A log file for the aircraft you're having trouble with would be more useful. This one shows you using Carenado products. We can only learn a little bit of information from it about your OpenGL setttings, your scenery installed, and the plugins you _MIGHT_ be using when you try to use the Saab. You have a lot of scenery packages. It would be best to test the saab at a default airport to give us a fair chance to test. You have Xsaitekpanels installed, we have one other user that has reported a minor issue with this plugin when using the MU-2. Recommendations: Test the saab installed in a fresh demo copy of X-Plane. Remove all extra plugins and place them back in one by one testing each time to see if it kills your frame rate as badly as you claim. Provide REAL DATA that's relevant to your reported problem, don't waste our time by posting Log files from when you flew a Carenado product. Please post a Log.txt and GizmoLog.txt file from a Saab test in a clean copy of X-Plane or we cannot help.