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DSF Scenery Packages

145 files

  1. CYYZ Toronto Pearson Airport

    CYYZ Toronto Pearson Airport
    1.20 July 27, 2014 Build
    Chris K and the ISDG
    This is a generally stable build with no library conflicts; and all areas should be drivable and flyable. The ILS may be a fraction off due to repositioning of the runways to their orthophoto corrected locations, and verified with another 3rd party. It is also currently lacking ATC taxi-flow.
    However, these omissions are not “showstoppers” per se.
    General Features:
    - Photorealistic terrain at 30cm/pix resolution as per the USGS
    - Proper Taxi Signage (was never there in any previous version of the CYYZ apt.dat it would seem)
    - Recent CAP CYYZ Charts (SIDs/STARs/RWY Approaches)
    - Repositioned most field objects to match the orthos, accurate within 15 cm +/-
    - Fixed runway markings, blastpads, and the like to reflect reality
    - Gritty ground and orthophoto texture support
    - Replacement Glideslope towers
    - Runway Stop Bar / Guard Lighting System (this is for YYZatcboy Joe How’s this for accuracy! )
    Each runway entrance is protected by a stop bar consisting of red in-set lights located at all taxi holding positions.
    This is the runway warning/occupancy indicator system in-use in Toronto, and will be familiar to most heavy metal pilots.
    - Build-out of industrial parks, Eglinton Ave E, Airport Road, Dixie Road, Brittania, Dixon Road, and the Hotel Strip
    - Various “Easter Eggs” with more to come in subsequent releases. (See if you can find the Tim Horton’s Coffee Shop!)
    Notes on the Taxiways:
    There are two versions of the taxiways included in this package.
    1. Normal taxiways shown (regular asphalt, visible, drivable)
    2. Hidden taxiways (regular asphalt, not shown, but still drivable)
    - You can also turn off the taxiways (hide/show) by replacing the “.POL”files located in the “orthophotos/” directory. This will give the same effect as in our CYTZ Package; whereas the taxiways are only drawn as per the ortho, but with visible (XP generated) centre, edge, and-hold-line markings.
    - Assuming you have the VRAM to run in extreme (native texture) resolution, you can take advantage of the full photo-realistic ground effect.
    - Simply copy the appropriate files form the “/1 Hide Taxiways/” directory into the parent directory and overwrite the existing POLs.
    - To restore the regular (visible) taxiways, simply copy the contents of the “/2 Show Taxiways/” into the parent directory, overwriting the POLs.
    - X-Plane 10.20 or better
    - OpensceneryX 2.0 (http://opensceneryx.com/)
    - A Modern Video Card with MINIMUM 512Mb VRAM.
    - You will want to run this scenery at “Very High” or “Extreme” Texture Resolution.
    - X-Plane 10.20 64-bit and 2 Gb VRAM Video card is recommended for the Highest Texture resolutions.
    Base Objects - Freeware FS2004 CYYZ Scenery:
    This is a direct 1:1 conversion of FS9 Scenery by:
    Howie Cassidy (kpdc2002@yahoo.ca)
    Version 1.0 from July 3 2007
    As per the original LICENSE:
    Freeware for personal use only. No one is to reuse this work in scenery advertised as their own or to use this scenery in whole or in part for commercial gain.
    [Chris K's notes]: All FS2004 Objects, Textures, and Imagery included in this scenery are © Howie Cassidy. Under no circumstance am I (or anyone else) claiming ownership of said art assets. All Rights and associated Kudos go to Howie.!
    This package shall remain 100% Freeware to respect the original author's wishes.
    This package uses the converted objects as per RickMTL's conversion from 2007.
    Used with Permission from Rick as the base layer.
    Orthophotos © The United States Geological Survey
    The dataset is the 30cm/pixel US Canada Border HiRes Orthoimagery
    aka. USGS Dataset “US Canada Border – UTM Zone 16″ and “UTM Zone 17″
    This Imagery is in the Public Domain as per:
    Copyrights and Credits
    USGS-authored or produced data and information are considered to be in the U.S. public domain. When using information from USGS information products (chrisk – which we are), publications, or Web sites, we ask that proper credit be given. Credit is provided by including the following citation:
    Credit: U.S. Geological Survey
    Department of the Interior/USGS
    The USGS home page is http://www.usgs.gov.
    Scenery and 3D Object work copyright © 2012-2014 by the ISDG (International Scenery Development Group)
    All other derived materials are Copyright their respective rights holders, used with permission.
    You do not have to pay for this scenery. This scenery is Postcard-Ware.
    Please send us a postcard if you like the work! We’d love to hear from you.
    ISDG Group
    PO Box 892
    North Sydney, NSW 2059
    Visit our website at http://isdg.com.au/ for all our scenery packages and add-ons.
    © 2012-2014 The International Scenery Development Group (ISDG)




  2. Aerobridge-Meigs Field

    KCGX is now available for v9 and v10.
    Aerobridge Studios-Meigs Field
    Developed and designed by : Peter Tram, John Spahn, Juan Menedez
    Manual : Peter Tram
    Photography: Online resources
    Version 2.0
    Merrill C. Meigs Field Airport (IATA: CGX, ICAO: KCGX) was a single strip airport that operated from December 1948 until March 2003. It was built on Northerly Island, the man-made peninsula that was also the site of the 1933–1934 Century of Progress in Chicago. The airport achieved international notoriety when Chicago Mayor Richard M. Daley ordered city crews to bulldoze the runway at night, and without the 30-day advance warning required by FAA regulations.
    From Wikipedia
    This release is a major update to the first release
    - Photorealistic ground
    - Highly detailed airport buildings.
    - Photorealistic textures
    - Realistic asphalt textures in runways and taxiways
    - Real-world airport lighting shades
    - Main buildings include real night textures
    - Authentic Vegetation
    Please contact us by emailing to aerobridge1nfo@gmail.com
    or by questioning us here on X-Pilot
    Aerobridge Studios reserves all rights.Educational use, business use or
    commercial use, without a proper license is prohibited. Please contact
    us for license arrangements.Copying content for personal or other use
    not covered by the license is prohibited.




