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Stormy rainy weather showing sunshine


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Here is the metar of my local airport this evening taken from active sky xp


How come my skymaxx Pro + RWG showed the sunshine in the sky through the clouds also with a bit of rain. Yet outside in real life in this location there was no chance of seeing the sun. 


EGNX 082050Z 08006KT 2500 -DZ BKN003 14/13 Q1013 REDZ

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We read the METAR provided by ASXP directly, and the METAR in this case is only saying there are broken clouds. No indication of storms there.

If that's not matching what you see out the window, then it's an issue with ASXP or the data it is receiving.


Edited by sundog
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I have exactly the same issue in overcast and stormy weather no matter the tricks I've tried from SkyMaxx Pro menu, I could even compared with the real world at my place, it was overcast yesterday very cloudy and rainy, same again Skymaxx pro didn't show the real clouds coverage based on METAR even if I put the cursor to 100 % coverage and changed different combination of textures "overcast" etc.

If I only use Active Sky without SMP then the issue is just gone automatically and I have a "real" overcast conditions/dark lights that matches the reality. Yesterday that was the perfect day to test at my real place so I don't have any idea of such a disparity

No matter the place I fly in overcast after testing I don't find the way to get rid of what I call on my side an issue, I'll try to make screenshot to compare what could provide Active Sky alone by itself which is coherent based on Metar and when I use SkyMaxx Pro in the same time. Of course I did check if I had missed something like checked ON option in AS menu, I also cheked if Real Injector was set on the right option etc...

Since the last AS official or beta I've never have any other weather coverage issue compared to what I can see from my window even if it's not exactly the same (we're still in 2020 lol) but it always remains coherent therefore it will be "weird" to claim that the issue is coming from AS (I mean on my side at least)

Any idea?

Thank you

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@B738 "Broken Clouds" covers a lot of ground.  It can mean from 5/10 to 9/10 coverage.  The Metar doesn't provide this information.  So, ASXP / SMP / RWC produces one result consistently and ASXP produces another result consistantly.  Neither is correct all the time.  And neither is wrong.  Just the way it is.

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Hello Sundog,

I'm actually experiencing the opposite right now - I'm trying to fly out of KMFR, and ActiveSky as well as weather.com shows Medford as being clear, and I'm seeing overcast clouds here that I cannot get rid of. 

I've verified Global static weather is unchecked, Skymaxx depiction is checked, and Use custom METAR is selected. The METAR file is current, and when I turn off Skymaxx, everything is clear. RWC is selected to use external injector. I've force-reloaded weather to no avail.

I'm thinking maybe I was missing a step. 


Edit - I managed to "Force" the RWC to pull current METAR data by switching from FSGRW / ASXP / External Injector to "Never", then back to FSGRW / ASXP / External Injector. 

Forced reload of weather and things are nice and clear still! 

Edited by Ant1matt3r
Fixed the issue for myself
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I think the full process for forcing everything to sync up with ASXP immediately would involve using ASXP's Debug screen to force it to publish new METAR data, followed by "force weather reload" in the SMP menu.

If maximum accuracy in the current real world weather is your primary concern, make sure "never change visible weather" is off in the RWC settings as well.


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Whatever it did by switching it seemed to have worked - every subsequent flight has been accurate to what I'm seeing in Active Sky and satellite. 


Maximum accuracy isn't my primary concern, I simply wanted to enjoy one of the few CAVOK days in Northeastern Oregon. :)


Thanks for making an awesome product - it's running so well in Vulkan, even under the crazy overcast conditions the Pacific Northwest can whip up. 


Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 7/9/2020 at 10:28 PM, sundog said:

have you tried using the "force weather reload" menu item in SMP to sync up with ASXP's weather? If you have "never change visible weather" enabled in RWC, that might be necessary to pick up new conditions being published by ASXP.

Hi Sundog,

I'll give a try and let you know!

Thank you

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On 7/11/2020 at 4:03 PM, Ant1matt3r said:

Edit - I managed to "Force" the RWC to pull current METAR data by switching from FSGRW / ASXP / External Injector to "Never", then back to FSGRW / ASXP / External Injector. 

Forced reload of weather and things are nice and clear still! 

Hi all,

I can confirm this process was required on my end as well.  Got into a situation where it was sunny skies everywhere (which, c'mon in real life on the ground would be great :D).  Forcing weather reloads did not help, changing from current to historic situations in both ASXP and FSGRW did nothing.  I also tried to remove/re-added RWC to no avail. In the event that you wanted to further investigate this a a possible bug, I've tried to collect some info.

Here are a couple of screens that I was going to use to create a new post before I came across the above suggestion.  I looked for a SMP specific log file, but didn't see one in the plugins folder.  I did see that the settings.dat was updated after closing XP, so perhaps its useful to you.  I've also included a log file from XP... (which I'm now realizing is almost 100mb as it's uploading).  At any rate, glad to have some clouds back in sim.  :D





settings.dat Log.txt

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Looking at your log, this appears to be a license issue with SkyMaxx Pro. SkyMaxx Pro clears the skies of clouds when it does not have a valid license. Please contact X-Aviation support so they can look into it. Re-installing SMP might be worth a shot.

Also, your version of X-Ambience is not compatible with your version of X-Plane. It's filling up your log file with warning messages and likely hurting performance in the process.

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