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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/04/2017 in all areas

  1. Do we have wingflex, I cant see it. This is very important for realistic atmosphere .
    1 point
  2. thirty one minutes and counting I'll be there Tony
    1 point
  3. Look at the front page of x-pilot.com, no new news since Feb2016! ;/ Noice........
    1 point
  4. Happy you got it sorted - the logic behind the lights on the buttons is always: If it is LIT, it can be pushed again to disengage. It does not mean that the mode is actually ACTIVE (you have to look at the FMA on the primary flight display to see that). ACTIVE modes are green, ARMED modes are white. Happy flying, Jan
    1 point
  5. Stringden, why can't you accept that things don't work the way you want it? You want wingflex, but it won't be implemented too soon. You asked about it, you nagged about it, you got a lot of attention, but still: no wingflex. Whats next, you're waiting for a moderator to take care of the issue, so you can pretend being a victim (that's called reflexive control, you should know about it). Заткнись! Now how about contributing something useful? There are hundreds of other features to enjoy, if you only want.
    1 point
  6. Hi Denco, I am not really sure what is going on with that. It is normal for the APP button to distinguish (this means that this mode can´t be disengaged by pushing the button) - it is "locked in". Some common mistakes are: 1.) Having the FD master be on the wrong side (ILS tuned on left, but FD master on right, for example) 2.) Using the disengage bar to disengage the autopilot (this also removes power from the flight-directors) 3.) Forgetting to turn the CRS selector to the inbound course - not the FD (or AP) will turn away from the localizer once it captures If you could post a video of what you are doing, we could see a bit better what is happening. Cheers, Jan
    1 point
  7. I am beginning to suspect you hold the record for the most negative votes. I have certainly done my bit to help you with that record. Congratulations.
    1 point
  8. 0 points
  9. We do not need FlyTampa, FlightBeam, FSDT or Taxi2Gate and others what live their dream of eternal FSX / P3D. For Example: JustSim, PilotPlus, Drzewiecki Design and etc,etc. http://store.x-plane.org/LOWI-Innsbruck-Airport_p_510.html http://www.x-plane.uk.com/ http://store.x-plane.org/Drzewiecki-Airports_c_157.html
    -1 points
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