Well i'm all sorted now thanks
Got your callouts back installed
Now to slap rest of my so far tested/working items
ps: I do love it, lots of liveries for it now, was hoping for maybe a v2 or real study level at a later date, who knows ehh
I noticed I had two aircrafts myself of the 748. (bought it yesterday)
If you click on the aircraft without the livery, you can see the filepath of the .acf. Its the way I found it out.
Hi Tony
Have you removed the .acf file from the subfolder ? "ACF XP 11"
Or just rename the extension of the file in the subfolder. So XP 11 dont recognize it.
Yeah, there is a lot of life in the 737-300, we are nowhere finished with it, yet.
I personally could see a -400 and -500 (they are just variants) as an expansion.
Not looking further than that for now.
Not really. The photo was either taken at night or the "lights" were adjusted to appear that way. Either way, it required input from the pilots to change it. It's not like a cell phone which uses "auto brightness". The lights are manually adjusted within the flight deck.
So are you saying that those annuciator lights cannot be brightened manually?
Hahahaha.... correct. It probably is "right" for some but that's not what I'm asking.
I'm asking if it can be adjusted. Sounds like maybe you're not sure?