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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/08/2011 in all areas

  1. Ok, as hinted at in my earlier post, there is something for you to watch on our youtube channel. Here is the link: If you have any questions about what you see, fire away. Jan
    1 point
  2. Personally I would like to see a better sound quality throughout the range of products in Xplane. My father, being in the sound industry, has helped tune my ear to what sounds good, and what doesn't. His "house" speakers are a pair of Genelec studio monitors (for reference to how he likes his sound). Its preferable to put the highest quality sound (and visualization) into the products, and allow the end users tone them down to the level that they are able to achieve. Case in point is how many musicians now put out music compressed beyond all belief, because most of the end-users are going to be listening to them on crappy iPod ear-buds with only high-end freq-response and simulated low-end kick. You lose the entire middle (read: the meat) of the track and the depth that you'd get from nearly every band 20 years ago isn't there. Once in a while someone mixes it correctly and the difference is shocking. Hopefully we can get some of the same back into Xplane...
    1 point
  3. Hi Arno, I couldn't agree with almost any of your statements. ad1. "Initial quality" means quality of location sound recordings, after first A/D conversion on your audio recorder. It could be 44.1kHz, 48kHz, 96kHz or any sane of even insane Sampling Frequency, 16 or 24 bit word lenght. [As we know according or thanks to Nyquist law we can percieve only half frequency range of the sampling rate (e.g. 32kHz sampling rate <= 15kHz freq range etc)]. You can't have high initial sound quality with low sampling frequency. It's just not possible. No, upsampling, playing low sampling frequency (e.g. Fs=11kHz) poor cracking sound at 88kHz will give you the same weird cracking sound quality. it's simply misundestanding. You simply can't hear the difference after upsampling process. BTW Carenado have those 44.1kHz sampling rate sounds and is doing the sampling rate down conversion without the reason, as if out of spite. ad2. I don't have a clue what do you mean by therm "restitute". If you're saying people don't have speakers with tweeters I wouln't agree. High frequencies are much easier to emit than low frequencies. Also every healthy person (except really old man) can hear approx. 15-16kHz frequency range without the problem = they actually hear the difference between Fs=32000Hz and Fs=44100Hz I don't even bother poor tiny laptop speakers (which high frequency range is quite good!), or pilots headsets used for full frequency range playback (which is funny but non realistic assumption). ad3. Of course simmers sensitivity to sound quality may vary. Not everyone has trained ears, on the other side some well known flight simulator developers are quite deaf. But my goal is to have a good sounding airplane to very closely emulate the sounds from my real life flying, not a buzzy toy (just look for every embarrassing default sound and X-Plane sound architecture). X-Plane is intended for sound processing. Believe me the old days ('80) of digital audio infancy are gone... The CPU sound load is so minimal even using (not perfect) but high quality DreamEngine plugin or similar. BTW I appreciate your sound invention and ideas in T28.
    1 point
  4. I'm right there with you, Arti. I don't look at X-Plane as a game and it drives me nuts when people talk about "playing X-Plane." I use X-Plane as a serious training tool so I want my aircraft to be as "similar" to the real world plane in every aspect, but most importantly I want the flight model to be right. Then I want the cockpit to be realistic. I like them to look good on the outside, too, but that's not the highest priority. You are teaching me to be more discerning with the sounds. Thank you for your work with the sounds. As I mentioned before, I would love to beg, borrow, steal.....and even BUY your sound packs for Jason Chandler's Beechcraft.
    1 point
  5. I'm so sorry it's hard to satisfy my requirements. I thought we're using simulator not a game. Sure not a flight model fix related but "HONOR FIX..." because they announced 44.1kHz on first version of their ads... and they are using 44.1kHz sound in the FSX version. I know poor X-Plane users can have half of the frequency range. They are joking. So I'm buying carenado airplanes but personally I don't like such a people.
    1 point
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