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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/27/2017 in all areas

  1. Soon, we have delivered it to XA, so as soon as they get the installer etc set up we are ready to go on v 1.2 M
    15 points
  2. I was checking Midway aircraft carrier (CVN-41) which is currently is museum but instead discovered Nimiz (CVN-68) with NAVY crew and whole bunch of F-18 aircraft ready to go to the action. LOL. Not that is the big deal but would be nice if you could correct it.
    1 point
  3. There will need to be some adjustments to get everything coherently working. Nothing major, but for good consistency it's advised.
    1 point
  4. That is correct, good catch! Thanks, Jan Edit: And fixed for next patch.
    1 point
  5. The real nosewheel goes full left to right very fast, too - thats why you move the tiller or the pedals slowly and deliberately. It´s easy to knock the flight-attendants out of their shoes when taxiing carelessly, and then be prepared to go hungry and without coffee for a few days... Jan
    1 point
  6. Did a few more tests without wind and no turbulences. At first I thought they were inconclusive, because I got drops to 6000 with both settings and sometimes both would behave well (~4000-ish). However during one test with a drop I noticed a slight stutter during the nose dive, which, I presume, was the result of either x-plane or an addon performing some loading action due to the view changing (my prime suspect is Skymaxx). Such a leap in the time continuum could easily throw off any PID controller. So I disabled (almost) all plugins and relocated the testing area out to open see. So far I haven't seen any unruly drop in the vertical speed there. Haven't tried with turbulences yet and the number of test has been rather small - running out of fuel However I currently think that drop is due to fluctuations in the physics, either in form of the frame rate (stutter or slow downs) or maybe wind speeds due to turbulences - not sure yet about the latter. Edit: It seems turbulences (set to 1) can cause this as well - although it seemed to be a little less extreme (would barely touch 6000) PS: Didn't know you can ditch planes in X-Plane - good thing the operations manual includes a ditching section. Drag seems a little low though. PPS: Hope the life vests are included with IXEG's model. PPPS: Send boats... or nudes... or both...
    1 point
  7. Rly? I suggest just to be patient. How many "hurry up" topics do we all need
    1 point
  8. We use the existing carrier for the effect. I am adding to the to-do list for the update that will come a bit later.
    1 point
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