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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/15/2017 in all areas

  1. Hello Andrey. The 733 that IXEG modeled can not be silenced at FLAPS 15 if both thrust levers are < 30 deg.
    2 points
  2. Gentlemens, I draw a IXEG 737-300 layout diagram using a lot of screen captures of our beloved aircraft in order to build flows of all phases of flight. Thanks to Litjan and to the person who made IXEG733 cockpit layout for giving me autorisation to use it in my 733 flows document. If you wish, it is now yours for free... JC IXEG733-FLOWS_V1.pdf
    1 point
  3. Takeoff thrust. -Map any button of your liking to TOGA, these are the small buttons on the throttle levers that when hit set TOGA thrust (TakeOff or GoAround) depending the phase of flight. This is how pilots do on real life. sim/engines/TOGA_power A/P disconnect. Never use the disengage bar, this will kill FDs among other things. This is a hard shutoff in case of an issue with ap Map any button of your liking to ixeg/733/autopilot/AP_disengage. (first clic it will disconnect a/p and you will hear the classic warning aural sound, the second clic will confirm and clear the alarm) This will emulate the button on the yoke the real aircraft has and pilots use for disconnecting A/P on final approach without removing the flying hand from the yoke. A/T disconnect. While on final and ready to take control of the throttles. Map any button of your liking to ixeg/733/autopilot/at_disengage This emulates the black buttons on the throttle levers sides labeled A/T disconnect -> note: once you disconnect A/T you need to move your hardware levers until they sync the aircraft levers current position, then you regain control automatically. This is to prevent a thrust spike. You will see the throttle ghosts in screen for rapid and easy sync while you move your hardware levers hope this helps
    1 point
  4. That's what he meant by "sticky". Sticky is a pinned topic.
    1 point
  5. Hi fffirefly, The main reason is each of those steps have to be known by heart. This also keeps the flow clean and easy to read. i.e.: Step like FMS would required one or more full page to explain ! Those flows are made to show in witch order work is to be done. JC
    1 point
  6. In Plane Maker open up the 733 and select Standard --> Engine Specs. In the left-hand column are the hi idle fuel adjustment and lo idle fuel adjustment. I changed these values to 1.11 and 1.06 respectively. I now have idle N1 of about 21% and N2 of about 66%. Give this a try and let us know how it works for you. Since your mileage may vary play around with the values until they are satisfactory on your system. Good luck!
    1 point
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