  3. Aerobridge-LJPZ

    Portoroz Airport version 2.1 by Aerobridge Studios:
    > Fixed runway disappearing for v10, and some other adjustments to the scenery.
    Aerobridge Studios-Portoroz Aerodrome
    Developed and designed by : Peter Tram, Juan Menendez
    Manual : Peter Tram, Juan Menendez
    Photography: Matija Skerjanec
    Version 2.0 High Definition
    Portorož Airport is the smallest of three international airports in
    Slovenia. It is located near the village of Sečovlje, 6 km (3.7 mi) south
    of Portorož, and less than 300 m (980 ft) from the Croatian border.
    The airport was opened on 27 September 1962. The airport is intended for passenger and cargo transport,
    sport, tourist and business flights.
    From Wikipedia
    This release is a major update to the original ABSim LJPZ
    - Photorealistic ground
    - Highly detailed airport buildings.
    - Photorealistic textures
    - Realistic asphalt textures in runways and taxiways
    - Real-world airport lighting shades
    - Main buildings include real night textures
    - Authentic Vegetation
    Please contact us by emailing to aerobridge1nfo@gmail.com
    Aerobridge Studios reserves all rights. Educational use, business use or
    commercial use, without a proper license is prohibited. Please contact
    us for license arrangements. Copying content for personal or other use
    not covered by the license is prohibited.




  4. YSSY Sydney Kingsford Smith Intl (ISDG)

    YSSY Sydney Kingsford Smith Intl (XP10)
    Sydney, Australia - v1.41
    Aug 10, 2014
    WARNING: Use at Your own Risk. We assume no responsibility for blown up power supplies or melting GPUs.
    - X-Plane 10.20 (http://www.x-plane.com/)
    - OpensceneryX 2.0 (http://opensceneryx.com/)
    - Texture Compression ENABLED (else you'll blow X-Plane's 3.5Gb RAM Limit)
    This scenery runs around 860 Mb loaded at "extreme" resolution compressed w/X-Plane 10 Loaded.
    Uncompressed, and you're into 1.4-1.5 Gb, meaning you're dangerously close to crashing XP10_32bit
    - A Modern Video Card with MINIMUM 512Mb VRAM.
    This scenery fully runs at or around 512Mb of VRAM when loaded in XP10 with "very high".
    I highly suggest this setting for now until XP10_x64
    - You will want to run this scenery at "very high" or "extreme" Texture Resolution, or else the effect is lost.
    Sorry to the users with 256Mb VRAM or less. This just isn't going to work out for you.
    Time to think of upgrading, since XP10 uses almost 300Mb all by itself, with nothing loaded.
    SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING ELSE ON YOUR COMPUTER if you have a 512 Mb Video Card!
    You will need every ounce of VRAM in your card for this scenery!
    Kill any Web Browsers, Desktop Wall Paper, and anything that couple possibly use Video RAM.!
    - If you get some texture swap, look around a little bit at the beginning in all directions, and let it settle.
    - Go to External views as well, zoom far out and back in, X-Plane will start swapping out unused textures.
    - Go to rendering options, toggle between full-screen to windowed and back. For some reason, this also works for me to optimise the VRAM.
    Many people have generously donated their time, skills, and objects. This could not have been done without them.
    - Ropeless (Many Many Many Many Photoshopped Tiles, Concrete Gables from YSCN - Thanks to the Doctor!)
    - Fenriz (Many Many Photoshopped Tiles)
    - SimmoW (Photoshopped Tiles)
    - GaryBKK (Various Shipping Containers, Container Crane)
    - Sethesus (Checkered Huts, Electrical Junction Boxes, YSSY Tower, Signage, Clutter)
    - HenryT (Checkered Huts, Clutter)
    - Nickster (Radio Mast, Radar Ball, Red shipping containers, dumpsters, diggers, bollards, Clutter)
    - Skyflyer (HungryJacks, Billboards, McDonalds, Signage, Clutter)
    - Laminar for the LOWI XP9 Buildings.
    - Nerarmap.com for the Orthophotography Imagery at 15cm resolution (free redistribution and derivation for noncommercial use)
    Additional Files/Enhancements:
    I highly suggest using Jack's (FlyJSim's) "über-kewl" Asphalt replacement textures found here for proper runway effect:
    Hi-Res Replacement Asphalt Textures
    I also suggest the Vehicle Library Extension found here, and crank up the 'Number of Cars". Looks great!
    Vehicle Library Extension
    Still some stuff to do - I'm aware of them i.e:
    - Some Gate Markings/Centrelines aren't finished yet.
    - Certain Buildings are simply "stand ins" until we better XP10/OSX objects
    i.e. "Delta Hangar" should be Qantas Hangar, and "USPS Post Office" should be Australia POST.
    This scenery is Dorito-ware. Meaning that if you like it, you are obligated to send us a bag of Cool Ranch Doritos.
    The Australians have never heard of this flavour, and it's impossible to purchase it here in Sydney.
    Author's Notes:
    This Scenery took 5 Months of planning, editing, assembling, and a complete Team of like-minded dedicated people.
    I was very fortunate to have met and worked with an awesome and talented group of individuals on this project.
    My hats off to Ropeless, who was by far the most dedicated individual and "photoshopping-machine" on this project. =)
    Without his tireless work and encouragement, this project would have never gotten off the ground.
    This scenery is dedicated to the entire X-Plane Community. You know who you are =)
    © 2012-2014 chris k
    P.S. You like Photoscenery?
    Try this one: NZCH Christchurch Airport Photo Scenery (XP10)
    Or this one: YSCN Camden Airport Photo Scenery (XP10)




