't wait to put some hours on her. HAHA, same here man, just chomping at the bit! I'm really hoping it comes out while on vacation too
  15. You can have as many companies, fly for as many as you want. But like you said, to each his own...
  16. I had it for FSX, then I found FSEconomy which totally blows it out of the water, unless you're only in to flying the heavies of course.
  17. This is excellent news for sure!
  18. That Caravan is looking schweet!
  19. The more I read this thread the more and more excited I get. Spent a few hours today surfing youtube watching RW 340 pilots flying, LOL
  20. WOW! 8)
  21. Any new shots on this project to show?
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