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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/20/2016 in all areas

  1. Well I haven't visited this thread in a few days so I thought I would update, I decided over the last weekend to format my hard drive and install windows 10. I installed the latest Nvidia driver then a vanilla installation of X-Plane 10.45 & the IEXG 737. I did a couple of flights with the basic settings and default weather & clouds without any issues. I then installed SMP & RWC and did a couple more flights. All is good so far. I started to install some airports along with the relevant libraries then the rest of my fleet, E175, 737-200, A320, A330 & FF767. Last night I flew from Cardiff to Majorca with no problems. I did begin to wonder if the issue was caused by the HDMesh. I haven't installed any yet. To be honest default scenery looks pretty good ! My next flight when I have time will be from Glasgow to Gatwick, one of the previous flights I had issues with. I will also install the HD mesh tile for the UK. The other thing that may be worth trying for those of you still having issues is to delete the preferences folder and let X-plane rebuild it. One thing I have noticed is that X-Plane seems to run super smoothly with Windows 10 and so far I am glad I made the switch I will report back after my next test Richard
    2 points
  2. IXEG view sys (mouse on left bottom of screen) - Capt or FO views is good enough
    1 point
  3. 737 classic doesn't follow centerline, it's one of the quirks making it not certified for Full instrument landing, you have to see the runway...
    1 point
  4. I suppose one should say that I took the old SkyMaxx out for a drive. Stick in some default clouds and wham I've never seen anything like this before. In any sim or game.
    1 point
  5. Thanks kickremi, Hopefully get it uploaded before this weekend.
    1 point
  6. Here ya go, looks like Gamma is set at 3.
    1 point
  7. Many thanks Jan ! This is precisely the answer I was looking for. And regarding the quality of your simulation, here is what i like the most. It is not perfect yet of course, and some features are missing altogeher. But your team is 100% honest about it, stating in a list what it DOES NOT simulate. It is one of the first times I saw this and was hugely appreciated on my part. You can't imagine how many hours I lost on competing products trying to understand a behavior, just to figure out after many research that this was not simulated... Very frustrating ! And I told myself: okay, if these guys are crazy enough to publish such a list, they must have some confidence in their product ! Regarding the bugs, after browsing the forum and reading a few posts, I really once again appreciated your constructive attitude, and the fact that you are not denying anythig and working hard to improve it. By the way, I think I have an issue where the autopilot does not follow correctly the LLZ signal on autoland (initial capture is perfect, and when closing to the runway, it slowly drifts and had me land outside the runway). But I'll have to run some more tests when I have time and will make another post if needed. And regarding the product itself, although i am not an airline pilot, I do love harcdore simulations. I have all PMDG products, and made the move to Aerowinx PSX a bit less than 2 years ago. What seems to make your product stand apart in quality is the feeling of "being there". Your virtual cockpit is beautiful, the sounds are the best i've ever heard, and those small "vibrations and shakes" are the first time i see such an effect to be convincing and not just annoying. Flight model "seems" (I insist on that as I can only judge by my feeling, and readings, and so on) really good, and general smothness is much better than with PREPAR3D (even with the same FPS). For the moment, apart from the choice of aircraft (I would like to see the same quality on more "modern" liners), I don't miss PREPAR3D. The only product which is really in a league of its own is Aerowinx PSX (honestly, I'd say without a doubt that this is the best ailiner sim avaible to the general public), but you don't have this "immersion" factor that many simmers appreciate and that you got just right as it is a standalone sim with 2D panels. After some more flying I'll try to post a small review on X-Aviation, but i really wanted to let you know that you can count one more happy customer ! Keep up the good work and see you on the forums for some more questions ! Charles
    1 point
  8. Basically, the smartcopilot file from birdy.dma already only actuates one side's transponder, so that's who should be logged in with the proper callsign. Second guy should be logged in with something like "_2" at the end. Then sometimes the controller asks if you're a flight of two and so far I've never had anybody give me any shit if I said that we are. Admittedly, I've only ever flown shared cockpit on Vatsim maybe 3-4 times. Once you get used to PilotEdge, it's very hard to go back to unreliable and chaotic ATC.
    0 points
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