  5. CYTZ Toronto Island Airport

    CYTZ Toronto Island Airport
    Authors: CDN 791M and Chris K of the International Scenery Development Group (ISDG)
    Version 1.0 - Jun 25, 2013
    - USGS 30cm/pix Hi-res Orthophotos.
    - An Updated Toronto City Centre (Billy Bishop) Airport by CDN791M (Ed).
    - FreddyV's CN Tower Replacement Object (credits below)
    - Extensive buildout of Toronto Island and Surrounding Environs (Ontario Place, Christie Spit, etc)
    - Additional Toronto Downtown Buildings in various locations using the XP10 Art Library.
    Note: this is a 100% original work for XP10 - and should not detract from Pachett's excellent CYTZ for v9/v10.
    - X-Plane 10.20 or Better (http://www.x-plane.com/)
    - OpensceneryX 2.0 (http://opensceneryx.com/)
    - A Modern Video Card with MINIMUM 512Mb VRAM.
    - You will want to run this scenery at "very high" or "extreme" Texture Resolution.
    - X-Plane 64-bit and 1 Gb VRAM Video card is recommended for the Higher Texture resolutions.
    Complimentary packages (i.e. Where is The Rest of Toronto!?!?)
    You should *also* install the following:
    CYYZ Toronto Pearson Airport
    X-Pilot: http://forums.x-pilot.com/files/file/471-cyyz-toronto-pearson-airport/
    Jacques Brault - Toronto Skyline:
    X-P.org: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=17619
    1. Copy Jacques' Package into your /Custom Scenery/
    2. Inside our "CYTZ Toronto Island Airport" package is a folder called "Skyline Package - Night Lighting Textures".
    3. Copy in those additional textures (courtesy of ILMARS) to Jacque's Skyline Package's /objects/ directory.
    This will give you night textures for the buildings.
    Once done:
    4. Edit your /Custom Scenery/scenery.ini file to manually position our package at the top of the .ini file
    Ensure that our scenery (CYTZ Toronto Island Airport) is before Jacques (zCanada CYTZ Island ON) package in the list.
    Your scenery_pack.ini should look something like this:

    I1000 versionSCENERYSCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/CYTZ Toronto Island Airport/SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/CYYZ Toronto Pearson/SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/zCanada CYTZ Toronto Island ON/...... other stuff...
    (Note: If you don't feel like mucking about with an .ini file - simply delete your personal /Custom Scenery/scenery_packs.ini file, and due to alphabetical order on reload, the load order ends up putting the packages in the correct order).
    Upon reload of X-Plane, this scenery then merges with Jacques' excellent Toronto Skyline. Due to the way the X-Plane does object overlays, the two scenery packages blend into one seamless scenery, with full day and night lighting effects.
    Additional stuff you should have:
    Marginal - Animated Sea Traffic:
    X-P.Org: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=17026
    FlyingJackal/FlyJSim - Asphalt Runways Enhanced HD
    X-P.Org: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=16270
    Sabach's "HD Environment X" - Replacement Sea/Sky/Cloud/Moon/Smoke Effects
    X-P.Org: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=18582
    ISDG - Wide Taxiway Markings:
    X-Pilot: http://forums.x-pilot.com/files/file/406-wide-taxiway-markings-library-replacement/
    X-P.Org: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=18490
    ISDG - Replacement Day and Night Lighting:
    X-Pilot: http://forums.x-pilot.com/files/file/435-replacement-day-and-night-lighting-lightstxt-for-x-plane-1020/
    X-P.Org: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=18742
    ISDG - Vehicle Library Extension:
    X-Pilot: http://forums.x-pilot.com/files/file/125-additional-vehicle-library-extension-xp9xp10-isdg/
    X-P.Org: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=16812
    Orthophotos courtesy of the United States Geological Survey (USGS)
    The dataset is the 30cm/pixel US Canada Border HiRes Orthoimagery
    aka. USGS Dataset "US Canada Border - UTM Zone 16" and "UTM Zone 17"
    This Imagery is in the Public Domain as per:
    USGS-authored or produced data and information are considered to be in the U.S. public domain. When using information from USGS information products. publications, or Web sites, we ask that proper credit be given. Credit is provided by including the following citation:
    Credit: U.S. Geological Survey
    Department of the Interior/USGS
    The USGS home page is http://www.usgs.gov.
    Base Object - CN Tower:
    CN Tower v2.0 by FreddyV
    Used with enthusiastic permission from Freddy
    Original PNG Texture changed to use Compressed DDS DXT1 instead.
    Thanks Freddy!! Your CN Tower is awesome, and is the centrepiece of this entire scenery
    Chris Noe & Mr 3D - Flags of the World: Real Flag II
    Used with implied permission via Chris' description:".....to place in any scenery of your choice."
    (Mr Noe: Let me know if my inclusion here breaks your fair-use clause).
    Original PNG Texture changed to use Compressed DDS DXT1 instead.
    Various credits:
    Custom Objects & Airport construction: CDN 791M
    Various Landmark Buildings: Chris K (localobjects/ISDG)
    Lighting: Ropeless (ISDGLibrary)
    Forests: Andras Fabian (ISDGLibrary)
    Field Clutter: HenryT, Sethesus (ISDGLibrary)
    Q400 Static Aircraft: Riviere
    Porter, AC Express Paints: Patchett
    Toronto Skyline LIT Textures: ilmars
    If we've forgotten anyone here - Please contact us for either credit or removal
    © 2012-2013 CDN791M and the International Scenery Development Group (ISDG)
    Note: This is an X-Plane 10 ONLY Scenery - Sorry Peter




