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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/18/2014 in all areas

  1. FF 757-200RR from Stuttgart to Palma de Mallorca(EDDS-LEPA) at 5am. Sun rose as i was cruising east of the alps, with a really nice manual approach in LEPA
    3 points
  2. 2 points
  3. I think release will be until sunday , some minor fixes I need to do and that's it ... In order to get the new approaches you need AIRAC 1407 which supports the data in XP. New runway (Not new actually , it's just longer and wider now , it was mainly a GA runway before ) 747-400 United_1 by mtaxpfan, on Flickr 747-400 United_2 by mtaxpfan, on Flickr 747-400 United_3 by mtaxpfan, on Flickr 747-400 United_4 by mtaxpfan, on Flickr 747-400 United_5 by mtaxpfan, on Flickr 747-400 United_6 by mtaxpfan, on Flickr
    1 point
  4. We do the best we can with the information X-Plane gives us, which is just a single value indicating how "thunderstormy" it is around the plane. SkyMaxx Pro represents these types of conditions with a mixture of three different cloud types: - Cumulus congestus clouds, which make up most of the clouds in SkyMaxx Pro. - "Towering cumulus" clouds, which are basically really really big and tall cumulus congestus clouds, in the process of forming into cumulonimbus thunderheads. If storms are present, we throw in a few of these around the plane. These are new types of clouds In SkyMaxx Pro 2. - Cumulonimbus clouds - these are the anvil-shaped "thunderheads" that create lightning effects. We pepper a few around the plane, the number of them being determined by X-Plane's measure of local storminess. Cumulonimbus clouds existed in SkyMaxx Pro 1, but we made them bigger and better lit for SkyMaxx Pro 2.
    1 point
  5. The separatists intentions were to shoot down a Ukrainian military transport. Sadly the know-how of those rebels is not really great, so the rocket went into the wrong aircraft. MH17 was travelling over the restricted flight level, so basically at no danger. This accident was caused by the stupidity of those people down there...
    1 point
  6. Just arrived in New Delhi after a 3 hour flight from Dubai. The sun is about to rise at 5:36am. I just can't get enough of cargo flying with this beauty
    1 point
  7. This means WAR, if Russia protects these separatists and continues to supply them advanced air defense weapons. Like the news reports, this Air defense weapon was stolen last week, really now, how does this work, separatist controlled region and open border to Russia with many Russian troops still stationed along this border. More then likely handed over looking for an excuse to roll into the Ukraine.
    0 points
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