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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/2018 in all areas

  1. Honestly..I feel like I've reached flight sim nirvana with XP11 VR. It is like completely rediscovering simming. I mean, I have dozens of planes and helicopters I just want to go fly because of this. Tonight, I got hung up on just two. With the caveat that not all things are working in the cockpits..but just getting the engines running and _flying_ is so, so good. I just can't stop going "whoa.."... The JRollon T-34C..a pretty old plane..but it looks fantastic in VR. Lots of smudges, scratches, and dirt on the canopy..and the whirling prop arc out front makes it really feel like a beast. And you can even slide into the rear cockpit. I tooled around the Mt. Hood area. Despite the high tree density, my FPS was fantastic. A hiccup or two here when loading new areas..but for the most part just fluid flying around some gorgeous scenery. So I did some rolls, a loop, then flew along inverted for a while...and darned if my engine didn't quit. I was at about 11,000'...and it was a flurry of hoping stuff would work. Condition lever to cut-off, prop forward, starter engage, hope for 12% or so, condition lever forward...a bit of a warmish start..but we are flying again.. Just insanely fun.. Picked out a little dirt strip to land at... Did some more flying...I tried Boeing Field, and that had too many objects. I stuck with it..and just didn't move my head for about ten seconds and everything loaded..if I moved my head to fast, objects would have to load and I'd get judder. But after taking off..and as more and more objects faded away behind me..things settled out. Not the best feeling for someone that might be prone to VR sickness..but it didn't bother me. I still haven't tired that plug-in above that limits or dials back objects to maintain a minimum FPS. With a little bit of VR compatibility tweaking (getting buttons and some knobs to work)..the T-34C could have a long X-Plane life ahead. Or at the minimum, some sort of mouse pointer will solve many of these problems... Anyway..I'm just bouncing off the walls here with excitiment. Yeah..there are challenges ahead (clouds, FPS with weather, etc..)..but man it is fun stuff. BeachAV8R
    2 points
  2. Yes, I know that many other planes have things that make it more "convenient" and "easier" for the user to fly the plane. For us it is still a design choice to not make our plane easier to fly than the real aircraft. I am sure that real pilots would love to have "pop-out" instruments that they could suspend in front of them mid-air...but they haven´t invented those yet. You have to constantly glance up and down and going from instrument flight to visual flight with a low ceiling/visibility is a skill that needs to be trained and honed. I am aware that it is a bit harder in a desktop simulator to "look around" - and thats a reason why we have the "mini-pop-up" when changing a setting on the EFIS control panel. I would also like to have some functionality that simulates a second person in the cockpit, because flying the 737 alone is a challenge. We will add some options to sync the altimeter setting, DH settings and speed bugs, for example. I also know that resolution of a typical computer screen (1920x1080) is not really helpful when reading small info on your instrument - but hardware is on the way of "curing" all those limitations (4K displays, VR). I find it not difficult at all to find a seat position that allows me to see all relevant instruments during approach. I am certain that the designers of the other aircraft have their reasons for adding features and I won´t say that that is wrong at all - it´s just that you guys are stuck with a purist like me when flying the IXEG 737 and will have to learn to cope "the real way". Sorry Cheers, Jan
    2 points
  3. I don´t have the FF320, but what I have seen in the videos is absolutely amazing. I fly the A320 family in real life (for 5 years now) and I haven´t seen anything "wrong" in those videos. I can´t comment on the flight-model, but it is certainly a day-one-buy for me! Thanks for the kind words about our 737 - I can assure you that work is ongoing. Just yesterday we have fixed a bug about the pressurization - now it won´t be possible to pressurize the aircraft if any of the cargo doors is open. And of course - if a cargo door pops open in flight (failure simulation some day...) -> rapid decompression. Also fixed the cargo door compartment only being lit if the ground service bus is carrying power... Cheers, Jan
    2 points
  4. Does this mean that IXEG team categorizes "Cockpit builder" community as not interesting customer target, and that nothing will be done concerning the possibility to have instruments on external screen? Not interested in becoming the new/better alternative to ProSim and Co? Cheers Sylvain
    1 point
  5. This project is at full... throttles!
    1 point
  6. Create a coroute folder in the main aircraft folder for IXEG.
    1 point
  7. I should of asked this question three months ago. I've been trying to save flights with no success. Thanks Sir for the information
    1 point
  8. I could - but I don´t want to to. I stand by the credo of "letting users experience what it is to fly a real 737". Mini-EHSI-popups are not part of that. Jan
    1 point
  9. the actual FM that zibo is using is by far the worst.
    1 point
  10. Yes, I totally agree with @foobar The IXEG is the best aircraft add-on for X-Plane, the level of details is amazing and the flight simulation is at the top. In my opinion there isn't any comparison with the others good add-on like A320 JAR, A320FF or B737-800 Zibo mod.. I wish to the IXEG team long life and good news about their wonderful project. I will wait with a lot of patience the next patch, hoping to have also the doors opening....
    1 point
  11. Version 1.1


