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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/05/2022 in all areas

  1. My European brain can't fathom routes with discontinuities in them! Direct direct direct with no airways please! FMS-6000 doesn't allow this and the 605/650 manual words it almost identically to Textron's PTM. Filed up for fix, nice one!
    2 points
  2. Version 1.1.0


    N670BP is a Challenger 605 presented here for the Hot Start Challenger 650. Please do not modify and redistribute without permission.
    1 point
  3. Nice! I'm with ya. DIRECT destination! I'm just looking out for the (casual) online simmers that file airways. As an example where this could burn someone is transitioning from an airway to an arrival with VNAV altitudes. Example below: KMEM - KOKC Route: DUCKZ5 HELAR KOMMA J6 DWINE.RIFFLE3 If I delete the discon after J6, that airway is gone (should not happen). Ok no biggie, I'll just enter DWINE at the TO field..... DISCONT is resolved and it's all connected. HOWEVER...... when you go to the LEGS page, the VNAV altitude and speed restriction (at or below FL190, speed 280) associated with DWINE are gone (because we manually entered DWINE). A casual simmer, that doesn't brief the arrival and verify the altitudes/speeds, could get "burned" if given descend via. Hope that makes sense.
    1 point
  4. It's getting on for two years now since the O/P's comment. In the current version (1.33), I still cannot access the menus from within VR. That sure is "not very high priority"! Will this happen soon now please? Switching from VR to monitor to access the a/c menu is really not very practical. Thanks
    1 point
  5. If you use the VR controllers, all the switches work except the ones that have 3 position (ex: audio test 1, audio test 2, return to center). None of them are critical to normal operations, I just skip these tests. If you don't want to use VR controllers, you need a hell of a lot of buttons on your joysticks or be able to use your keyboard blind, because, well, this plane has a lot of buttons! For some reason, the throttle absolutely requires a joystick. If I move it up with a VR controller it snaps right back to zero, even if I removed the throttles from all joystick axis. Also thrust reversers are not usable with VR controllers, you must bind it to a joystick button. The popups: fuel guy, phone for Jenny do not appear in VR. You need to go back to 2D to use them. I don't use Jenny, and I start with the fuel guy and finish it before I go into VR (or go out and back in) Do not enter VR until you exit the FBO and are outside next to the plane. So, far from perfect, but still doable if you don't mind the compromises. It is absolutely awesome to fly this bird in VR. You just feel so "present". It's like you can feel it's weight and inertia. I would not wait, knowing what I know. It's perfectly ok to wait too. Hope this helps. PS: I fly with G2
    1 point
  6. TKS,really solve my annoying issue!
    1 point
  7. Hi all, changes have been made to the beta build to eliminate this behaviour. This will be included in the next release.
    1 point
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