On the contrary it's good that xplane10 is coming so quick! I'll be able to do something much more pretty with xplane10 enhancements (facade roof tiling, 3D objects "decoration" on facades) , i will have lots of 3D lego objects to place (plus the object library Tkyler is talking on this forum). The global lightning will add to the eye candy, as the osm roads, seems we will be able to add a lot more of 3D objects with good performance (so we can think on some eye candy stuff like add cars on parkings, street lights on houses, stuff like that). The xplane autogen will be very nice for some places like USA, but on countries with good osm coverage like France, i think that full osm generated scenery will be outstanding on xp10. Osm2xp v2 was writen with xp10 in mind, now i have something clean and easily scalable , so i'm waiting for xplane10 to go head down