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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/12/2017 in all areas

  1. In collaboration with LatinVFR, we are converting John Wayne Orange County (KSNA) for X-Plane! The project is already in an advanced stage. About the project: Will be converted for X-Plane 11, to our team's standards of quality. That mean, parts that are not looking good in X-Plane, will be replaced with ours. For X-Plane 11, using the latest technology like PBR materials, animated jetways and more Updates will be free. A small preview for now from the terminal p.s. we start working now in PBR materials.
    2 points
  2. thx for your answer. i´ve done a lot of testing and was wondering, why my cloud representation was so unreal. there weren´t enough cloud-parts. just one picture. no volume. now i found out, that the testing of the "Rendering Options" from the .org forum messed up my rendering settings, even though i had unistalled it and re-downloaded xplane 11. After a clean Installation it all works fine, and i´m happy with your standard configuration (i also like the other settings). Although some clouds are turning. But now i have much more parts in one cloud- so the effect is not so strong. as always: the user is the main problem thx for your help
    1 point
  3. This is a good one.. It have always been annoying with that ground shake. Im making a backup now (yea im a coward ) So soon gonna test the beta myself.. I also hope the default clouds are better and not pixelated. Getting this issue with my ultrawide screen.
    1 point
  4. No issues here so far, including ixeg 733 Updated my working xp to 11.10b1 as always do (do not do this at home please, people may result injured ). All my plugins including my external hardware yoke, peddals tq, radios seems to be working just fine. has to perform some flights yet to test new dynamics, landing on ground effect, etc. Thanks good ground no longer shakes, now i can go rest in piece
    1 point
  5. You obviously did not understand the context of the words you just responded to from Ben. This has nothing to do with uninstalling the product. Anyone can do that. We provide an uninstaller for a reason.
    1 point
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