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Another crash in exterior view


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I suspect one of your plugins to be the reason for this.

I have seen on a stream yesterday that AS seems to trigger crashes during replay...so maybe try taking that one out.


ASXP12 plugin stage 1..
ASXP12 plugin stage 2..
ASXP12 plugin stage 3..
ASXP12 plugin ( ) initialized...
Loaded: E:\SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/X-Plane 12/Resources/plugins/ASXPConnect12/64/win.xpl (hifi.asxconnect12).


If that does not help, take out the other ones as well.

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The same thing happens to me. In external view, during the taxi the sound disappears and xplane suddenly closes. He just doesn't respond.
I have disabled some plugins such as Better pushback or Airport Navigator, but it still gives the same problem. Even so, it should work with all the pluguins because version 1.33 for xplane 11, works normally

Log.txt Log_ATC.txt

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2 hours ago, eomer said:

Even so, it should work with all the pluguins because version 1.33 for xplane 11, works normally

That statement is not true, unfortunately. X-Plane 12 is a very different beast.

I see you load the 767 during the same session, does the problem still happen if you ONLY fly the IXEG in the same session?

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12 hours ago, Litjan said:

I see you load the 767 during the same session, does the problem still happen if you ONLY fly the IXEG in the same session?

Yes. Correct I have made several attempts only and only with IXEG and the same failure occurs

FlightFactor's 767 also uses its own plug-ins, but these are not present when loading the IXEG plane.

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4 hours ago, tkyler said:

The last entries in your log file give indications as to what is going on...and in all your log files that I've seen, its always during some "weather update"  Do you have X-Plane's "Download Real Weather" option enabled?  If so, try it with that set to "manual"


Yes, I always have the real-time weather download option enabled. I will try in manual

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3 hours ago, Litjan said:

I think you need to disable the simHeaven scenery, it might be too much for your hardware - can you just try it to see if it helps? Copy it to another folder (so you can copy it back if that doesn´t help).

I currently only have the SimHeaven stage set for Europe. I will try with some airport in the US or Asia and I will also try to move the folders as indicated

The hardware I use is:
Asus WS X299 Pro
i9 9820x
64 GB DDR4 - 4 channels

Which one can be the one that is limiting? I don't rule out an update


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I'm not aware of any flags to add to the executable to disable the ATC, but this could also be a red herring.

Also, some notes: There are some VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY, but most important my fellow rohirrim, update your nvidia driver. You're using the Driver from end of June (536.40). The most current one is 537.34!

So, you should update your driver, strip of any add-ons and slowly but surely try to trigger the crash while adding one by one the add-ons besides IXEG.

Edited by GusRodrigues
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I removed the SimHeaven scenarios
I removed the non-essential plug-ins
I have put the real weather in manual mode
I installed the aircraft update you released today
I installed the latest version 537.34 of the graphics card drivers

I do not know what else to do, other than go to another computer (not prepared) install everything again and try. I'm sure I'd lose the software licenses because of that.
I really wanted this plane since you announced the update for XP12, but now after all the attempts and tests I only feel frustration
I know from experience that no software is free of bugs or bugs ... But from that to not being able to use it?

I know that it is not a problem of XP12 since other aircraft such as the 767 and 777 of FlightFactor, the 747-800 of VMAX or the SIAI-Marchetti SF-260 of JRollon, all of them complex and detailed aircraft, work with total normality.

A shame


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16 minutes ago, eomer said:

I do not know what else to do, other than go to another computer (not prepared) install everything again and try. I'm sure I'd lose the software licenses because of that.
I really wanted this plane since you announced the update for XP12, but now after all the attempts and tests I only feel frustration
I know from experience that no software is free of bugs or bugs ... But from that to not being able to use it?

I know that it is not a problem of XP12 since other aircraft such as the 767 and 777 of FlightFactor, the 747-800 of VMAX or the SIAI-Marchetti SF-260 of JRollon, all of them complex and detailed aircraft, work with total normality.

A shame

I'm genuinely sorry for the frustration you're experiencing, and I assure you that our team takes these concerns seriously. From what you've shared and based on the logs, it's evident that the crashes you're experiencing are internal to X-Plane and not directly attributed to the IXEG aircraft.