    This is a first release of the first CS100 as it was at its first flight. You can use these files if you mention the credits. Version 1.0 Entirely made using Plane Maker, no objects.
    1 point
  12. 48 downloads

    Vestas Sailrocket for X-Plane. This is a model of the record breaking Vestas Sailrocket. It can only sail on one tack, but uses basic physics to achieve great speeds. Vestas Sailrocket currently holds: Fastest 500m speed average record: 65.45 Kts, 121 kmph, 75.2 mph Fastest nautical mile speed average record: 55.32 Kts, 102.45 kmph (This boat is faster than Hydroptere) I have tried to re-enact Sailrocket for X-Plane as a basic simulation. Although the wind angle is not accurate in the simulator, you can still expect similar handling and lift effects that happens on the real thing. In the real world, the pressures coming off the hydrofoil and the wing sail equal out to create a balanced forward movement. As the speed increases the wing beam on the boat lifts the sail section to flight and the boat is half skimming, half hydro-foiling at about 2.5 times the speed of the wind. The apparent wind speed swings forward so the boat is sailing almost directly into the wind. The offset of the fuselage is designed to point exactly into the apparent wind angle in order to decrease drag. In X-Plane, there is no balanced force coming off the hydrofoil because water resistance underwater is not calculated. That is why you need the wind at the aft quarter of the boat, to blow it along without it slipping to leeward. The model works, but it can only to two thirds of the speed of the wind. SETUP: Make sure that the wind direction is in the aft quarter of the boat. If you set the wind angle too far forwards the wing sail will stall and you will never get out of irons. It will take a bit of trial and error to get the thing at the right angle, and you can do this by flicking in and out of weather setup menu to adjust wind speed and direction. Once you get it right the boat should just take off and normalize its heading. I have tested this model in up to 200 Kts of wind speed! (got it cruising along at about 170kts) You will find when you increase the wind speed the wing sail will flip upwards and the boat will fly at a 45 degree angle. Lover the wing flap and this will make the boat level out. I don't expect everybody to get this boat going, but if you do, I hope you have fun! (I'm thinking of doing a trans-atlantic sail soon) ---- I hope you enjoy sailing X-Plane's fastest boat! And if you like it, rate it!
    1 point
  13. 685 downloads

    This is an SU-35 Flanker of the soviet Air force. Given permission by a friend to post. Have fun! Admins/mods: If necessary, I will show the permission form.
    1 point
  14. File Name: SkySport98 File Submitter: 98Aerospace File Submitted: 21 Oct 2012 File Category: General Aviation X-Plane Version(s): X-Plane 9 SkySport98 After strapping gutsy test pilots into our work-in-progress aircraft for months now, we though that they needed a bit of luxury, so we designed a leasurely and fun, single seat stunt / sport biplane to take the ease off the job. The result was so spectacular, we decided to share it to you for you to enjoy aswell! Originally designed as a test aircraft for the latest XSTOL technology, this Biplane is very lighweight, with a fuselage built out of an Epoxy / Carbon / Chevlar sandwich. Our airfoil researchers have found the perfect airfoil shape to take advantage of the aircrafts' powerfull 315 Hp radial engine, and our designers at the 98' shop have found a way to make a stable wing system that doesn't require wire bracing. We have also teamed up with Ferrari to taylor make our leather cockpit seating and dash panel, and Avidyne to supply the systems for our deluxe PFD glass display. The SkySport has been made ready so it can be entered into the RENO air races, and has been given a nimble flight characteristic for optimum performance. It can fly at the lowest speed of 25 Kts, and max of 200, and can take off almost instantly thanks to XSTOL technology. XSTOL is STOL, but under the restrictions that the aircraft can take off in less than 800 ft and carry a load greater than its own weight, and we have acheived XSTOL by far, and the team at the lab are very happy with this indeed! Click here to download this file
    1 point
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