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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/28/2017 in all areas

  1. Hi With this post, I would like to extend my deepest gratitude to all team members that participated in the making of the IXEG 737. Since I am clueless to whom those individuals are, this post is also generic to the extent that I also want to express my gratitude to all those not mentioned in this post. To the Team and beyond! Thank you, Morten and the development team. Thank you for having the audacity to embark on such a project and whilst I do not know all the names in the group, please feel the gratitude as you would If I had mentioned you by name. Thank you to all the beta testers! I know there has been an extensive number of hours gone into developing and testing this lovely bird. And I do feel I speak for every customer when I say WE DO APPRECIATE IT ALL, every minute, every second of the time you spent making this. I would imagine that we are most likely united when I say we do love the plane and all the joy and grief it has given us. I for one would say it has been worth it, it is truly the best aeroplane ever made for X-Plane, period! I do hope you continue the development as a team, but I will understand if you don't. I for one would gladly pay for updates if this means this project will continue! Special thank you is in order! To Jan: I am gobsmacked with your time spent on extended testing and sharing of information with fellow flight simmer. We are blessed to have your expertise and dedication, both on scenery developments and IXEG member. Your dedication is a true value to the X-Plane Community. And I do hope you continue to share your knowledge of the IXEG 737 aeroplane. You can learn so much from books and papers, but to have a real life pilot giving advice on what to do and not to do, is essential and weight in gold. Sharing how you do things in real life is a value we as flight simmer's love and swallow with great satisfaction and amusement. To Ben Thank you so much, Ben!! I have a slight idea on how tough your day to day life has been recently and to have the IXEG world hanging on your shoulders with providing updates for the GIZMO on your spare time for almost no money. Whilst having a family to take care of is more or less outstanding, you have my deepest respect, truly. I would recommend everybody to donate money to Ben, so he can keep the Gizmo project alive. To Cameron Thank you so much, Cameron. I know you get all the shits we as customer extends on a day to day basis. I can only imagine how hard it must be to try and uphold a fair and respectful feedback, to all customer regardless of case, item, product, forum post and opinion. I have said much, most likely say some more, but my heart is pure and the respect is truly dedicated to guys like you and the rest of the IXEG team and XAviation. Many may not share this special thank you or even my opinion on the matter. This is how I feel and I would argue this every day of the week. XAviation regardless of customer satisfaction is a key player in the X-Plane Market and should have the gratitude this post extends. So to all not mentioned in this post! Thank you all, keep up the dedication and enjoyment of X-Plane development and gaming. We are in many eyes "nerdy" type of guys and girls, but we know what we love and that is what counts. There are many products and key players out there that do a fantastic job for this community, but this post is nearly a dig into that and a small humble effort from my side, to express a deep gratitude for a truly excellent product. I salute you all! Best regards Tom Knudsen
    3 points
  2. Hello, I found an old Continental 737-SOP (Dated Feb. 2011) and extracted the checklists as well as the Cockpit-Flows. This may help you to get even more realistic operations in your flight-sim. File can be found here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/37446-ixeg-boeing-737-300-classic-flow-and-checklist/ Cheers Ben
    1 point
  3. Tom, glad you took the time to write that. I know you speak on behalf of the vast majority.
    1 point
  4. Well said...totally agree!. I just start X-Plane to fly IXEG aircraft...not only for the great model but also for what Jan & Co. make it feeling..like a real thing
    1 point
  5. ohh my friend, my eyes hurts reading you re-configure all of your joystick profiles and assignments every time you select a different aircraft for flying. You can create a per aircraft profile, everything gets configured/assigned automatically when you select an aircraft. You may use a plugin like xJoyMap or use a lua script. OptionA. Xjoymap plugin. http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/11720-xjoymap-joystic-to-dataref-mapping/ OptionB. See a lua sctipt example attached i do use. Depending the aircraft you select it will assign everything you like. joystick.lua
    1 point
  6. And while everyone waits for 1.1 - here is a little preview of the EGPWS we flesh out more in the next patch:
    1 point
  7. What appears easy is not always so. Ground drifting is an exact example of such a thing. This was a six year long project pre release. I don't buy the "handing over a silver platter" argument. For those of you having trouble understanding or refusing to read this topic throughly: The 737 is not officially supported by IXEG in X-Plane 11. You use it there at your own risk, with no support or expectation of it working correctly. Some people have got it working in X-Plane 11 to their satisfaction, others do not. We do not advertise X-Plane 11 compatibility and if you only choose to use it in 11 we are not encouraging your purchase. The upcoming 1.1 patch will have (as Jan has previously put it) "ninja fixes" which will allow for basic working compatibility in X-Plane 11. This means things like drift MAY be solved, but the solution would be a hack rather than accurate until you find IXEG officially announcing XP 11 support. The reason for things like this is because the 737 uses custom ground handling modeling to compensate for X-Plane's lacking quality there. Austin has fussed with this code in 11, and the drift is a direct result of that. Flight model inaccuracies are likely present in 11 as well for the 737. So, all that said, 1.1 will likely get you working in 11 without hassle, but from a technical accuracy standpoint version 10 is where you'll want to be if that's important to you. There's been far too much complaining and mincing of words in this topic. People seem to be getting lost from the official word vs what they are hearing or thinking, so this topic ends here. What I have written above is the official stance.
    1 point
  8. It's very very very buggy. It's very very very unfinished. It's very very very cute. It's very very very addictive.
    1 point
  9. Yes, this is normal behavior for most airliners (low wing and tail) The technical explanation is; During initial rotation, the elevator/stabilizer will move closer to ground (tail going down). Here there is very turbulent air from the wing downwash. This means that the elevator no longer will be as efficient and you need to apply more elevator to continue rotation A few feet after liftoff, the wing will leave Chord Dominated Ground effect, lift will decrease slightly, and the nose might have a tendency to drop unless you continue to increase AoA. M
    1 point
  10. Version 1.0


    Air China Livery for the IXEG 737 Classic. Simply extract zip file, and copy "Air China" into the "Liveries" folder of your "IXEG 737 Classic". Enjoy and thank you for downloading.
    -1 points
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