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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/05/2018 in all areas

  1. So we've been hard at work at implementing a custom icing simulation & rendition. Everything dynamic and done via shaders, of course. Depiction of severe icing encounter. Inboard boot just inflated, so inboard leading edge is flaky as the ice flew off in chunks. Notice the ice isn't just a surface effect, it appreciably increases the thickness of the wing, as there are several inches of packed ice in this image: The jagged leading edge in the following screenshot is due to ice crystal growth. This is what makes the wing stop behaving like a wing and instead gives it the refined aerodynamic qualities of a brick: Any exposed sharp edges and point-like structures are prime ice accumulation space: Including wing leading edges, strakes, exposed antenna housings and flap fairings: While stationary on the ground, ice also tends to accumulate on the fuselage:
    2 points
  2. I really do like this plane. Although it is a bit rough round the edges at the moment compared to the likes of other addon aircraft, I can't help but want to fly it. I think you will agree that it looks cool and pulls off that nostalgic dial immersive feeling what all us steam gauge nutters strive for in a flight sim environment.
    1 point
  3. uhhh can we all just wait patiently pls
    1 point
  4. Hope to make these liveries public......wonderful plane
    1 point
  5. So: 1. Andrey has already put a warning label on his software stating that his plugin might not work with some addons. 2. Andrey has admitted that the problem with the Saab/IXEG/Gizmo is his/x-plane's problem and that he is working on a fix. 3. We should put a warning label on our products just to make you happy? Go find something else to do.
    1 point
  6. Or you could argue that you donate to xEnviro because the bug is their problem. There is literally not a single thing I can do about it. They have admitted they're on track to a fix and have discovered that it is their problem. What would you have me do? Ask them for source code to their product? Your attitude is laughable.
    1 point
  7. They can not solve their current problems Months. As I said, crashing only with this aircraft.
    -1 points
  8. Yes, of course, this is my problem. I need waiting until they will release 1.10 That means months. I have just donate x-aviation.com I have no more questions BB. I know just one, I play without any problem wit other add - ons. problem started with this Aircraft.
    -1 points
  9. laughable is your answers to customers ! Are you asking source code for IXEG 737 (?) no then Why is playable IXEG 737, and other add-ons ?! you must ask yourself this question, not me. I Am sure, that update need the Saab 340A.
    -1 points
  10. I see, that here a certain sect has gathered.
    -1 points
  11. It's enough from the first your posts. As You can see, I have stopped give you questions, days ago. ...But you and Ben Russell continue to repeat all the same, what was said first of the day, are you provoke me ? In my opinion it's better to close this topic. Next time, I will know, that purchased your goods, may not work, and that's normal, and not ask questions. And if ask questions, developers will start to "downvote" me, also fanboys will trolling, and blame me for trolling. p.s. Andrey (from xEnviro) has noticed to himself add-on, that will not work, with some add-ons... I would advise doing the same for Saab 340 at least until the correction of the add-on, which can last for months.
    -1 points
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