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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/05/2015 in all areas

  1. NTJ811B NEXTJET EIGHT ONE ONE BRAVO DEP: EGHI (Southampton, UK) DEST: EIDW (Dublin, Ireland) LEVEL: FL200 ROUTE: DCT TABEN DCT KENET L9 STU M17 VATRY DEPARTURE First flight with the Carenado Beechcraft 1900D. First flight from Southampton. First flight into Dublin. After spending about half an hour studying charts for Southampton and Dublin, it takes me another 20 minutes in the cockpit to get everything ready for departure. In a matter of seconds, the powerful twin turboprop takes off to the sky. CRUISE Having flown out of the hazy London area, it's time to enjoy the views from 20000 feet. Some 25 minutes later the conditions become IMC again, but only for a little while. APPROACH & LANDING Busy time keeping everything right on the VATRY1X arrival. Sneaking below the clouds reveals Ireland's Eye, just when intercepting localizer for runway 28. Approach is silky smooth. Beechcraft 1900D handles very nicely. I admit the landing could have been better ;] TAXI & PARKING After rather long taxi via Bravo, Mike, Link 5 and Foxtrot Inner, we safely arrive at stand 118 S. With shutdown checklist complete there's nothing else to do, but exit the cozy cockpit. Not for long i hope!
    5 points
  2. Sure there is, and the answer to this specific question is on page 123 of the Systems Manual. Manuals: X-Plane/Aircraft/X-Aviation/Saab 340A/Manuals
    1 point
  3. The friction levers allow/prevent you from using the throttles levers and/or condition levers.
    1 point
  4. Brad, What you're hearing is the hydraulic pump turning on as the pressure in the system drops from general hydraulic leakage. You can observe this on the hydraulic gauges in the center pedestal. Perfectly normal. Enjoy the aircraft.
    1 point
  5. What a flight!! I blasted off from Skiathos tiny runway at full thrust and continued over the frozen and snowy lands of eastern Europe. On approach into Munich, severe turbulences made me struggle to descend and finally it was pouring rain and 0 visibility at Munich... So I ended up with a CatIII auto land at Munich, what a shame... But the 757 handled all this weather very well and the landing was very smooth!!
    1 point
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