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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/14/2019 in all areas

  1. Jack, this is not meant to be rude in any way, but you do know how the reverse logic works in the Hotstart TBM, do you? This is from the manual: Please note that in the simulation, as in the real aircraft, you cannot move the throttle from the POWER range into the TAXI and REV ranges without lifting the flight idle lockout to get over the flight idle stop gate. To actuate this lockout, you will need to map a button or key to the sim/engines/thrust reverse toggle command (aka “Toggle thrust reversers”). Pressing this button or key will lift the lockout. NOTE Activating the “reverse toggle” command does NOT engage reverse thrust. The default X-Plane behavior has been overridden by the TBM900 simulation to behave as in real life. Instead, activating this action simply lifts the lockout tab. You then need to move your throttle past the flight idle stop and into the TAXI or REV ranges. Once in the ranges, you can release the “reverse toggle” button/key. The lockout tab will not re-engage until you again transition the throttle into the POWER range. This means all you need to do is to map your physical throttle axis as "throttle" in xplane, no curve whatsoever needed. It will control the whole range from alpha over beta to reverse, but to get into reverse you need to press a button which you have assigned to the "toggle reverse" command.
    1 point
  2. My X5600 Rhino doesn't have any physical detent on the throttle quadrant, but I can set the response curve for one of the throttle levers (the X5600 has dual throttle levers) in XP, and get the Beta to work, so in essence, I can bring the throttle back to a point, then the aircraft will respond go to idle, with the throttle movement going further back, and Beta engages. A full throttle back will engage reverse. In the response curve dialog, via the controller settings, there is a checkbox that enables you to use Beta/Reverse...pretty simple. After a test flight with these settings, I can land now, and quickly engage reverse and slow the aircraft down much easier.
    1 point
  3. Hmm, ok but it doesn't need any specific switches. You just need to bind any button or even a key for the specific command.
    1 point
  4. Just curious, what makes the TQ6 so special that it doesn't work with the TBM's reverse logic?
    1 point
  5. Sounds like you are on the right track about response curves. Check out this video from the God of X-Plane himself. Go to 2:22 where he describes how turboprops work and also instructs you on how to edit response curves. I'm about to give this a try myself, as I just bought the TBM-900 (awesome plane btw) and I need to get all my controls set properly for her.
    1 point
  6. Hi everyone I dont have many posts in forums, I only usually post when I need some help etc and I have been flight simming since 1998, started with Microsoft etc etc..P3d, and got xp11 about 3 years ago. Since I purchased the TBM I haven't given my time to any of the other study aircraft I have in my hanger, I just love this aircraft, it is phenomenal...I can take off and land this baby all day long! I Recently I got into ortho scenery and I'm having a ball in California at the moment, stunning scenery, I mean ....wow.....it must be awesome to fly there in real life....busy airspace obviously! Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you Goran and team, remarkable achievement what you have done, I'm not a real pilot but I do consider myself an experienced simmer and the TBM900 is a outstanding simulation for sure! Thank you Regards Paul EGCC
    1 point
  7. Hello again. I'd like to give another update. During our investigation into updating our NavData to the XP1100 format, it became apparent that this must be the way to go for long-term future compatibility and more reliable route calculations, including holds, but would require a significant rewrite of the FMS base architecture to do so. So over the last 4 weeks, we have done exactly that. We now have the beginnings of a 2nd FMS running in parallel with... but independently of.... our original FMS. We are running 'newFMS' on CDU1 and 'oldFMS' on CDU2. We will NOT be simulating dual FMCs though. This old/new arrangement only exists so we can compare the new with the old while developing the new. It is much like building a new bridge alongside an old bridge...and when the new one is ready, we will remove the old. Much of the challenges we have faced with regards to drawing routes / vnav have been related to the limited nature of the navData format we have used since we began the project. Moving to a format which have been designed expressly for "navigation processing" will go a long way towards easing our algorithm development. The image below shows the two CDUs, both on the "IDENT" page, but clearly displaying differing data as they use differing algorithms/databases....and for those curious, the pilot CDU displays 'odd' formatting simply because we were testing our new display drawing code. We are very excited moving to this new XP1100 format. We have, in 4 weeks, accomplished what took us over 24 months to accomplish originally. Of course we have the benefit of experience, but the elegance and efficiency of the new navData format and architecture allow us to focus on the FMS functionality by orders of magnitude more than before. With the new infrastructure complete, we will begin working on the route editing. The current navData set only supports about 8 different waypoint types. Arcs are not supported, as is common in today's RNAV procedures, but the new format contains all path/terminator types typical in today's procedures. As usual, we thank you for any patience you have managed to muster as we work to improve the IXEG 733. P.S. Jan and myself will be at Flight Sim Expo in Orlando, FL/USA in a few weeks if anyone wants to talk shop. -Tom Kyler
    1 point
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