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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/12/2017 in all areas

  1. Yes, we are running a complex fluid dynamic calculation. We are breaking the coffeeliquid apart into 50 million particles (I know, a gross simplification), all bound by cohesive forces, calculate Braunian molecular motion (depending on the coffee´s temperature), then apply adhesive forces (where the coffee touches the cup). Finally apply (varying with altitude and geographic location) earth gravitational force and aircraft motion´s force, and we get a fairly decent presentation of a moving liquid. This will only cost you 50 to 80% of available framerate, dependent on your computer. We thought about making the effect optional, but we strive for utmost realism, and this one you just can´t go without (even though you may think you can)! Enjoy the coffee! Jan
    3 points
  2. Turth is we like talking about stuff too. It builds enthusiasm and our own energy. Problem is 2017 was the year of the Internet Troll. A small % of people can be excepttionally good at making life crap for developers. And thus we go radio silent. Thanks for your enthusiasm for our products. We appreciate it.
    2 points
  3. Thank you for your answer, I mean really. I’m really tired of developers giving no information at all. All we need is more transperancy imo, answers might not be what we hope, but knowing something is not gonna happen soon is way better than hoping something won’t happen soon
    2 points
  4. Hello Jan. Does holds, offset and better vnav calculations are in your high priority list(if there is something like that)? Should we expect them on 2018(early/mid/late?) and one more thing, will you be changing flight model to suit 11.10 or will you leave it as it is?
    2 points
  5. There is a deliberate delay on the outboard ground spoilers in real (1,25s). The reason is that airliner wings (supercritical airfoils, or aft loaded wings) have a larger portion of the lift on the wing trailing end (further aft than a conventional wing). So when the spoilers deploy, center of lift moves significantly forward, this will cause an UP pitching moment that *can* result in a tail strike. So by putting in a delay, the nose will be on its way down when this happens and reduces the chances.
    1 point
  6. 2018. I don´t know if you read the previous info, but don´t expect too much from this interim patch. The only thing you will probably notice is added reflections for the cockpit instruments. Beyond that it is some stability fixes to the FMS, but nothing else. Certainly not enough to mash your refresh button constantly . Jan
    1 point
  7. Much appreciated, Sovik. It's definitely a tough one to figure out, but we're working on it. I can't throw any blame towards Laminar. They've given us a fantastic sim, that's advanced by leaps and bounds over 2 versions. So I'm prepared to do a little extra work if it means we get a fantastic sim.
    1 point
  8. Saab I'm working on 1.5 as I type this. V2 is several months off. Its almost an entirely new aircraft. Citation will follow the Saab. Unfortunately, no ETA as of this post, but I don't think it will be far after the Saab.
    1 point
  9. The plane should "just work" with 11.10. The flight-model-changes are "opt in" - which means they won´t apply until the aircraft is re-saved in planemaker version 11.10. I can´t confirm any reports of navigation receivers or taxi-lights not working - nothing was changed in that regard between 11.05 and 11.10. That being said, we are finalizing patch 1.21 that will (among some more stability fixes and other small enhancements) bring new compatibility to take advantage of 11.10´s new features and also the reflective glass surfaces in the cockpit. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  10. OK. time for a heads up. I'll start by quoting myself from almost a year ago; So, things are developing as we expected Those of you that are following the 11.10 beta know that Austin now has implemented DOWNWASH. Downwash is simply put air that is deflected downwards behind the wing and is one of the factors that produce lift. So behind the wing, the air flows at a downwards angle. HOWEVER, the downwash area is not just limited to the area just behind and above the wing, and I bet most of you do not know the magnitude and forces that are in play. Have a look at this photo (Below) I took a while back. You can see (on the very dirty A321) how the air moves around the wing, puts things in perspective. Upwash (in front) and downwash (behind). So if you thought the air just rushes by your passenger window horizontally, you were wrong. As you can see, the direction of the air even far above and away from the wing is not horizontal. This downwash area also extends all the way back to the tail and (can) hit the horizontal stabilizer. And this is where things get complicated. The downwash hitting the tail will cause an UP pitching moment. How much depends on the aircraft geometry. An aircraft with a high tail like an MD80 will hardly notice this, while a 737 will notice some even though the tail is 2-3 meters above the wing. So this affects normal flight. ALSO, when an aircraft is landing, it enters what we call ground effect (GE). Many believe GE is one effect, but there are atleast 3 that we need to take into account. One of them is affected by downwash and change in pitching moment. When an aircraft approaches ground (less than 1 span) altitude, the downwash angle will get more shallow. This causes less downforce on the tail and you will get a nose DOWN tendency which will affect your landing. Also, it will affect your takeoff where the opposite happens. This is very complex stuff to put it mildly. So what is going on right now? We are working with Austin providing documentation and tests to get the magnitude of these effects right. It also means that we will need to recalibrate the 737 to get it back to where it was. The good news is that Austin now has implemented the designers need to save the aircraft for the new effects to take effect. In other words the 737 will perform as expected until we release an update with the recalibration. So nothing for you guy's to worry about. We do NOT recommend you open the aircraft and save it yourself. Most likely you will be out of trim in cruise and overpitch on takeoff etc. M
    1 point
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