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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/31/2022 in all areas

  1. So finally got this figured out. Originally, I could find no indication or documentation of when the SBY button should be illuminated or extinguished with no other modes active....mostly how do you extinguish the thing at all....so in the interim I tied it to the Flight director..which is of course ON when the other modes are active, which is why the SBY light shows with other modes active (clearly wrong). But the question remained about what powers the thing? i.e. can the SBY light ever be off during normal ops? So it turns out, being part of the SPZ-500 system, it initially illuminates whenever the Radio busses are powered, so its always READY to accept a flight director mode entry. Naturally then, it extinguishes only when the radio busses are powered off or other modes are active. This can be seen in the above video at 8:11 and 8:29, where during rollout, its clearly on (but the AP servos are not)....and when he pulls in to park, its off...but so is the GPS, indicating he flipped off the radio master switches. So during nominal operation, the SBY will always be lit when no other FD mode is active. This will be implemented in the next update patch. -TK
    2 points
  2. @KirkR Sounds like that's the culprit! If the co-pilot's side is on green screen and not FMS NAV then the NAV-NAV xfer doesn't activate.
    1 point
  3. So turns out that these are "options" as part of the Sperry SPZ-500 system...and being an older system, not a lot of the inputs were integrated into small form factor interfaces.... and subsequently, not all of these options were adopted by the manufacturers. Who knows what drove the decisions...weight...panel space, etc. Below is the 'controller' that would allow you to dial in the IAS or VS for the SPZ-500 system....but this option was not installed by Mitsubishi. Because you can simply adjust the pitch wheel to dial in VS or IAS and then "lock that in" via the mode buttons may have been considered enough. Who knows. -TK
    1 point
  4. So official "full manuals" of an autopilot system as old as the SPZ-500 aren't exactly floating around freely on the internet....BUT...*wink wink.....I may or may not have miraculously gained clarity on a lot of how this system operates....AND...I may or may not...ok MAY....be updating the docs to include a comprehensive SPZ-500 supplement on how the system works with answers to all your (and even my) questions. Get ready for a few "HUHs?" (see quote below) ...can't say the AOM was as clear as....um..."my enlightenment". Turns out there are 8 other ways to disconnect the AP servos. -TK
    1 point
  5. WINDOWS users only......when a RXP GTN plugin is present, you'll get a new option in the GUI. Because RXP uses the same plugin for both the GTN 650 and 750....I have no way of knowing what products you have licensed...which is what controls what the RXP GTN plugin allows you to have. So you use the pull down to set your configuration. If you only own the 650...then select that...only the 750...or both, etc. The pull down simply controls the 3D layout of the radio panel. In the video below....I also have the RXP GNS 430/530 installed....but because these don't require a differing panel layout, there is no GUI pull down for those. The GNS units are set up via a RXP *.ini file in the Moo folder, which will be included in the next update...so if you have the RXP 430/530, those should just appear depending on your licensing I suspect. TK GTN_opt.mp4
    1 point
  6. Confirmed in this video
    1 point
  7. My updated profile for the Bravo : https://forum.aerosoft.com/index.php?/files/file/6481-toga-simulation-mu-2-honeycomb-bravo-profile/
    1 point
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