Flown Hamburg (EDDH) - Timisoara (LRTR) - Mykonos (LGMK) today on VATSIM. For the most part it was smooth, but before departing Timisoara i already noticed interesting weather conditions at Mykonos. Winds from the east at around 10-15 kts gusting up to 20-25 kts with clouds dangerously close to the MDA (Minimum Descent Altitude) for circling on VOR approach runway 34 (the one and only option under these circumstances). I opted to hand fly the VOR approach, here still in IMC conditions ... The runway appeared in front of me just 2 or 3 seconds before reaching MDA. Just when the 737 exited cumulus. Breaking off and joining right hand circuit for runway 16 (circling east of the field is prohibited anyway). It may be hard to believe, but the runway you can see in the background is only 1900 meters long... Truth is i flown the circuit too short and ended up not aligned properly with the runway. Again, there was no other option but to go around. Stayed in VMC and flown another circuit, slightly better this time. Short final runway 16: Turning around at the designated turning pad. Scary little airport i tell you