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  1. I second some of these observations. I love this plane and the potential it has, I bought it a few weeks after the initial relase and was initially blown away by the "how it feels" - until I started experiencing issues with FMC (Gizmo soft crashes etc., still present as of today). I know many people are extremly happy hand-flying this plane, but I on the other hand enjoy playing with and learning FMC - and FMC is not stable enough yet in my opinion, especially if one is still learning and making mistakes in its programming (as I do). One lesson I learned in the last few years after purchasing a few famous X-Plane airliners (such as those from Flight Factor) is it takes several months for them to stabilize and get proper fixes - I hope this is going to be the case too with this IXEG model; seeing the team is active on the forum I'm pretty positive it will. One thing I'd like to see is more frequent minor updates - with the great update system of this 737 I'd really love to see it used to deliver us even tiny fixes on more frequent basis. Having said that I keep my fingers crossed for IXEG team and really look forward to see what this model becomes in the upcoming months!
    2 points
  2. Thanks for the info. Getting up to 5 knots is easier said than done for me though, as the aircraft just spins around its axis most of the time. I will keep it in the hangar until I can actually control it on the ground at least reasonably well.
    1 point
  3. I will add a fix to the upcoming patch 1.1 that should avoid this behaviour. We have our own ground-model in XP10 that overrides XP´s default model. Austin changed a lot of things in XP11 to make the aircraft behave better when stopped, and also when taxiing very slow. This messed with our override. I have changed our override so that it only kicks in when going faster than 3 kts - this should avoid those problems, so you can use the IXEG in XP11, even though it is not "officially supported" yet. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  4. Nothing against IXEG, but I feel as if at this pace they will be releasing 1.1 in 2018. I understand this is their side gig, but come on, for $75 we can at least expect more consistent updates. I will probably get railed at for talking the truth, but spending $75 for quality should come with quality product support. I am growing impatient for the brand, and while I appreciate the wonderful work you guys have done (and how transparent you are), it's a little ridiculous to make us wait this long for much needed updates. I'm not one to read or write on forums often, but I would recommend writing on your product page that this is a side-gig project and is not currently 100% finished. It's not fair to people like us that don't have the means to buy a new payware every month. This is my one payware for the year (due to money constraints). I hope IXEG proves me wrong, and I really appreciate the work you guys have done thus far. All I ask for is TCAS, a progress page that works, and for the FMC to stop freezing..
    1 point
  5. Thank you so much, for being so honest with us. The situation is now more understandable and you are one of very few that take the trouble to inform your loyal customers.
    1 point
  6. I agree the question warrants an answer. I don't mind putting it out wherever I can so the word gets out. We don't know exactly when....and here's why. We all have day jobs but my particular day job is project based, rather than 9-5 based. Sometimes, these projects, being deadline based, can consume multiple months with narry any time for anything else...which is exactly what is going on at the moment. Despite my deepest desire to NOT being working on my current project, I am contractually obligated to finish it....and it is now consuming 70+ hours a week of my time and feels like "work prison". .....here's the good news though. When this project is done....and do note that I initiated this contract a good 8 months before the release of the 737..... I won't be taking on another. I will go back to the 737 and you will see the frequent updates you saw after the release as long we can find things to improve. When is this magic date? To be perfectly honest, I thought it would be by now....but sewing up final details is dragging out longer than I thought and I have no path but forward to get it out of the way and get back to the 737 for you guys. This is not an "abondonment" issue. Just the nature of the beast for x-plane devs who have to supplement the work with other forms of life support for the moment. I wish it were not so...but until x-plane has a larger market share, tis what it is. I can only assure you these folks on the team are some of the most dedicated and stable individuals I have ever worked with and have no doubt we'll be delivering again soon. -tkyler
    1 point
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Here's a basic X-Camera config file for the IXEG 737 Classic. It has: - 15 Cockpit views - 4 Wing views - 15 External views - 2 Orbits - 1 Flyby - a "walk around" type category that takes you around various areas of the aircraft TrackIR or HeadShake users will have to enable these in the X-Camera settings. No View IDs have been assigned, do this to your liking/need. If you are unsure about what this or X-Camera does, please refer to the X-Camera website. It is an essentially free camera control plugin that provides advanced camera options. It lets you set up a huge number of different views with smooth transitions and other snazzy features, like an orbit or flyby camera. Installation instructions: 1. Make sure you have a recent/current version of X-Camera installed (such as 2.1.1 as of April 2016) 2. Go to your X-Plane 10\Aircraft\X-Aviation\IXEG 737 Classic folder 3. Copy this downloaded X-Camera_B733.csv to the IXEG 737 Classic folder 4. Enjoy (or adjust to your liking in the X-Camera settings) If you have any comments or gripes, they belong here or to me via PM. I can also be contacted at doctornerdrage@gmail.com. Safe flying!
    1 point
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