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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/10/2017 in all areas

  1. Yes, we are running a complex fluid dynamic calculation. We are breaking the coffeeliquid apart into 50 million particles (I know, a gross simplification), all bound by cohesive forces, calculate Braunian molecular motion (depending on the coffee´s temperature), then apply adhesive forces (where the coffee touches the cup). Finally apply (varying with altitude and geographic location) earth gravitational force and aircraft motion´s force, and we get a fairly decent presentation of a moving liquid. This will only cost you 50 to 80% of available framerate, dependent on your computer. We thought about making the effect optional, but we strive for utmost realism, and this one you just can´t go without (even though you may think you can)! Enjoy the coffee! Jan
    10 points
  2. Saab I'm working on 1.5 as I type this. V2 is several months off. Its almost an entirely new aircraft. Citation will follow the Saab. Unfortunately, no ETA as of this post, but I don't think it will be far after the Saab.
    3 points
  3. That sir made my day, Best developer I`ve ever encountered,
    2 points
  4. so thats where my FPS are !!!
    2 points
  5. All is fine with my XP11.10 + IXEG 737 combination, did a 3 hour flight yesterday and doing a return flight right now, oh wait I noticed something...A free cup of coffee!!!, And first officer got one too!!!, thanks IXEG team:) looks like I might of spilled some during my bumpy landings:) On a serius note, all fine so far Im sure coffee was there before 11.10 ;), only noticed now
    2 points
  6. The plane should "just work" with 11.10. The flight-model-changes are "opt in" - which means they won´t apply until the aircraft is re-saved in planemaker version 11.10. I can´t confirm any reports of navigation receivers or taxi-lights not working - nothing was changed in that regard between 11.05 and 11.10. That being said, we are finalizing patch 1.21 that will (among some more stability fixes and other small enhancements) bring new compatibility to take advantage of 11.10´s new features and also the reflective glass surfaces in the cockpit. Cheers, Jan
    2 points
  7. I can confirm that with the final X-Plane 11.10 now out, the autopilot of the Saab 1.4 has problems. It oscillates with ever increasing amplitude around the set values - a behavior I would expect form a PID Regulator with a too small or absent D term (the differential dampening term). I must say, I saw similar things in the Rotate MD-80 (not as pronounced, but still clearly discernible) and that one also uses the X-Plane bultin ATHR and Autopilot. In the long run I think it more than makes sense to implemenet an Autopilot if it's own for a plane - relying on the X-Plane stuff seems to break planes over and over again. What astonishes me though is that with 11.05 the autopilot seems to work ok - that a minor version increase of a flight sim breaks an autopilot so severely is a bit of a negative surprise (and has a lot to do with XPlane, not with you guys).
    1 point
  8. if PLANE_ICAO == "B733" and EnableIXEGGear == true then dataref("GEAR", "ixeg/733/gear/gear_handle_act", "writable") dataref("GEARSTATUS", "sim/cockpit2/controls/gear_handle_down", "readonly") leverpos = 3 function b733gear2functions() if not button(HotasThrottle+21) and not button(HotasThrottle+22) and GEARSTATUS == 0 then leverpos=1 GEAR = 0.5 end if button(HotasThrottle+21) and GEARSTATUS == 1 then command_once("sim/flight_controls/landing_gear_up") GEAR = 0 leverpos=0 end if button(HotasThrottle+22) and GEARSTATUS == 1 then command_once("sim/flight_controls/landing_gear_down") GEAR = 1 leverpos=2 end end do_often ("b733gear2functions()") end
    1 point
  9. Hi! Just something that might help people using Windows Defender like I am: the tip works, but only if you exlude the X-plane folder too, and just not the x-plane exe and/or process. I didn't read properly at first and just exluded the exe file.
    1 point
  10. What is your problem Cameron!! Why cant you just help people in a civil manner.
    -2 points
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