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The Immortal DHC-2 Beaver


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Hi Pete, this plane is just getting better and better.....as to autopilot, I would leave it out. I fly (simulated that is....), mostly LSA and GA planes that have either no auto or very basic autopilots in them....and even then I dont use them as the trim controls (if installed on the plane Im flying), work just fine. The other planes I fly are all equipped with very useful radio nav systems (the F-27 comes to mind straight away....). All the other planes I fly, mostly the payware ones like the Dash 8, have FMC's which I can set using either vroute or Goodway.

I guess what I am trying to say is.....an autopilot in a beaver isnt flying in the "spirit" of the beaver. They flew fine without them for many years, why would they fly any better with them?

Just my thoughts......




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Thanks for all the feedback so far, with respect to the autopilot!

Just before the weekend, I wanted to show you the Beaver equipped with 35'' tundra tires and the small change to the fairing, but detail is everything. ;)

The Alaska cargo door has not been cut in yet, but you will see it soon. Also that last passenger seat row will go, so you have more space for your cargo.


...and a further shot of the amphibian cockpit. Still a few items missing, but 90% done.


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I agree with eaglewing, an autopilot wouldn't be out of place next to a G430. An S-Tec wing-leveler with annunciator lights for manual pitch trim would probably be appropriate. Even something with altitude hold and heading/nav functions would be welcome.

I'd agree with that, and it might be a good idea to look at what Denis put in his Grumman Goose aircraft, what ever model that autopilot is...

Here is a picture of it in a real Goose, and I saw one once in a Beaver for sale as well.


Edit: Here it in a really modernized Beaver. The model is S-Tec 60 Autopilot.


Edited by eaglewing7
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Here is a picture of it in a real Goose, and I saw one once in a Beaver for sale as well.


Yes, Beavers with an A/P these days use the STEC 50 or 60 most of the time and if I put something in the modernized Beaver, it would most probably be the STEC50. Also, I would make this A/P hidden by default and it could be made visible via a clickspot, so people who don't like to see that A/P can get rid of it.

However, like I said before, I am going to override all X-Plane flight control surfaces by my flight model plug-in (ailerons, rudder, elevators, trim controls, flaps etc.). That means that they are not connected to X-Plane internals anymore, and I have to take care of driving them myself. I have to read the joystick input, keyboard etc. and move the flight control surfaces accordingly. That also means, that even if you assign buttons to the X-Plane internal autopilot, it will not work, as X-Plane can not drive control surfaces, because they are overriden.

You might say "Well then don't override the flight control surfaces", but that is not really an option, because I want to have full control of them myself, without being limited by planemaker settings and internal logic. So that is no option.

Most of the add-ons probably use the X-Plane default autopilot and it will be tuned in planemaker. However, I will not have that option, due to the overriden control surfaces. That means the full autopilot control logic has to be coded by me. I can not use any of the default stuff. Well, the technology and coding is no problem for me, but it is a good amount of extra work. Also this is no problem for me.

However, I am thinking about if it is really worth it, because I could use that time to make the Beaver as an aircraft the best it can be, with respect to the flight model, the engine and systems simulation and things that will increase the immersion factor even more.

The Beaver is a hands on aircraft and usually doesn't make VERY long trips , and I can not really imagine that someone wants to fly a nice and beautiful aircraft with an autopilot.

That's like raising your hand for a ride in the backseat of a beautiful car, when you would have had the option to drive it.

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OK, the chances that you will get your STEC50 autopilot in the modernized Beaver just increased. After the second coffee this morning, I figured that I can deselect my control surface override flag, as soon as someone gives power to the A/P. The Beaver control surfaces are then driven again by X-Plane, based on planemaker settings. In this case, I can also use the internal autopilot logic. Just checked it and it is working. Therefore, I will be able to replicate the STEC50 A/P behaviour without too much efford. I won't use it, but I know some off you will.

For the people that also won't like to see an A/P in the modernized version, there will be the option to hide it.

However, don't expect to see an A/P or a GPS in the vintage Beaver cockpit. This will be for real hands on pilots only. :D

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Here is a shot of the seatbelts you will use in the Beaver...


"Hey you autopilot lovers". Do you see what is sitting on the pilot panel? A brandnew STEC50 just for you :)

...and all the others can just hide it or use the vintage version of the Beaver, which you will see soon as well.

I guess this will make some of you happy and that makes me happy. In the end it is all about you and what you like, and not about me. As long as I am doing what I love and I am passionate about it, I will try my best to create a great user experience for you.


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OK, here is your future office in the modernized Beaver. Just a few placard plates missing, but about 99% done and uv unwrapping of the interior will start soon. The exterior of the amphibian Beaver is already unwrapped.

Thought you might wanna see :)


...and here a shot without the flight yoke, which you will be able to hide, to have better access to switches or instruments if you don't use TrackIR.


Hope you enjoy!

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Are there any options for us cockpit builders who have dedicated hardware for throwing switches and levers etc? I have the Saitek yoke pedals and throttle levers but I also have some Desktop Aviator boards with switches and levers as well.

Just interested is all :)




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