While other aircraft models may be functioning without issues on XP12, each software has its unique coding intricacies. This means that while one model might work seamlessly, another might encounter conflicts even if they are both sophisticated models, and those conflicts can still be from X-Plane itself that one add-on brings out vs another.

Again, I understand the disappointment, especially given your anticipation for this particular aircraft. We're here to support and assist, so let's keep the dialogue open and work together to resolve this. That said, I think a bug report from you to Laminar is in order.

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I agree with Cameron,

if this was a problem unique to our aircraft, we would have seen more reports like that.

Laminar should be able to trace your crash and see what it is caused by, especially since you can invoke it so readily.

They can also contact us (we are in communication with LR like most developers are) if they have any further questions or have an idea how to fix the problem from our side).

Sorry we can not help you immediately.


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Hello fellow 737 pilots,

I have the same issue as described above. Please find two sets of my log files attached. Furthermore I've uploaded a screenshot of my plugins folder. I have a vanilla install of XP12 as I just bought it to run the IXEG737. I have no other addons installed and I have set the weather to static (no automated weather download activated).

I'd like to add that my impression is that the CTD described in this thread is linked to the exterior SOUNDS. As soon as I open a cockpit window the sim crashes within seconds. The same happens when I switch to external view (and the sound changes). Therefore my feeling as a greenhorn is, that it might be the external sounds and not the external view. It takes a couple of seconds where I still can hear ground vehicles and the ratteling of loose equipment but the engine sounds totally disappear. 5-10secs later I get a CTD. I hope this helps to find the problem.

Kind regards,



debug.log debug2.log Log.txt Log_ATC.txt Log_ATC2.txt Log2.txt

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With regards to your observation of the exterior sounds...our sound engine makes no distinction between interior vs exterior with regards to the software...its simply a "sound" in all cases.  All our sounds are effected only through:   "play",  "stop",  "adjust volume", and "adjust pitch", nothing more.  When you open the window from the inside view for example,  we simply "ramp up the volume" of some sounds...they are already playing.  Moving the camera around the interior has the same effect on other sounds...you get closer to the panel, the fan noise "ramps up" too...yet doesn't cause a crash.  

I think there's something more sinister going on; however, as Cameron mentioned......X-Plane and plugins is real chemistry.  It only takes one unique combo to create a reaction and finding the catalyst can be a challenge.  We are certainly dealing with that here in my opnion and getting Laminar to help find data points at this stage is a prudent step.  Ceratainly we want to add this one to our knowledge base.


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14 minutes ago, Stephan737 said:

I've just checked it with the default 737 that comes along with XP. No CTD there. The problem for me is limited to the IXEG737 so far. Fingers crossed it gets sorted out soon. And thanks for your support.

Thank you for the feedback. While it's natural to compare performance between different aircraft to try and identify the source of a problem, it's important to understand that each aircraft has its own set of codes and complexities. If I'm being honest with you, saying things like "it doesn't happen with x aircraft" is mostly a useless metric. I think it's one of my biggest pet peeves. :) 

Each aircraft, plugin, or addon interacts differently with the core simulator due to the unique ways they're coded. Hence, while it's useful to know when an issue is widespread across many different aircraft or limited to just one, the comparison doesn't always give a direct solution or cause. For all we know, the IXEG is simply exposing bad code in X-Plane itself that another aircraft may not. It's not always the problem of the add-on itself.

I understand the frustration, and our team is dedicated to finding a solution. Starting a bug report with Laminar on this will be key. The more who bug them about it, the better chance there is of a resolution. Like I said, when a plugin or aircraft is pulling a "no, no", X-Plane is sure to call it out in the log. When you see:

--=={This application has crashed!}==--

That's a clear indicator of the sim crashing within itself.

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On 9/19/2023 at 4:57 PM, tkyler said:

The last entries in your log file give indications as to what is going on...and in all your log files that I've seen, its always during some "weather update"  Do you have X-Plane's "Download Real Weather" option enabled?  If so, try it with that set to "manual"


FWIW, we see this a lot with crash reports from Challenger users, it’s always been nothing but a coincidence/red herring. Weather updates happen regularly, so you’ll see this is basically everyone’s log.

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