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  1. Within 5 weeks of the IXEG for V12 release....so more than a week, less than a few months. XP is full time for me now so things are moving steadily. -tkyler
    3 points
  2. Yeap. Just as on most XP12 forums they bash MSFS. When will we realize they are different sims? Do we really want the exact look and feel from both sims? X-Plane is my Sim-of-Choice, but I also occasionally enjoy the "other" sim.
    1 point
  3. I have an i7-4970, 24GB RAM, and a 1060 6GB, and XP12 runs more than fine. On performance level, is at least on par with XP11, and will utilize your graphics card better. Also, Laminar works constantly to improve performance, and will getting better with every new update. Yes, you won't turn all sliders to max, but the experience is way better than XP11. Moreover, the improvements in all fronts (FM, weather, visuals, etc) are so great, that feels a totally different sim. By the way, I use my machine for aircraft development, and I have to run X-Plane in parallel with other heavy applications. Still performance is more than OK.
    1 point
  4. Rick310 I agree with you on the buying of ac's that only last until the next version of X-Plane comes out. Yes I know a few of the authors of planes make the past planes free for the next x-plane up grade but it takes awhile for that to happen. I too have spend some heavy chump change on my sim and other downloads. The best thing I did was build my own PC for just flying. It cost me about $1200 but I made sure it had all the fastest and best systems available at the time and this was in 2022, best thing I ever did. I do have XP12 from the day it came out and still use XP11 for most of my flighting because like you I have paid for way to many XP11 planes that won't fly in 12 at this time. I also purchased MSFS and for me it was a disappointment, it all looks great but for me it takes to much time to set up to go fly and with all it's beauty, to me it is still only a game and not a real flight simulator and yes I know they don't claim to be a flight simulator. I have had (3) real planes in the past, Skyhawk, Skylane 182 and my last was the Comanche 250, so flying sim or game other than then X-Plane is a waste of my time. I am also an electrician that became a electrical contractor and later became a general contractor and that lasted for 38 years, retired now and must have over 3000 hours on my X-Plane sim. I was trying to format a external drive on my computer about 3 weeks ago and the format went to my c drive by mistake, it cost me over $1200 dollars for a computer service to recover 90% of my data, still had to reload all and any programs I needed so I know about the cost of play flying but I love it. I also lost all of my online Flight Log Book. You are free to contact me if you want. Cheers
    1 point
  5. I don't think 12 is really off to a slow start. Developers are definitely focused there. The issue is the update was significant enough to warrant enough work from developers vs previous years (like moving from 10 to 11). There's just more work to be done per product, and any developer who has been around these upgrades in the past knows that initially X-Plane is a moving target in new major versions. Laminar is still doing a lot behind the scenes, and developers are in constant contact providing feedback and trying to iron things out. X-Plane 11 is dead in terms of the future. The overall customer market has already shifted to 12 (already 70% of add-on installs are for 12 when the choice is available). As X-Plane 12 is not really all that more demanding than 11, I would suggest you download the demo of 12 if you have not already and give it a shot. You may actually like the performance. It's especially gotten better over the last few builds.
    1 point
  6. ...AND....as before. still going full bore. More than a week, but (hopefully) less than a month. Hope I don't eat those words, but if so, it won't be by much. My point is we're still moving along towards our goals according to the plan. A significant portion of 2023 will be spent on the IXEG, so we're just making sure we get off to a solid footing to continue on with further improvements. -tkyler
    1 point
  7. Recommended Videos: Reflected Reality Simulations: Preparation and Power Up Reflected Reality Simulations: Fuelling Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: Walkaround Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: Power Up APU and Electrical Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: Panel Checks and FMS Setup Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: Power Up Oxygen and Hydraulics Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: SPS, Radios and Avionics Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: EFIS Setup and Takeoff Briefing Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: Before Start, Start and After Start Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: Taxi Checks Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: Takeoff, Climb and Cruise Foxtrot Alpha Aviation: Weight and Balance
    1 point
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