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  1. The above screenshot is all the information I have. I assume a future xplane update will resolve the issue. Possibly even 11.30.
    2 points
  2. SOLVED- The trick is you need to hit the ENT key to adjust the MAp View, which, if I am reading the G1000 Manual correctly, is not the way it is done on the real thing which is what was throwing me.
    1 point
  3. Ok, Thanks for the support and additional information. Have a good day.
    1 point
  4. Actually, there's a "mode" you need to go into which puts the throttle into Taxi/Reverse. In the real aircraft, this is aft of the Flight Idle position. What you need to do is assign a button on your joystick/yoke to turn on "reverse" in the X-Plane preferences, or a keyboard shortcut if you aren't using one of those. What I do is press the reverse key I've assigned when the throttle is in Flight Idle. At that point when I push the throttle back up its as if (again the real plane) the handle is aft of flight idle and you'll see you get proper taxi speeds. If you pull back far enough you'll see you go into "reverse" which is not recommended during taxi. Full Reverse can be/is used on landing. When you push the throttle up a bit higher than taxi it reverts back to flight idle so you may have to press reverse again if you go there by mistake during taxi. The coolest part is that when you're in reverse/taxi mode you see the throttle graphic on the screen so you know you're there. Once again - this aircraft is incredible!
    1 point
  5. FYI we do seem to have finally cracked the nut on VR support for SkyMaxx Pro - at least it's working here with our Vive Pro. We're waiting to get a build into beta testers' hands. Stay tuned!
    1 point
  6. Make sure you have the com/mic button turned on in the audio panel!
    1 point
  7. Version 1.01


    *** XSaitekPanels map for HotStart TBM900 for: - Multipanel - Radiopanel - Switchpanel *** Requirements: - XSaitekPanels - v2.75+ https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/14646-xsaitekpanels-linwinmac3264/ - FlyWithLUA for XP11 https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/38445-flywithlua-ng-next-generation-edition-for-x-plane-11-win-lin-mac/ *** Installation: Remove any existing TBM900 XSaitekPanels mappings. Copy "xsaitekpanels.ini" into TBM900 root folder. (ex. "[X-Plane]\Aircraft\X-Aviation\TBM-900\") Copy "acexsp_TBM900.lua" into FlyWithLUA Scripts folder. (ex. "[X-Plane]\Resources\plugins\FlyWithLua\Scripts\") *** Tested with TBM900 v1.08 *** Mapping: Multipanel: - ALT - Altitude dial - VS - Vertical speed - IAS - Speed dial - HDG - Heading dial - CRS - Captain's course dial - AT - Nothing - TRIM - MCP wheel - FLAPS - Flaps Autopilot: - AP - AP (YD) - HDG - HDG - NAV - NAV - IAS - FLC (SPD) - ALT - ALT - VS - VS - APR - APR - REV - VNAV Radiopanel: - All standard default mapping. Switchpanel: - STARTER - AUX BP - BAT - Battery - ALT - Generator - AVIONICS - AP Trims - FUEL - Fuel Sel - DE-ICE - Airframe de-ice - PITOT - Pitot & Static - COWL - Inertial separator - PANEL - Dimmer - BEACON - Pulse - NAV - Nav - STROBE - Strobe - TAXI - Taxi - LANDING - Landing *** Known issues & limitations: - None. All should work fine.
    1 point
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