  6. Kuala Lumpur International Airport

    This is a scenery of the Kuala Lumpur International Airport
    It also consist of the LCCT terminal which the base for Air Asia Company
    For more information : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kuala_Lumpur_International_Airport
    *Some of the terminal buildings may not look correct because they will be floating 2-5 feet above ground*
    *This scenery is a converted version of FSX via FS2Xplane to work in X-plane 10*
    For Installation :
    1. Extract the zip file
    2. Place the WMKK folder in your Custom Scenery Folder




  7. YPAD Adelaide Airport Photoreal (XP10)

    YPAD Adelaide Airport Photoreal Scenery (XP10)
    Version 1.3 Release
    Mar 03, 2013
    Photo-realistic terrain at 15cm/pix resolution
    Accurately modeled Taxiways, Tarmac, Markings, and Signage
    Accurately modeled Control Towers and Field Support buildings
    Complete X-Plane 10 Compliant ATC/AI Taxi Flow System
    Accurately Modeled Airport grounds and 3D Object placement
    Customized HDR Lighting w/accurate light-stand models and positions
    Customized HDR Lit Windsocks for landing visibility
    Customized Terminal Entrance and Passenger drop-off zone Signage
    Customized Gate Number Lighting
    Customized Hangars and Localized Signage
    Customized Runway Hold-Short Lighting
    Animated Jetways and Autogate DGS System (xp10_32bit only for now)
    Animated Terminal Doppler Radar
    Animated Service Vehicles
    Accurate Field Obstacles, Gables, and Bollards
    Custom Forests, Trees, Vegetation, Grass, and Reeds
    Customized (Non-Autogen) Terminal Roadway Lighting
    Current Advertising and Billboard Signage
    Downtown Adelaide (CBD) Buildings
    Custom vehicles, parking lots, and associated vehicle HDR lighting
    Accurate Helipads, Lighting, Markings, and Training Areas
    Full "Gritty" Texture Support

    And most important... 4 Different Restaurants to Choose From! (See if you can find them all)

    New in 1.2:
    Removed artifact on orthophoto (Tile 12-6 near terminal gate).
    Refactored ISDGLibrary
    New in 1.3:
    New taxiway and runway edge grass; Gives a nice soft touch to the scenery.
    Replaced Windsocks with Australian Style Windsocks w/HDR Lighting.
    Added new Long Grass and Reed Areas via Facades; Little-to-no FPS Impact.
    Added Yellow Warning lighting in key ares (Incursion Hotspots as per AIP)
    Added guidance markers for main tarmac/ramp entrance/exit areas
    Updated ISDG Library
    Updated Autogate 1.40 (with LIT night textures)
    Scenery and 3D Object work:
    Copyright © 2012-2013 by the ISDG (International Scenery Development Group)
    All other derived materials are Copyright their respective rights holders, used with permission.
    Who Are We:
    Ropeless - Orthophoto Guru, ATC Taxi Flow Master, HDR Lighting Overlord, and Photoshopping Machine.
    SkyFlyer - Photoshopping, 3D Signage and Modelling, Stenciller, and our Local "Man on the Ground" who owns a nice camera.
    Sethesus - 3D Modeller, Animations, and Johnny-on-the-spot for most of the custom objects you see.
    Chris K - WED Addict, Taxiway paver, Object Rotator, Scenery Assembler, Gardener.
    Derived Object and Scenery Credits:
    - Barry (Baz) Roberts: Original AussiePak1 Objects fixed for XP10 and re-textured
    - GaryBKK (Gary): Containers and Ships
    - Walterblenny (Al): AWSS Tower
    - Nearmap.com: Orthophotos under Free Derivative Creative Commons Licence
    Copyrights are owned by Andras Fabian, Albert Laubi, and Laminar Research. They are used unmodified with permission of Andras Fabian.
    See ISDGLibrary/Forests/tree_textures/README.txt
    Contains material produced by "Simon W.".
    Used under the licence implied in:
    ISDGLibrary/Forests/grass/How to grow grass.pdf
    Car and truck objects sourced from "Vehicle Library Extension" http://forums.x-plan...showfile=16812.
    Also in "New auto traffic" http://forums.x-plan...showfile=15244.
    Used with permission from Jeff M. (Joyfulsongsters) and Cami de Bellis.
    See ISDGLibrary/Objects/vehicles/README.txt
    - X-Plane 10.20 or better (http://wiki.x-plane.com/beta)
    We know the art library in the 10.20 beta runs may change, if it does, we'll issue a fix.
    - OpensceneryX 2.0 (http://opensceneryx.com/)
    - A Modern Video Card with MINIMUM 512Mb VRAM.
    This scenery (Plus X-Plane 10) use ~500 Mb of VRAM when loaded at "very high" with compression enabled.
    - You will want to run this scenery at "very high" or "extreme" Texture Resolution.
    - X-Plane 10.20 64-bit and 1 Gb VRAM Video card is recommended for the Higher Texture resolutions.
    - Charts for YPAD: http://www.airservic...com/aip/aip.asp
    This scenery is designed to work best with:
    Vehicle Library Extension (http://forums.x-pilo...n-xp9xp10-isdg/)
    FlyJSim Asphalt Textures (http://forums.x-plan...&showfile=16270)
    SkyMAXX sky colouring using "Vivid Skies" (http://forums.x-plan...&showfile=15821)
    BeachMAXX Ocean Textures (http://forums.x-plan...&showfile=17311)
    Autogate DGS System (http://forums.x-plan...s&showfile=5038)
    Wide Taxiway Line Markings (http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/406-wide-taxiway-markings-library-replacement/)
    Still to fix:
    - Some buildings are still a little too "glow in the dark" at night.
    These are converts from AussiePak1 which were toned down, but could use some better lighting.
    - Lost the edge grass facade functionality in the 10.20 betas. Bug report submitted.
    This scenery is Postcard-Ware. Send us a postcard if you like the work! We'd love to hear from you.
    See the included README.RTF for our address.
    Contact us @ X-Pilot.com:
    chris k
    Other ISDG Group Member's Sceneries:
    YSSY Sydney Australia - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/78-yssy-sydney-australia-airport-photo-scenery-xp10/
    YSCN Camden Australia - http://forums.x-plan...&showfile=14867
    NZCH Christchurch NZ - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/122-nzch-christchurch-airport-photo-scenery-xp10-isdg/
    KPDX Portland OR USA - http://forums.x-plan...&showfile=11248
    KRMN Stafford VA USA - http://forums.x-plan...&showfile=15638
    Glenelg, South Australia - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/345-glenelg-south-australia-near-ypad-xp10/
    KSEA Seattle WA, USA - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/321-ksea-seattle-photoreal-underlay/
    KBOS Boston, MA, USA - http://forums.x-plan...&showfile=15851
    Copyright © 2012-2013 by the ISDG (International Scenery Development Group)




