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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/16/2017 in all areas

  1. As promised... San Diego International is now available from X-Aviation store! Grab your copy! http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/icarus-simulations-san-diego-ksan-p-140?osCsid=666e0cb5e1f5f605c57bdb4d1750a5e5
    1 point
  2. I assume you are under windows platform. You need to go to windows defender configuration and set an entire folder exception for /x-plane/ root folder (note it is an entire folder not file exception). Problem is when you modify something inflight, the fmc keeps recalculating the values until you EXEC (commit) and windows defender kills the CPU. If you installed a third party AV instead of defender, then set the exception there. I have no idea. I do not use XP11 yet.
    1 point
  3. Ok - the bug was more obvious on that second movie you sent - I agree that the movement looks weird - slipping sideways like that. I am not sure what is going on with XP11´s friction model, but the default 737-800 is behaving pretty good, I think. If you want to get Austin to look at the problem, you need to illustrate it with "default aircraft" - he won´t look at 3rd party stuff. We will see what is going on with our model and XP11 at a later stage (when porting), and we will just have to deal with the way XP11 handles things. If we need to re-do our ground model, so be it. Thanks for pointing this out, though! Jan
    1 point
  4. Also the CAT3b option is supposedly very expensive. As far as I know only a handful of operators have bought this capability. Air Berlin (only some) and Japan Airlines are the only ones I know about. I assume the price issue is why Norwegian is going for the cat3a only option. Remember they fly other places than Norway too. Their 787's are of course cat3b capable.
    1 point
  5. Cool let us now how it goes. note: I forgot to mention xplane 11 beta seems to have a parsing issue were items (custom commands within the trees) may be displayed unnamed at first. If that happens to you map any item under the appropriate tree 'ixeg/733/autopilot/', then apply and close. The next time you open to re-map they should be named properly for selection.
    1 point
  6. 1. you select the button you want to map and press EDIT (button 11 in my example) 2. On the right side, navigate to the +ixeg tree: ixeg/733/autopilot/AP_disengage (for A/P disc feature) ixeg/733/autopilot/at_disengage (for A/T disc feature) Screen captures attached for your reference. Note: this is my xp11 beta install on the laptop (not at home now) and my ixeg bird is installed on my home simulator. So you will not see the ixeg tree listed on the screen capture attached for your reference but this is to give you an idea were to find it. It should be the same root tree level than +ATC +ANNUNCIATORS etc.
    1 point
  7. A/P disc & A/T disc for a boeing requies very specific modeling to work as it happens on the real aircraft using xplane default commands will not work because this is generic. you need to map the correspondig ap_disc and the corresponsig at_disc from the ixeg/ custom command tree
    1 point
  8. 3B and 3C requires the aircraft is equipped with the rollout function (AP controls the rudder), which the 737CL's do not have - so no...
    1 point
  9. I like this video about how to handle windshear and microburst. That guy have a lot of good lessons for different scenarios. The videos are a bit old, but so are the 733
    1 point
  10. Today, I get a strange problem. Even though the engine has started properly, moving the thrust has no effect on engine 2. Only number 1 gets thrust. There is also unsymmetric oil quantity, and the pressure is not in the green. I have not set any failures. Start was from turn around. Probably a technical problem from my side, but which? Paul
    -1 points
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