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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/07/2018 in all areas

  1. Hi Sundog & Cameron, Phfff ... problem solved ! It was/is extremely weird and puzzling: Speech2Go Voice package is the culprit. In order to enrich ATC voices a bit, i installed some ivona voices and with them Speech2Go. If i select one of the ivona voices as default voice for Windows 7, the problem arises under some particular conditions which i am not aware of. As soon as i select a non ivona voice i.e "Microsoft Anna" the problem disappears. It looks like Speech2Go changes the working directory of the X-Plane process to "Program Files (x68)/Speech2Go voice package/x64" and each access to files from X-Plane with a relative ( to X-plane working directory) path is diverted to this location. And of course, there are no files needed by SkyMaxx. This was it, thanks for your endeavour and sorry for wasting your time Dscho
    1 point
  2. I hope your assumption comes true. We really do enjoy this, though. I've wanted to do an aircraft like this (single engine turboprop) for a long time, and totoritko and I really do enjoy what we do. Hopefully the passion comes through in the final product.
    1 point
  3. With the exterior of the TBM 900 all but completed, Cullen Chandler (Cessnarox on Twitch) provided feedback and specifications for a user friendly paint kit. He started painting the TBM a couple of days ago. Eventually, the paint kit and these repaints will be made available to the community. Here's a gallery of the first repaint he made. And these are his latest images.
    1 point
  4. Not really a request for support, but I want to remark on a few things that came up in the tutorial flight that might be useful for improving the tutorial. Actually it's been a few weeks since I bought this and did the tutorial flight, I hope I remember everything. Configuring the CTOT wasn't mentioned, I guess in an earlier version it was already set to 108% in cold&dark. Similarly the nosewheel steering wasn't mentioned. page 11, Takeoff says to advance power levers with armed CTOT and leave it once CTOT takes over. Together with the later deactivation of CTOT and not moving the power lever, this implies that climb power is always 64%. This should be explicit if correct. On the other hand, I've seen a video where real world pilots first set climb power (presumably) and then activate CTOT for takeoff power. Same page, "engage the Autopilot, located on the center console." That switch isn't so obvious, the description should be better or there should be a picture. page 12, turning off CTOT. I have seen it described as turning down the CTOT selector to its lowest setting and only then switching it off. That should probably be mentioned as a smoother method of turning off CTOT. page 15, climbing and power. "Continue your climb to 21,000 feet adjusting power as you climb" but it doesn't say to what end power should be adjusted. Possibly to maintain constant climb rate, but can it maintain the same climb all throughout from ground to cruise? "If you find yourself climbing too slowly" but what exactly is too slowly for a turboprop? The lack of an explicit vertical profile is a general problem in the tutorial, nowhere does it say which altitude you are expected to be at at different stages. page 18, Descent says to descend at 1300 fpm to 3000 feet. So power levers left in cruise power? Reading would suggest that since "disengage the friction locks" only comes later. Should be explicit since it feels unusual. (Also again the lack of a vertical profile.) Also how to set the autopilot to a 1300 fpm descent isn't described and the knobs aren't obvious or intuitive (unless you have flown other planes with similar autopilot controls). page 20, turning off yaw damper for landing. Nowhere in the documentation, tutorial or otherwise, is the location of the yaw damper switch described. I figured it's next to the autopilot switch, but was it the left or the right one... Disconnecting the autopilot at 50 ft AGL seems rather late for clear day visual conditions.
    1 point
  5. Seems that the problem is only present with the latest (or later) version(s) of XPUIPC. Here a user was able to resolve it by reverting to the initial release: http://forums.x-pilot.com/forums/topic/14345-assigned-throttle-axes-dont-work/ Although the author's site seems to be down or under construction, there's an archived version available: https://web.archive.org/web/20171109165154/http://www.tosi-online.de/XPUIPC/XPUIPC.html
    1 point
  6. Two weeks later and I can finally fly the plane. Like you deleting XPUIPC solved the problem. It's a shame I won't be able to track flights but I just am looking forward to actually flying the plane. I had previously disabled plugins but I had to physically delete XPUIPC for it to actually have an effect. Thanks a bunch Josh
    1 point
  7. Hi Jan, Thank you for quick reply, and suggestions to solve the issue. I have solved the issue now. As you mentioned, I started backtracking my changes. I have found that XPUIPC prevents the throttle to respond. Apparently XPUIPC monitors the throttle to output information to 3. party apps. In my case I use ProjectFly and XPUIPC to feed the data. When I removed XPUIPC from the plugin folder, everything worked as it should. Best regards Michael
    1 point
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Old tarom livery for the IXEG 733 find more of my liveries @ https://www.facebook.com/krankyliveries
    1 point
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