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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/11/2024 in all areas

  1. For the price I paid for this aircraft, it is rarely updated, and there are plenty of things that could be fixed or made better. It's a shame, really, because I enjoy flying it for the most part, but it is always a guessing game whether or not the FMC will have problems if you try to change something in flight or the mode control panel will function properly throughout the entire flight. It is so close to being great I had hoped for a little better.
    1 point
  2. It all seems fine now, just restarted a couple of flights and I can't reproduce it. The only other thing I did on the first flight was to use the cabin crew settings to turn off all galley and cabin lighting but turned on cabin emergency lights. I only noticed the original issue because the lighting at night is done very, very well and the fluorescent light was spoiling it :)
    1 point
  3. I comprehended what was said to me: a developer trying to blame a customer's lack of knowledge for product flaws. News flash to IXEG: It's a 737, not the Felis 747-200, which is far more complex, marvelously cared for, updated constantly, and operates flawlessly. So when he throws out the fact that he's a captain to try and cover up the fact that the product is full of problems, it's pathetic.
    1 point
  4. It's nice to see how your not fully functioning FMC is a feature of a product that doesn't need updates because it's already perfect. You haven't had any improvements or bug fixes in a very long time, and you are hiding your head in the sand, saying it's perfect already because you don't know what you're doing. It's just sad. I am sure all the people on the internet complaining about the same problems are just people who do not know what we are doing because the 737-300 is so complicated we just can't get it: my god, the ego on you. It has bugs. That's just true whether you like it or not. I own thousands of dollars of payware, and a developer who does not keep up on updates has never been a sign of a product that doesn't need updates but a developer who abandons their products. Do better.
    1 point
  5. It is a contemporary misconception that a product is more valuable if it gets "frequent updates". The best product is the one that does not need updates - updating something means that it was in need of an update - hence not as good as one that is not in need of an update. The mode control panel works perfectly and if you are having problems with it (at least I can find nothing wrong with it and I flew the real aircraft for 10 years), I will go out on a limb here and say that you are not using it correctly. The same goes for the FMC, except for the clearly outlined areas where we consider it not fully functional yet as detailed in this post: https://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/8526-things-that-are-not-going-to-be-in-v15/ If you find anything not working in EXCESS to what is outlined in that post, please let us know. Best regards, Jan
    -1 points
  6. Wow. Talk about a failure to comprehend what was said to you. There was no denial of updates in the future, or that the product is in need of them. You just chose to take it all in a whole other way than intended.
    -1 points
  7. Well, if you won't tell us your issues ?????
    -1 points
  8. -1 points
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