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Saab 340A Performance and What to Expect in 1.1


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Please consider trying to make a positive contribution and impact on this community. Thus far you have two posts, both of which are your desire to shed your negative feelings. It does not bode well for your credibility here.

I do not feel compelled to interact or try to defend anything here. There are many topics on various sites complimenting our customer service and response times. These people write in via the appropriate support ticket e-mail system (and I assume you have not used it - a brief investigation suggests not).

All I see here is a bunch of perceived sarcasm, when in reality you're a man who needs to look in the mirror. Your post is riddled with such, and frankly, it will not be tolerated much longer. The time to change your behavior in this community is now. If you feel compelled to continue in the same manner you have already shown, please show yourself the door. If you cannot do so, it will be shown for you.

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Hallo Cameron,


you and your team are building very beautiful airplanes by your Label X-Aviation / LES. That's great work. I know, Marcel (Astrogator) is thinking so too and he is only waiting, when he can fly "his" LES-DC3.


Normaly, I visit german, italian, austrian and swiss boards, it*s better with the language,  and there I read many opinions about your work. I can say, the meaning of the most people is identic.


Fine, but there is an small problem with the updates from LES / X-Aviation: "Soon" is not soon, "very soon" is not very soon and so on ...


I think, you understand, what I mean, thanks - ;) .


Ok, in europe, we have a lot of people more who are reading but not writing in a forum. But we can see their interests, and one interest is LES / X-Aviation. The main theme are the wonderful airplanes and second are the updates ...

And what you can read there and more people are thinking, you can think - <_< .


So. Marcel (Astrogator) and me write, what we think. When we are disapointed, we write it - when we are really disapointed - we write it too ...


And when we get an answer: "Sorry, real problem, end of February, earliest time" than is it ok. Please, but not "very soon".


Thank you and best greetings


from germany



Edited by Hobelflieger
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The situation with you is slightly different. You are an active participant of this forum who provides meaningful posts outside of any dismay. That said, this topic is not a place for you to talk about the DC-3. This topic is about the Saab, and only the Saab, and a previously closed topic about the DC-3 is not an invitation to start up more posts in another section.

We do not provide times of release because we simply don't know them. Too many elements are at play, and in our experience over the years the reaction has been made worse with any form of a date missed due to things out of our control. Providing you updates as we have done here as to where we are genuinely at are our next best thing, and you can take it or leave it for what it is.

The real importance in all of it is we do not discontinue our support of products and releasing updates. It's not in any way "fun" for us to hold up items from release just because...we don't do that, and in reality, the time it takes to respond to posts like yours don't help our or your situation any bit.

You've been given a platform to air your concerns, Dirk, but I think you've done so enough now to the extent that you're now becoming counter productive. Enjoy the community for what it is, and let's stop going in circles.

There's no debate to be had here, Dirk. Perhaps if we actually stopped supporting our products or did not intend to update what we say we do then you'll have an argument worth hearing beyond what you have already said.

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Sounds fairly near. Jolly good...


You  are easy to please, it's been " soon" since the tread was started. Apparently there has been a huge demand from customers to give out vague deadlines, so they now started to "not provide times of release" whilst giving vague times of release. Only terms like soon, soonish, any day now are permitted, so the customers can fill in their own sense of what soon, soonish or any day is. Bear in mind that these terms have no relation whatsoever to the actual passing of time and whithin days can very well mean next month or later.


Too bad I spent my cash, but I'll "soon" deinstall this product....ooh woopsie all done

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Wow guys, Let me point you to Post #44. That is the answer to the delays..................... Do you people even read????


And you are really out your mind if you think the Saab is bad enough to uninstall it with out the update. I find it absolutely childish to make such a statement. If you guys want to know the real meaning of soon, deal with Blizzard!


Soon: Copyright 2004-2013 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved. "Soon" does not imply any particular date, time, decade, century, or millennia in the past, present, and certainly not the future. "Soon" shall make no contract or warranty between Blizzard Entertainment and the end user. "Soon" will arrive some day, Blizzard does guarantee that "soon" will be here before the end of time. Maybe. Do not make plans based on "soon" as Blizzard will not be liable for any misuse, use, or even casual glancing at "soon."[1]

Edited by AtomicFrawg
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Wow.  What a thread to wake up to.  

Another case of "damned if you do and damned if you don't".


