SASL is a tool for developers...I am a developer. What do I have against SASL? Not aggressively developed anymore, Philipp patches it as needed.Very limited feature set compared to the x-plane SDKNo LuaGL...means only "low level or simple" custom graphics through SASL API.....only suitable for simple stuff.No access to, nor patterned after a large portion of the x-plane SDK, limiting design optionsAircraft only. danklaue makes this sound bad, but guess what? A push back plugin needs to be global...gizmo can do that. "Smart" ground operations or automatic jetways or catering trucks? In sim flight planner, moving maps...All that's gotta be global. You won't see SASL doing that. Gizmo author is most talented 3rd party programmer in the history of x-plane, has a history of longevity and success that goes back over 10 years. I think the original author of SASL is "gone", but this is heresay. I know Philipp has had to take over some patches of it.And far as Gizmo "causing problems", you don't know 1/10th the've bought into the .org hype or haven't done your homework lately. In the last few months, we're seeing the MU2, Falco, Saab and 737....released or about to be released with absolutely minimal technical issues and showcasing some of the most sophisticated simulations available for x-plane and we've only scratched the surface. Don't see SASL doing this for developers.....don't even see DreamEngine doing this: TomK