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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/18/2014 in all areas

  1. An update is coming... 747-400 United_1 by mtaxpfan, on Flickr
    2 points
  2. EDIT Before someone shoots me for this it will not be V2 it will be V4 as stupid me from 2012 had never heard of decimal places. Heyo everyoneo I've had some caffeine and here I go: Remember my KBLI package? Quite popular. Made it to page two of the unpredictable "top rated files" thingy. So what about it? IT'S GOING TO DISAPPEAR SOON MOUAHAHAHAHAH Actually I'll be rebuilding it from the bottom up with new standards. And I mean really high standards. Here's a word-based preview of what's happenin' in KBLI in about a month and a half: Updated 2009 0.3M/px imagery. Remove the construction site thanks to new imagery (I always hated it anyways)SUPER DUPER HIGH RESOLUTION PAVEMENT (OMG!) Custom hi-res lines (based on my HD lines package, slightly modified)"GRASS" (only the good stuff)Maybe custom forests if I don't get a migraine from trying to write the .for file.Maybe area orthophotos. Big fat maybe. And you know how that always works with Colin.Anyways, keep tuned and stay your eyes peeled for screenies on this page and I'm going to go for a run to remove some of this caffeine from my system.
    1 point
  3. NEW PAVEMENT (All photos have been reposted)
    1 point
  4. Emphasis added for those unable to read more than three words at a time for themselves.
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. please,stop sending posting silly emails updates,just send emails post updates if its something like updates on the plane,or the actual release(I'm not asking when,just email when it is released!) On a more serious note; I wouldn't expect any updates on this thread until the December Holiday Season is in full effect. Michael is placing priority where it belongs, on his academic future. A quick Google will reveal that the tests he is currently undergoing are active until early December. Once his tests are complete he'll probably focus his time on enjoying his holiday time with actual family and friends. After that he'll probably be busy with college and his future. My personal bet is that Michael will be so busy with the next phase of his life that this project won't progress any further than it has. And rightly so. College is far far more important.
    1 point
  7. 1 point
  8. You are very aggressive to people I see. Even in the QPAC a320 upgrade that was present.
    -1 points
  9. I guess this project is abbandoned then.
    -1 points
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