  8. Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport - KDFW2013

    KDFW is a major project that leverages the technologies of XP10. Although the default apt.dat was used as the foundation, many changes have been made to pads, lines, signs, pavement markings, etc. so that it better matches the actual layout of the airport. It is by no means “done”, but it was time to get a version out for end users. There are some improvements planned for future updates: blending of the “green” center road area between the terminals using either ortho underlays or road inlays, World Traffic and Ground Traffic files/support, and more custom models to replace facades.
    Terminal Area
    Models - All passenger terminals are custom modeled/textured by Tim Benedict. As well, the AA maintenance “Hangar 5”, the ATC towers and the A to C walkway and observation tower are Tim’s handiwork. “West Hollywood” maintenance area modeled/ textured by Brian
    Gates/Ramps - There are ample start ramps at each terminal as well as the cargo and maintenance areas and the corporate aviation terminal. In addition, there are multiple autogate ramps at each of the terminals.
    V10 ATC
    Taxi Routing - Full coverage of runways, taxiways, terminal and maintenance/cargo areas
    Airport Flows - Configured for typical North or South conditions. Departures from inboard runways and arrivals to the outboard runways just as it really happens. In addition, props and turboprops arrive and depart from the exterior runways so that the flow system will utilize all runways. Arrivals and departures are routed based on your equipment type and departures runways are determined by your filed flight plan heading (if you file east, you will be sent to the east side of the airport, west goes to the west side) regardless of the gate you start up at.
    We have made a diligent attempt to match XP roads to OSM roads as they are/were during construction. Since OSM is always being updated these connections may or may not "hold" as future XP updates rollout.
    User Manual
    A comprehensive PDF guide to the airport layout is included. It contains links to ZFW ARTCC for access to airport operations. The links are direct to documents but you should learn the site layout as document locations may change. All charts in the manual are current as of March 2013 and they rarely change. For ease of access, all procedures are organized thusly:
    SID/STAR - we have included a cheat sheet which lists the procedures by which flight direction (to or from) for ease in route planning.
    ILS/VOR/RNAV - by runway number in ascending order.
    On a project of this scale there are many people who chip in with various types of assistance. I will attempt to recognize all of them for their gracious contributions
    Tim Benedict: without whose enthusiasm and modeling talent, this airport would have remained in the dream portions of my brain. Facades don't do justice to a large airport if it can be helped and Tim came through BIG time, modeling way more than I ever anticipated. Unfortunately, something came up near the end of the project for Tim. With some help from folks listed below, I/we were able to band-aid the remaining issues to finish some models and texturing. I hope whatever happened to Tim is not serious and that the result is good for he and his family.
    Those that directly contributed:
    frede: my friend and mentor
    Pierre Lavaux: creating some great LIT textures that were needed to finish out the terminals (and teaching me in the process)
    KC Hagedorn - photos used for the development of object textures
    Tom Holland - technical advice/assistance
    Beta Testers
    Dave Robertson
    Dave Dillinger
    Nathan Powell
    Tarun Mittal…
    and more great guys and gals at X-Plane Aviators Facebook group.
    Those that indirectly contributed:
    Ben, Chris, Austin and the other folks at LR (employee or dedicated contributor)
    The entire community of developers that make this the incredible simulator that it is
    Marginal - for Autogate
    Barbarossa - for the awesome "Reload Scenery" plugin…saved countless hours during verification
    Beber/RoyalOak - Serviced Aircraft
    Conan - Static ACF
    N1969 - Static ACF ERJ145 from previous artists (detailed in the enclosed readme) I removed the aircraft shadow from the texture file, the beacon, landing and strobe lights from the OBJ file.
    Planebuilder - static MD90
    Nickster - bridges




  9. KSEA Seattle Photoreal Underlay

    KSEA Seattle Photoreal Underlay
    Version 0.1
    Dec 27, 2012
    Chris K and the ISDG Group
    Tired of Flying around the plain textured KSEA Demo Airport?
    Feel Like filling your VRAM and Tanking your FPS at the same time?
    Hate having trees in-line with your approaches?
    You're downloading the right file!
    Note: This is for XP10 as it uses 4096 x 4096 Textures for fast rendering
    Orthophotos courtesy of the United States Geological Survey (USGS)
    The dataset is the 30cm/pixel USGS HiRes Orthoimagery
    This Imagery is in the Public Domain as per:
    Copyrights and Credits
    USGS-authored or produced data and information are considered to be in the U.S. public domain. When using information from USGS information products (chrisk - which we are), publications, or Web sites, we ask that proper credit be given. Credit is provided by including the following citation:
    Credit: U.S. Geological Survey
    Department of the Interior/USGS
    The USGS home page is http://www.usgs.gov.