You  are easy to please, it's been " soon" since the tread was started. Apparently there has been a huge demand from customers to give out vague deadlines, so they now started to "not provide times of release" whilst giving vague times of release. Only terms like soon, soonish, any day now are permitted, so the customers can fill in their own sense of what soon, soonish or any day is. Bear in mind that these terms have no relation whatsoever to the actual passing of time and whithin days can very well mean next month or later.


Too bad I spent my cash, but I'll "soon" deinstall this product....ooh woopsie all done


You uninstalled the Saab because the update isn't out yet???  That's a little drastic, don't you think?

I know developers who take 6 months to get an update out and not one complaint was seen in the forums.

Shame, but, your choice.

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after getting a message of Jim, of the developer team what I have to consider as heavy threatening, I decided to delete my post as it was claimed in this PM.


Sorry, that I argued you do not act professional.


I will not complain anymore and hope I'm now the customer you want to have with me....


Your servant

a totally happy and satisfied customer.


Uhm, häh - :blink: - I understand nothing ... Perhaps, it's better so ...

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I noticed that the light casted on to the runway both taxi and landing light is very week in cockpit view, in spot view is totally fine.

The taxi light is barely noticeable and mostly at the time of a turn, when the plane goes straight there is almost zero light.

Is this meant to be like that and if not is there a chance to have more powerful lights in a next update?


Thanks. :)

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I noticed that the light casted on to the runway both taxi and landing light is very week in cockpit view, in spot view is totally fine.

The taxi light is barely noticeable and mostly at the time of a turn, when the plane goes straight there is almost zero light.

Is this meant to be like that and if not is there a chance to have more powerful lights in a next update?


Thanks. :)

I tend to agree with you!  The taxi and landing lights have been adjusted and will be included in the next release.

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  • 2 weeks later...


After reading most of this thread, I saw that the next SAAB update will fix the sound reset issue. I am also having a problem that when I try to turn any sounds down some (like the engines) it puts the sound at zero. I can either have 100% or 0% - no in between. Has anyone else experienced this?


Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

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I feel happy to know that you fly well with her ! Really.


Can the designers consider to make a "light" version with less systems but good FPS ?

What is the significance of having a plane that is the most complete and realistic if we can't fly correctly with her ?

The next update ? You mean the 1.1 update long-awaited by customers ? Do you really think by a magic wand my FPS grow up from 15 to 30 ?!...

I don't think so. Well, I buy this plane today and I feel very frustrated to see it in my hangar and can't fly.


Sent from my desktop Mac using… my keyboard ! ;)

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I fixed the FPS issue. I just deleted the Saab 340 ! ;)

14-15 FPS with my configuration (30 FPS with the CRJ-200) !


It was just a waste of money...


Feel free to let us know if you are interested in getting the update.  Seeing as you deleted the aircraft, I'm not sure you want it anymore.




I feel happy to know that you fly well with her ! Really.


Can the designers consider to make a "light" version with less systems but good FPS ?

What is the significance of having a plane that is the most complete and realistic if we can't fly correctly with her ?

The next update ? You mean the 1.1 update long-awaited by customers ? Do you really think by a magic wand my FPS grow up from 15 to 30 ?!...

I don't think so. Well, I buy this plane today and I feel very frustrated to see it in my hangar and can't fly.


Sent from my desktop Mac using… my keyboard ! ;)


Seeing as you deleted the Saab, and you are the only person who has ever asked for a LITE version, the answer would be "no".

You're absolutely right.  What is the use of having a plane that is "the most complete and realistic" if you can't fly her.  (Thank you for that compliment on the realism!)

Next time, I'll have Theo, Jim, Cameron and myself record what we do with our magic wands and how we laugh at everyone who get single digit fps.

I would also appreciate it if you didn't make fun of my magic wand.  It works!


Sent from my desktop Windows using....my magic wand!  ;)

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Sorry. The magic wand is heavy on FPS and requires intensive tuning that involves multiple restarts of X-Plane as well as submission of log data for analysis by our crack team of X-Plane wizards.


We know you don't like that sort of thing, so unfortunately the Magic Wand mod is not available for use by yourself.

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Hi, maniwaki!

I really like the Saab 340A! In fact, the Saab 340A and the DC-3 are my favorite airplanes like the boeing airplanes are and I really like the realism of the Saab 340A and the DC-3. Let's put it this way, if I get 15 FPS per second, I go to the rendering settings and set the trees to populated and roads to default, ect. Right now, I got 22 FPS when using the Saab 340A!



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