Hi ibawbag,
Thanks for the nice words and the feedback.
I can´t confirm your problems with the autoland - are you using some sort of weather injector/third party program? The real autopilots´autoland has some pretty strict limits on wind speeds (max CWC 10kts) and will also fail if there is a sudden change in winds close to the ground.
The look of the CDUs is 100% realistic (and I have stared at those things for 10 years). The comparison with the ZX Spectrum isn´t half bad, because the era when they were designed is probably the same! Yes, the real ones have crappy resolution, a mind-numbing monochrome green and are slow to operate to boot. If other developers have "niced them up", then I would write that off to artistic liberty. Here is a shot of the real one:
and this one wasn´t 75$
Cheers, Jan