  10. Honolulu Intl. - PHNL

    This is my version of the Honolulu Intl. Airport (PHNL) on the Island of O'ahu, Hi.
    Even though it's not completely finished yet, I felt like sharing my progress with the community to enjoy.
    All in all it's a pretty accurate depiction of the airport using the Lego-Brick method with focus on the civilian part of the airport. All civilian terminals are modeled (Diamond Head, Central, EWA & Inter Island concourses) as well as the freight apron and the GA area in the South East.
    Special attention has been payed to taxi/apron markings which contribute nicely to the overall appearance.
    I plan to improve the package in future updates and include a more detailed Hickam AFB.
    This package works great with X-Aviation's RS Enhanced: Island of Oahu, HD Mesh V3 and X-Plane 10's default scenery.
    And last but definitely not least, I want to thank all authors for contributing their incredible work to the community and letting me use it for this scenery. Thank you very much!!!
    Orthoimages from Pearl Harbor to Waikiki
    Main Concourses - Diamond Head, Central, EWA, Inter Island & GO
    Freight apron - main freight apron near the GA area in the East & small freight apron for Aloha Cargo west of the EWA concourse
    GA area - located in the south-east of the airport close to RWY4R with Hangars and marked tarmack tie downs
    Air National Guard - Ramp starts and shelters for fighter A/C in the far west of the airport
    F/A-22 Scramble post- located close to RWY8L
    Populated Gates - Gate are full with service vehicles and ramp equipment
    Autogate and DGSs - Marginal's awesome Autogate plugin has been used extensively to improve immersion
    HDR lights - nice lighting at night in the right places
    Highly accurate Taxiway-layout based on the ortho-imagery of RS Enhanced: Island of Oahu
    Highly accurate RWY/Taxi/Apron markings - including Gate Numbers, taxi restrictions, RWY & ILS holds as well as service roads
    Many ramp start locations - either for you to choose or for AI A/C to populate
    AI-Taxi-network - AI A/C taxi correctly along the specified taxiways
    Airport Flows - user and AI A/C will be assigned by ATC to the most appropriate RWY depending on wind conditions. (I'll try to include time rules as well to enable noise abatement during the night---> 4R & 8R for LDG)
    High-rise buildings in Waikiki - I added a few skyscrapers to improve/create the skyline you normally see when departing eastbound
    Marina close to Honolulu Harbor - inspired by VogoonZarniwoop's "Friday Harbor Boats" package I added this to populate the airport surroundings
    If you like the Test-feature, tell me in the comments and I'll improve them in the next release.
    OpensceneryX 2.0 - http://www.opensceneryx.com/
    Ruscenery- http://ruscenery.x-air.ru/
    FF Library - http://forums.x-plan...&showfile=12836
    R2_Library: http://xplane.cz/en/r2-library/ Password: OK
    Optional but recommended:
    Marginal's Autogate plugin: http://forums.x-plan...s&showfile=5038
    Real Terra Haze: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=22387
    (Settings are included in the screenshots)
    As a last point I would like to ask the community for help.
    Now this package includes a wonderful Boeing B717 in Hawaiian's beautiful Pualani livery. All credit goes to Skycycle for granting permission to convert and use his model. Please ask for his permission, if you plan to use this object in your scenery package.
    Furthermore, I'd like to ask the community to create static A/C in Hawaiian Airlines liveries and post them here. Especially nice models of a B767 and an A330-200 would be very appreciated.
    Have fun!!!




