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  1. If this is such a huge focus for you (you've mentioned doors multiple times now), you were never really the target customer for IXEG anyhow. Hate to say that, but it's true.
    1 point
  2. ...and for updating the 'last working XP11 version to similar behavior in XP12?....neither will we....we've said it many times and this is not in debate. It is a bit more of a process because XP12 has changed quite a bit with regards to engine and systems, which means we have to audit everything and surgicaly remove code that clashes with XP12 functionality...and we put in a LOT of customization. As far as a discussion of charging a fee relative to "when its finished"., too subjective......I have enough statistical evidence that says to me that a lot of folks have really enjoyed the 737 for a lot longer than the price of a 2 hour anniversary dinner...(for newlyweds anyhow). To those who would argue about 'unsimulated things', all I'm going to say is Pffff. I've been a software 'consumer' for over 40 years, and not casually, I make my living from using software, 100s of titles over the years....and this stuff is always evolving, always changing...LOTS of software is missing things. I use what I can, enjoy the good parts, don't buy what I don't like and everybody has the same choice here...we're not hiding anything. I could easily argue that a lot of products lack "immersion", realistic lighting....or decent sounds. The flight sim dev community isn't like it was. Its more saturated, the bar is higher and the detail we have to put in is a heck of a lot more than PMDG had to in its early days when it had a monopoly on the airliner market. So what would we charge for? ...I can't say, but its true we have no incentive to keep on working for free in perpetuity. Have you noticed how everything is moving to the subscription model? There's a reason for that...and guess what, I have at least 8 software subscriptions...every month/quarter....how would you guys like that? (hint, you wouldn't). If we charge for any update, its fair to say that it would have to justify the deliverable for a majority of customers (cause it'll never be all). Probably....thinking off the top of my head...., includes more variants, the FMS more complete, animated everything, more robust failure interactions, etc...stuff like that. AND it wouldn't be a full price upgrade either, I never like that idea. So...feel free to discuss as much as you like, but I just wanted to throw out some of my thoughts for folks who haven't gotten to know me over the years through other posts. TK
    1 point
  3. As far as I know, you don't engage autopilot on the runway, it's a bad idea usually for a number of reasons - I'll attempt to explain why. What I do (and I may not have that completely right and there are variations on the theme here) is before you enter the runway set the heading bug to the runway heading (should be aligned with the runway) and arm the heading pressing HDG. Verify your speed bug is set to VREF+20 (can be different with airline procedures), alt armed to the desired initial climb set by ATC as part of your clearance, or your charts if not in controlled space. You have to follow the departure chart because it keeps you safe and out of the way of other traffic. Double check the MFD for any configuration warnings (should say TO configuration ok - if not - such as spoilers, yaw damper, etc... it will tell you what's missing) - double check your flaps. Press the TOGA button on the throttle the PFD should say "TO/TO" in green. Usually you do all that before you enter the runway so you're ready to go. In the US you confirm you have received your takeoff clearance by turning your strobes on which tells the tower (and also tells other aircraft in the vicinity) visually you are starting your takeoff roll. Then with toe brakes on you advance the throttles to 50% to verify engines stabilized so you don't have to slam on the brakes if something goes sideways, then release brakes and advance to take off max or press the ATS button that should read N1 TO. The flight crew operation manual says ATS should engage automatically at 75% or so but I've not seen that in the 650 so I just press it. Rotate at VR and once positive climb verified, retract the gear, by that time tower will give you a heading to follow after your initial turn instructions and you can engage autopilot 1,000 feet above the runway (or more) one the plane is stable in climb. Because you are in HDG mode you will follow runway heading and can quickly turn to any heading specified by ATC. Usually ATC will give you a turn instruction on take-off (left or right), and/or a specific heading to follow immediately after tower hands you over to the departure controller so LNAV is usually not the first mode you're in as you will be vectored by the departure controller until you are allowed to resume your own navigation. Thus HDG mode is what you want. For vertical you probably want VS mode too as FLC mode is typically too agressive for your passengers and you want comfortable transitions and small g forces, not fighter jet behaviors. I also found in controlled space your chart says one thing, but ATC may tell you something different so FMS legs initially aren't followed that closely. Remember that you are not alone in the sky - which is hard in x-plane I know without a traffic add-on and ATC. If you ever fly online on VATSIM or pilot's edge - you'll quickly get what works and what doesn't.
    1 point
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