Yes, I am aware of this project, because it is still the SoulMade Simulations project. OK, I have to give a little bit of background information: The Beaver project was already pretty far with respect to the 3D model and texturing, and it could have been easily released as payware. I guess my previous screenshot underline this fact. However, at the beginning of this year, I decided to completely redo the textures, as the interior had some minor blurry parts here and there, which I didn't like, and also the external textures were not up to today's high quality standard from my point of view. I wanted more detail. So the whole 3D model was reconstructed and so were the textures. However, the external model work slowed down significantly at some point and finally I asked Khamsin if he would help me finishing the Beaver. Gladly, he was willing to help. So Khamsin will now take care of the external model (uv mapping and texturing, improvement of the current external mesh structure etc.). In addition to that, he will do the light textures and the 3D pilot model. He will also help with cargo modeling and texturing and with cockpit/cabin texture adjustments for the cargo version. In general, Khamsin will take care of all Beaver artwork issues from now on. The cockpit itself, animations, the systems simulations, flight model and the general soul of the project remains on my desk. The screenshot you posted is the SoulMade Beaver 3D model which you have seen on my previous screenshots over the last two year. However, Khamsin did 3D mesh and uv map improvements and he also did the livery which you can see on the screenshot. Again, I am happy that Khamsin is supporting me on this project, because it allows me to focus on the general simulation of the Beaver, in my limited free time. Especially systems coding, flight modeling, cockpit stuff and the general strategy of this project. I can also annonuce a future partnership of Khamsin and me, and I am looking forward to it as it gives me more room to focus on the things I am really good at. I have to thank you again for your patience and your continuous support and interest. This is what keeps me motivated. Hopefully, this could clear up a few things and confusion.