  11. NZCH Christchurch International Airport (ISDG)

    NZCH Christchurch New Zealand International Airport (ISDG)
    Version 1.1 - August 21, 2014 - by: Chris K and FlorianR
    Imagery Copyright:
    Photo Imagery is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 New Zealand License with Crown copyright reserved.
    Imagery Provided by Land Information New Zealand (http://www.linz.govt.nz/topography)
    Please read the included LICENSE.RTF for further information
    Move the entire folder into your "X-Plane/Custom Scenery/" folder. Thats it.
    1. This is an X-Plane 10 ONLY Scenery
    2. Requires a Video Card with 1GB of VRAM or more for full effect
    3. Requires OpenSceneryX
    You should also install:
    NZPro by AlpilotX - http://www.alpilotx.net/downloads/x-plane-10-new-zealand-pro/
    Conflicts with RoyalOaks awesome NZCH Christchurch Scenery for XP9
    Remove his Scenery from your /Custom Scenery/ folder, as I have received permission to incorporate it into this one
    Object and Scenery Credits:
    - Grass Edges as per Simmo W (capnsully)'s Tutorial
    - Grass Imagery from Mihaly (KSGY) from Xplane.hu as part of the "Mow your own grass" Tutorial - I've adjusted for colour.
    - XP10 Buildings/Facades and Lighting courtesy of the built in XP10 Library by Tom (tkyler) Kyler et al at Laminar Research.
    - Tress Courtesy of Andras (alpilotx) Fabian's excellent Euro-replacement forest textures publicly available on his webpage (http://www.alpilotx.net)
    - NZCH Airport Buildings and original FSX conversion courtesy of Robin (RoyalOak) Tannahill, and derivative works by Troy Chapman, used with permission.
    - Hangars and Misc items courtesy of OpensceneryX and their respective authors (http://www.opensceneryx.com/)
    - Orthophotos courtesy of Land Information New Zealand, used under licence. (http://www.linz.govt.nz/topography)
    - Ortho Manipulation and PhotoEditing by Florian (FlorianR) Radack.
    - Florian Deserves as much credit on this project - His awesome photoshop work made all this possible.
    - Telephone Poles courtesy of Nick (Nickster) Ward.
    - Joe (YYZatcboy) Vermeulen for assistance with testing and good suggestions.
    - Andrew McGregor for providing me ground photographs of the Airport and Locations of field obstacles.
    - Andy (Gjalp) for being my most enthusiastic supporter.
    If we have forgotten anyone for objects not credited, please contact for inclusion or removal.
    Known bugs / stuff left to do:
    1. There's a cloud shadow near the threshold of RWY 02. It's not a show-stopper though.
    2. Hedgerows need to be adjusted with new textures and adjust tree shapes/sizes to make it look more like hedgerows.
    This is my first attempt ever in Feb 2012 at:
    - Making an Airport
    - Using GeoTIFFs
    - Making a Draped Polygon
    - Using any of the X-Plane scenery tools
    - Using OpensceneryX
    1. This was completely done in WED v1.3 for MacOSX - Thanks to Ben Supnik and various details on his blog regarding scenery optimization.
    2. GraphicConverter. Great software for batch ortho conversions and alpha blending. Pretty much all my gfx work was done with it.
    3. All the previous threads in the Scenery Development forum on x-plane.org, which I found 99% of my answers to. The [sEARCH] button is your friend.
    4. Carlos Garcia for pointing me in the right direction for the grass forest files from capnsully/Simmo W
    5. Support from the community in general.
    This scenery is Pieware - Meaning that if you like it, you are obligated to send us some kind of edible bakeware in pastry-and-filling format.
    We especially like Blueberry Pie, but will settle for Apple, Strawberry Rhubarb, or possibly Lemon Meringue.
    Scenery and 3D Object work copyright © 2012-2014 by the ISDG (International Scenery Development Group)
    All other derived materials are Copyright their respective rights holders, used with permission.
    You do not have to pay for this scenery. This scenery is Postcard-Ware.
    Please send us a postcard if you like the work! We’d love to hear from you.
    ISDG Group
    PO Box 892
    North Sydney, NSW 2059
    Visit our website at http://isdg.com.au/ for all our scenery packages and add-ons.
    © 2012-2014 ISDG - International Scenery Development Group


    1 comment


  12. MMML General Rodolfo Sánchez Taboada International Airport - Mexicali, Mexico

    Here is my second new airport:
    MMML - General Rodolfo Sánchez Taboada International Airport - Mexicali, Mexico.
    The inspiration to make this came from a tv documentary that I saw 'The Plane Crash' where they used the airport as a base from which to see what happens to people in a survivable crash.
    This is my first attempt at making some 3d models for terminal and other buildings which I have a good idea what they look like. There were few pictures of the 'air side' buildings so they may not be perfect.
    While the airport is much smaller than the much larger KEWR that I did on my first attempt at scenery, this gave me the opportunity to use and develop the skills I learned on that project and try and really impove the quality and end up with a small but interesting and detailed airport that should be fun to fly from.
    Nice location to learn to fly in the stable desert weather. Excellent location to crash your old used 727's.
    Buildings modeled include:
    Main terminal
    Small terminal
    Fire station
    Volaris / Mexicana
    3 Hangers
    This scenery also includes orthophotos for the airport. I'd try to blend them in more to the default but the desert in x-plane is the wrong colour at the moment.
    Orthophotos are courtesy of the U.S. Geological Survey. The USGS home page is http://www.usgs.gov
    To operate correctly OpensceneryX must be installed.
    I also highly recommend that you use Chris K's Wide Taxiway Markings and FlyJSims Enhanced HD Runways both of which this scenery was designed to work with.
    I hope you enjoy using this and look forward to hearing your feedback and suggestions!




