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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/26/2014 in all areas

  1. Yes they exist, nevertheless is a vage phenomena. Some days ago I saw a plane being advertised as "having High Resolution textures." I downloaded hopefully a set of textures for the plane and was terribly disappointed. The cabin-windows had a size of 22x26 pixels , text on the plane was hardly readable. How come? This was advertised as High Res Textures. The explanation is simple and disappointing the same time. The publisher has no idea what he is talking about Using 4096x4096 texture-sheets is not per definition HighRes/High Defintion it depends on how many pixel per meter aircraft is available. Yes, we should not speak about texturesizes, we only should speak about " definition " This aircraft, I am talking about, has a definition of approx 55 pixels per meter wich is a very low definition. When we have aan airplane of about 75 meter fuselage-length) and we use 4096 pixels to paint it on , it leaves us with a definition of approx 55 pixels per meter. Ohh yes, another thing , what is High Resolution. In X-Plane today its 4096x , in X-Plane yesterday it was 2048x, in FlyII-Legacy its 8192x and in industrial and art photography its....................you name it. High Resolution does not say a thing. Its all about DEFINITION Some examples of planes for X-Plane and their definition: The Saab 340 by LES is approx 300 pixels per meter wich is high definition. (largest used texturesheet = 4096x) The ATR72-500 by McPhat is approx 400 pixels per meter wich is high definition too.( largest used texturesheet = 2048x ) The B200 Beechcraft by Carenado is approx 520 pixels per meter..............UHDT Ultra High Definition Textures ( largest used texturesheet = 4096x) We can use one huge texturefile for a complete fuselage and or can use five ( or more ) smaller texturesheets for it. Its all up to the developer how he want to make things. BUT !!!! Publishers should specify their definition in pixels per meter , saying something is HighRes because its made of large texturesheets gives no idea about the expected quality and level of detail of the excraft-textures. Please do not sell us nonsense, never ever talk about texturesizes. Just tell us " "Texture-definition is .... pixels per meter" pix/mtr= or pix/feet= No need to say is that, the larger the planes are the more difficult it will get to make it in an acceptable definition. Most airliners available for X-Plane have a definition between 50-100 pix/mtr wich in fact limits their beauty. Sometimes for small text-parts there are separate text-textures available for the various plackards, detailed paintwork stays problematic. So saying, my Carenado is high resolution and my Boeing 777 is high resolution too can give us false hope. Better said , my Carenado has a definition of 500pix/mtr and my Boeing 777 has a definition of 85pix/mtr. Then we get a better idea of what we can expect.. Leen de Jager
    2 points
  2. First Flight with Beechcraft 1900D (by Carenado)
    2 points
  3. That should be the case… and… Ben Russell has recently done some amazing things with optimizations of Gizmo, which should help with the performance of ALL Gizmo enhanced aircraft!
    1 point
  4. If we are going to do it we are going to do it right Im about 90% finished with texturing and refining but we are hoping to gain control on how those textures are loaded. Hang tight the project isnt dead by any stretch
    1 point
  5. 1 point
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