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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2022 in all areas

  1. I foresee two 'events' with regards to the 733. Event 1 is "port to XP12 'as is'. Event 2 is 'upgrades beyond the port'. The goal of event 1 is to get it to work in XP12 the way it does in XP11 given XPlane changes. Those who have made 733 purchases since early this year will certainly get the XP12 port version for free as stated on the XA product page. Beyond that XP12 port though, we have not made any determinations about what may or may not constitute a 'paid upgrade' beyond the fact that it shouldn't be egregious or outlandish. Regarding features 'beyond the xp12 port'... we have and hear arugments all the time for/against variants, cargo versions, etc and have not made up our minds yet about what may be next. The obvious things todo are the FMS work and upgrading all the 3D/textures/animations. As far as MSFS, a lot of us developers have kept an eye out on the whole market/dev process and a port is not a trivial thing, regardless of what Fenix / inisim is doing. We're talking multiple 1000s of man hours easily, and at my age and road traveled, that's a tall order.....regardless of the money potential. I rather enjoy my little world in X-Plane and those users who also see the same value in it. Perhaps Fenix, iniSim or someone else can do a 737-300. I can't speak for any other devs in the X-Aviation ecosystem, but for our part, we'll probably stick to X-plane with the 733...best I can tell from today. -TomK
    5 points
  2. I'm thoroughly enjoying this well designed and, as far as I can tell, accurate simulation. It is a real delight to fly. But how do my expensive passengers really feel? Graeme (Reflected Reality Simulations) makes mention of this in one of his excellent instructional videos. When disembarking, my passengers always thank me for the flight, but are they really happy with that +300fpm landing, maybe a bounce and then a less than comfortable deceleration as I rapidly run out of tarmac? Or was the elderly millionaire couple unsettled by the fighter jet like departure followed by discomfort in their ears as we climbed a little too quickly? Did they really have to wear their seatbelts for the whole flight because I forgot to turn off the sign? Why did we stop so harshly at the gate? It would be interesting to gauge whether the flight has been smooth from gate to gate. Is there a way to measure the parameters of the whole flight? G-forces, vertical speed, acceleration/deceleration, etc. Is there a way that this information could be displayed in the form of a passenger satisfaction survey after the passengers have disemabarked? It would add that extra depth of immersion. Obviously, it would not apply when there are no passengers embarked, ie. Training flights! I note that Zibo has a approach and landing rating display in his excellent 737-800 simulation, the only rating, other than landing rates plugins I am aware of. I would love to try and develop something along these lines but my software skills are very basic, as in none! Anyway just an idea to add further immersion to an already peerless simulation.
    1 point
  3. Quick mod of the Q4xp pilot mod for external views thats available on the org that will gives us pilots in the external view of the 650. Follow the instructions in the mod with the exception of the positions listed below. Use these positions instead and all of a sudden you will have pilots in your Challenger not a drone. External screenshots are massively lacking with a vacant cockpit this fixes that. The original mod https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/76400-3d-pilots-mod-flyjsim-q4xp/ 650 position data Challenger positions. 00964 00000 00015 Aircraft reference 1800 inside All views No prefill No more empty cockpits.
    1 point
  4. 1 point
  5. Hi, I'm very glad that you get things working so far. Just a quick note. Sliders support two modes, the command mode with three commands (up, middle, down) and a dataref mode for min/max values. There is actually an example in the documentation: { ch = 11, cc = 0, type = "sld", dataref = "tbm900/knobs/lights/panel_brt", value_min = 0, value_max = 0.90 } What do you exactly mean with the following sentence? There is not really a ID for MIDI devices. Just same name and the two ports. Thanks, Marco
    1 point
  6. And initial testing is promising... IXEG XP12 initial testing.mp4
    1 point
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