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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/2023 in all areas

  1. Yes, @Goran_Mis working on it.
    2 points
  2. Let me say a few things about the criticism towards our DC-3. First of all, any criticism is welcomed. Even harsh ones; we can skip the harshness and see if there is any value into them, that will help us to improve. We understand that not everything is perfect and complete. Personally, I can't recall any release that was so successful that the aircraft never needed an update or fixes. On the other hand, the aircraft is far from unusable. About price: There is some criticism to be too high. You'll decide about this, but keep in mind that you get 2 aircraft, not one. While there are a lot of common elements between the two, also there is big divergence, not only on the visual part, but also to how the systems operate from the base level. For example, more than 5,000 lines of (lua) code is only for the Modern variant. There are things that might not be visible on the first sight. For example, the radio stack on the Modern variant. Except the GPS which is based on X-Plane 530 (with also support for RXP 530, and option to use the 650 instead), all other units are simulated to 95+% compared with the real life units. Include all modes, and all operations, from how to set the baro pressure on the autopilot, to store and recall stored frequencies in the COM2 radio, to OBS function on the NAV2, timers for NAV2 and 2 ADFs, to how to change your transponder ID, which initially is set by the tail number of each airframe, and much more. We are working now, harder than ever, to bring to you the updates as soon as possible, and also add things to cover user specific needs. We are deeply appreciate the money you pay for DC3, and will continue to fix and improve DC3.
    2 points
  3. Hello Captains! We are happy to announce that our Beechcraft C23 Sundowner, soon will be available for X-Plane 12! This is not a simple patch to make Sundowner X-Plane 12 compatible, but a serious upgrade with many improvements, and additions! The version that is already in the store, includes 2 versions of the aircraft, the original version, and upgraded version with Garmin's G5 avionics. The new Sundowner adds 2 more versions, for a total of 4! One with the Garmin G500, and one with Garmin 1000 avionics! Those upgrades are not simple instruments swapping, but go deep into aircraft's systems, like the electrical, which now includes all circuits breakers to be operational! Here is a feature list with all the major items: X-Plane 12 (only) compatible. Support for the full X-Plane 12 run. X-Plane 12 flight model integration, which includes: a. Flight model adjustments for correct aircraft performance. b. X-Plane 12 new weight and balance model. You can adjust the weight of each seat occupant, through X-Plane's UI. c. Yaw trim tab adjustment, for neutral rudder input at cruise. Four aircraft models, with unique panel layout, and operation. a. The original C23 Sundowner. b. C23 Sundowner with G5 Instruments (requires the RealSimGear G5 Instruments from X-Aviation store). c. C23 Sundowner with G500 Avionics Suite (requires the RealSimGear G500 Avionics Suite from X-Aviation store). d. C23 Sundowner with X-Plane's G1000 Avionics Suite. X-Plane 12 windscreen rain effects, and defrost control. Full use of X-Plane 12 lighting system. All circuit breaker are operational. Fully simulated AMR-350 TSO audio panel, for the original, G5, and G500 models. For the G1000 version, extended simulation of the GMA 1347 audio panel. All models simulate the use of headphones. Integration of Libradio, for true to life COM and NAV reception. Credits to @skiselkov. Controls and displays for COM and NAV radios, individualized per model. For the original model, G5, and G500, COM1 and NAV1 are controlled via the GNS430 head unit, and COM2 and NAV2 via the radio stack units. a. The original model has a button between CDI and DME indicators to switch sources between VOR1 and VOR2. Pressing the CDI button on the GNS430, source becomes the GPS. b. In the G5 model, NAV1 drives the G5 HSI, and NAV2 the CDI and DME indicators. c. For the G500 model, all NAV indications are displayed on the G500 PFD. New tablet location. Now stored under the panel, on the right side, and displayed on pilot's yoke. I think it's time for some images! Here you go!
    1 point
  4. Oh my gosh, I can't believe it was that simple. The shortcut "Get Info" didn't have the rosetta checkbox, but the one in the directory did. I checked it and now the G5s are working after a sign-in. Pils, thank you so much!! You are the champ.
    1 point
  5. This particular problem has been documented multiple times on our forum. It's currently a known bug with X-Plane 12, and Laminar Research is aware of it. The resolution for this will need to come from them. In the meantime, as you've observed, starting with another aircraft and then switching to the DC3 seems to be a viable workaround. I understand this is not ideal, but it's a temporary solution until the issue is addressed by Laminar Research. We appreciate your patience and understanding regarding this matter.
    1 point
  6. Always very welcome to hear from the developers about the inner workings of their products. Looks like I'll have a lot more time in the coming weeks to really explore and try out the aircraft, in both flavours, but for a V1.0 release, it's pretty good and perfectly usable. Even real world aircraft get released with known and unknown problems (737Max - I'm looking at you!) so I'm looking forward to the updates. I've only bought two aircraft from X-Aviation (so far) - the DC-3 and the TOGA Mitsubishi MU-2. True, they cost more than most, but they are also much more complex, feature rich and give a more rewarding experience all round, so for me, that's real value for money. Paint kit would be nice... can't wait to get started with some liveries!
    1 point
  7. That looks like the shortcut/alias on your desktop. You need to go to the X-Plane 12 directory itself.
    1 point
  8. I heard there was a incident long ago when the crew slipped up on the checklist and left the start level on idle when starting engine on 733...... The other add-on I could recall is PMDG744, as it can came with both with and w/o autostart option, I made a autostart on a non-autostart equipped bird and......you know the drill.... BTW most modern engine, including the one on 737NG, the EEC will not inject fuel even if you put the lever too early, rather it'll wait until certain N2 reached, maybe that's why you didn't find another one.
    1 point
  9. @Capetonian Admittedly only tried this livery, but where's the massive gap between the rudder and vertical stabilizer? I'm using a Mac. I think you are being very harsh in your criticisms. LES has produced great planes for this sim. Errors creep in, and minor graphical inaccuracies are no big deal. I usually sit in the cockpit, not outside
    1 point
  10. @alexcolka, Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We are aware of the missing switch sounds in the DC-3 modern variant. Rest assured, we have identified this bug and are currently working on a fix. We appreciate your patience and will release an update as soon as it's resolved. Thank you for your understanding!
    1 point
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