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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/04/2023 in all areas

  1. Version 1.0.0


    N16W is a Challenger 605 presented here for the Challenger 650. The wheels and struts on the real aircraft are black. I have painted them black but rather imperfectly to save time. If you prefer the default gear textures simply delete the main gear and nose gear textures from this download and they will revert to the default look. Please do not modify or redistribute without permission.
    2 points
    Absolutely beautiful livery. Excellently made with the metallic stripe
    1 point
  2. @OneOffRegistrationUser Thanks for those. (got a nickname? :P) So a more comprehensive GUI/interactivity is in the planning for the Moo. I had to learn enough imGUI to get basic Moo prefs in, but couldn't spend a whole lot of time on the GUI design as it can be its own monster. For the IXEG, I'm having to get a bit deeper into imGUI as we're dumping the old, custom GUI.....and as I do, my comfort zone with it evolves. My thought is that once the IXEG is ported and more feature complete...I'll turn my interest into GUI development for just these kinds of things. In the meantime, I really appreciate your efforts and contribution! TomK
    1 point
  3. Version 1.0.0


    N17TE is Ted Turner's Challenger 605, presented here for the Hot Start Challenger 650. Please do not modify and reupload/redistribute without permission.
    1 point
  4. Version 2.2.1


    This is a 3D model of the Challenger 650 for use when flying in online networks like VATSIM. This will be visible for multiplayer traffic flying type code CL60. Downloading and Installation Instructions: Download and then extract the CL60 folder into your pilot client CSL folder (X-Plane 11/Resources/plugins/xPilot/Resources/CSL/Bluebell/ for default installs) to see this model. This model includes lights (Nav, Beacon, Landing), retractable gear, and rotating engines. There are also animated Flaps, Spoilers, Speedbrakes, and Taxi Lights, but there appears to be some dataref issues (these don't appear to animate in the sim). Hopefully we can have HotStart resolve with future updates! I do hope that we see a proper CSL done by Hot Start and the goal wasn't to replace that, but in the meantime I hope the community can enjoy this work! This model uses some parts from the XCSL C750, which were shared with permission. Please do not resell this work. Thank you!
    1 point
  5. Hi Pils, I worked with the joystick curves tonight. Control Sensitivity and Stability Augmentation were all set at zero: My PFC Jetliner Yoke has a decent fore/aft range on it in elevator control, so I did not put that much of a response curve into the Pitch Axis Response Curve: The control wheel; however, has a much smaller range compared to the airplane/simulator. I followed Austin's example and used the in-sim control wheel displacement against my Yoke displacement as I moved the ailerons left and right. The ratio is 70:40 for roll axis and 60:40 for pitch axis. For the yaw axis, I was trying to replicate the maximum input I can get from my FlightLink rudder pedals: Full right rudder gives only a 70:100 ratio. Left rudder was a little better at 92:100 ratio. In neither case can get a 1:1 ratio. I have calibrated and re-calibrated my rudders. Any suggestions? As result, I set the Yaw Response Curve to a 70:100 ratio just to make sure that I'm getting full airplane/sim rudder with full rudder on my joystick. Alas, it did not fix my V1 cut issue. With full rudder, climbing out at V2 speed, the slip indicator in the Doghouse is still 3/4 to 1 full displacement when it should be centered. I'm going to have throw that one back you folks because I can't figure out how to fix it. With these response curves in roll and pitch, the airplane does fly better. I would like to try this configuration out in some windy days, and I bet KICT will oblige me soon enough. Thanks for your comments and help! Rich
    1 point
  6. Ground Services Menu -> Restow Air Driven Generator
    1 point
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