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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/11/2014 in all areas

  1. Air France A320 taxiing past the Air France Headquarters.
    6 points
  2. Time for another short update - we have actually been really busy this last week, we squashed a bunch of bugs, and also added some detail. There was a total of 37 new revisions to our internal update system. Just today we fixed the yaw damper. Its behaviour is a bit curious, as it will stop working when it looses B hydraulic pressure, but the switch won´t drop to off, and the OFF light won´t go on! If you turn off the B flight-controls, it will revert to off immediately. And if it looses power, it will also go off, but only after a 2 second delay! This is the kind of detail that is keeping us busy these days. We also worked on stabilizing our GUI interface, you can see it at work in the little video I show you below. I am currently scrutinizing the electrical system, we want to make sure that everything is working just as the real thing - and even with a book in my hand its not always easy. The electrical system is quite complex, Boing has it very well thought out, and somehow electricity always gets to where it´s needed . I can´t tell you how often I thought I found a bug, only to find out that some relay opens and reroutes power halfway across the whole diagram. The whole system is a work of art, and we strive to reproduce that as close as possible. The video is about the dreaded TR3 disconnect relay. Few pilots REALLY know the electrical system down to the last detail, its complex and there is really no need. Tom did a great job on getting every relay and diode working right, and with modeling this TR3 disconnect relay he is really polishing it to perfection. The TR3 disconnect relay (also known as R9) is a favourite with instructors, as it packs a mean punch just when you thought you are home safe. If transfer bus 1 fails, not a whole lot will happen. The important DC Bus 1 gets power from the "other side" of the system through the TR3 disconnect relay. But when the autopilot or flight-director captures the glideslope, the relay will open and DC Bus 1 will loose power. And that one has some important users attached to it, like the auto-throttle, anti-skid, anti-ice for engine 1, etc... Stay tuned... Jan
    6 points
  3. Evening approach into Brisbane...
    5 points
  4. 1 point
  5. I'm pretty sure you'll like this one. We have a Citation pilot helping us with photos, documentation and testing. He flies the Citation to other countries like I drive my car to other suburbs. We've done things to this one that will put a smile on people's faces. It really is a fun aircraft to fly. No problem. I might post a screenshot soon. Just to show what we got working.
    1 point
  6. Started on the Crash Trucks, these will be animated via the GroundTraffic Plugin, hopefully with working snozzles! . My goal is to have them do a training run once a week, and have them line up along the runway if you approach with an engine out/on fire. I have a version with the lights flashing as well, but I am still suffering with a bug with those lights (PD_lightbar) if I have HDR on and Skymax running, they look awful. Apparatus: 991 "The Beast Master", 2007 Oshkosh Striker 3000 (will also be doing, 990, 999, 992 and 993 seen here)
    1 point
  7. Spent the afternoon converting Flytampa's Kai Tak! Worked out well if I do say myself
    1 point
  8. Selfie Alert! Flew from 0M4 to M02. Did stalls, steep turns, a bunch of other stuff as well as 5-6 touch and goes. I love my expensive (very much worth it) awesome hobby.
    1 point
  9. My favourite picture.^ Hey all these are just some screen shots from my 3 flights, first,second one's crashed . Flight was from EDDM to KLAX Enjoy More to come!!
    1 point
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