  13. YPPF Parafield Airport and Adelaide City Photoreal

    YPPF Parafield Airport and Adelaide City Photoreal
    Version 1.1 Update
    Mar 09, 2013
    The International Scenery Development Group (ISDG)
    1.1 Update:
    - Made city replacement terrain files "less green" by tightening the shrub overlay textures.
    - Added night _LIT textures to the city; hence nighttime flying now looks like XP9 rather than completely dark.
    - Fixed an over-sized DDS Texture - This scenery now loads in XP9 via the Compatibility Library.
    XP9 Users, you can download : http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/327-x-plane-10-compatibility-library-for-x-plane-9/
    - X-Plane 10.20 or better
    - OpensceneryX 2.0 (http://opensceneryx.com/)
    - A Modern Video Card with minimum 512 Mb VRAM, 1 Gb is highly recommended
    - Ability to run at "Very High" texture resolutions (with compression enabled), else the effect is lost.
    - X-Plane 64-bit and a 2 Gb VRAM Video card is recommended for the Highest Texture resolutions.
    (No... We're not kidding... we will use every ounce of VRAM you have!)
    Unzip and place folder "YPPF Parafield Airport and Adelaide City Photoreal" in your X-Plane/Custom Scenery/ folder.
    - If VOZ is installed, then "YPPF Parafield Airport and Adelaide City Photoreal" must come before VOZ in the "scenery_packs.ini" file.
    - If you are installing this for the first time, this scenery will automatically be placed first (which is correct, and will work immediately)
    Delete the "YPPF Parafield Airport and Adelaide City Photoreal" directory from your X-Plane/Custom Scenery/ folder.
    Custom Features of this Scenery Package:
    - Photorealistic terrain at 15cm/pix resolution
    - Hi-Res Australian-Style Urban Texture Replacements
    - Complete Customized Adelaide City Downtown (CBD) buildings and parks
    - Current Airport Taxiways, Tarmac, Markings, and Signage
    - Custom 3D Control Towers and Field Support buildings
    - X-Plane 10 Compliant ATC/AI Taxi Flow System
    - Airport grounds modelled via XP10 Library and Customized 3D Objects
    - HDR Lighting Support with Custom HDR Lights
    - Windsocks - Australian Style coloured windsocks, with HDR lighting
    - Regional Hangars and Localized Signage
    - Field Obstacles, Gables, and Bollards
    - Forests, Trees, Vegetation, and Grass
    - Advertising and Billboard Signage
    - Full Downtown Adelaide (CBD) Buildings
    - "Gritty" Texture Support
    - Lumber and 6 Restaurants just a short drive away
    - This time there's a map of the grounds included.... see if you can find it!
    Project Lead : Ropeless
    Lead 3D Modeller : Sethesus
    Misc 3D Models : Ropeless, Skyflyer, AndrooC, Chris K
    Placements : Ropelss, Skyflyer, Chris K
    Taxiways : Ropeless
    Taxi Signage : Ropeless, Chris K
    Tarmac Stencilling : Skyflyer
    Vegetation : Ropeless, Chris K
    City Textures : Chris K
    City Skyline : Skyflyer, Ropeless
    HDR Lighting : Ropeless, Chris K
    Moral Support : Everyone else!
    Hang on, Who are these crazy scenery guys?
    Ropeless - Orthophoto Guru, WED & ATC Taxi Flow Master, HDR Lighting Overlord, and Photoshopping Machine.
    SkyFlyer - Photoshopping, 3D Signage and Modelling, Stenciller, and our Local "Man on the Ground" again!
    Sethesus - Lead 3D Modeller, Textures, and spits out Incredible objects faster than we can ask for them.
    Karingka - 3D Modeller, WED Manipulator, Textures, FS-Conversions, Encouragement.
    AndrooC - 3D Modeller, Textures, Sketchup Object Weaver, johnny-on-the-spot.
    Chris K - WED Addict, Taxiway Paver, Object Rotator, Scenery Assembler, X-Grinder, Gardener.
    Derived Object and Scenery Credits:
    - Barry (Baz) Roberts: Original VOZ/AussiePak Objects - Retrofitted for XP10, re-textured, and HDR Enabled
    - Nearmap.com: Orthophotos under Free Derivative Creative Commons License (CC-SA)
    - Hypersonic Test Pilot: Guardrail objects and facades, used with permission.
    - Nickster: Radio Masts/Towers. Free derivation of any objects for use in scenery as per his note.
    See ISDGLibrary/objects/towers/radio/License - Original Author.txt
    If we have forgotten anyone for objects not credited, please contact for inclusion or removal.
    Copyrights are owned by Andras Fabian, Albert Laubi, and Laminar Research. They
    are used unmodified with permission of Andras Fabian.
    See ISDGLibrary/Forests/tree_textures/README.txt
    Thecustom windsocks are modified X-Plane resources with copyrights owned
    by Laminar Research. These objects cannot be sold or used with any
    flight simulator apart from X-Plane.
    See ISDGLibrary/Objects/windsocks/README.txt
    Contains material produced by "Simon W.".
    Used under the license implied in:
    ISDGLibrary/Forests/grass/How to grow grass.pdf
    Car and truck objects sourced from "Vehicle Library Extension"
    Used with permission from Jeff M. (Joyfulsongsters) and Cami de Bellis.
    See ISDGLibrary/Objects/vehicles/README.txt
    This scenery is designed to work best with:
    YPAD Adelaide Airport Photoreal - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/432-ypad-adelaide-airport-photoreal-xp10/
    Glenelg South Australia Photoreal - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/345-glenelg-south-australia-near-ypad/
    Vehicle Library Extension - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/125-additional-vehicle-library-extension-xp9xp10-isdg/
    FlyJSim Asphalt Textures - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=16270
    Wide Taxiway Marking Replacements - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/406-wide-taxiway-markings-library-replacement/
    SkyMAXX sky colouring using "Vivid Skies" - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=15821
    BeachMAXX Ocean Textures - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=17311
    Reference Materials
    Visual Pilot Guide for Parafield can be found on the CASA website:
    ERSA entry for the airport at:
    IFR Charts for the airport at:
    Google maps for the area at:
    Wikipedia entry for the airport is at:
    Scenery and 3D Object work copyright © 2012-2013 by the ISDG (International Scenery Development Group)
    All other derived materials are Copyright their respective rights holders, used with permission.
    You do not have to pay for this scenery. This scenery is Postcard-Ware.
    Please send us a postcard if you like the work! We'd love to hear from you.
    ISDG Group
    PO Box 892
    North Sydney, NSW 2059
    ....We still haven't received a single postcard for YPAD.... C'mon guys..!
    Contact us @ x-plane.org
    chris k
    Other ISDG Group Member Sceneries:
    YSSY Sydney Australia - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/78-yssy-sydney-australia-airport-photo-scenery-xp10/
    YPAD Adelaide Australia - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/432-ypad-adelaide-airport-photoreal-xp10/
    YSCN Camden Australia - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=14867
    NZCH Christchurch NZ - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/122-nzch-christchurch-airport-photo-scenery-xp10-isdg/
    KPDX Portland OR USA - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=11248
    KRMN Stafford VA USA - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=15638
    KSEA Seattle WA USA - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/321-ksea-seattle-photoreal-underlay/
    KBOS Boston MA USA - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=15851
    CYTZ Toronto Island ON - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/301-cytz-toronto-island-airport-and-downtown-toronto-xp10/
    Hope you Enjoy!
    - The ISDG Team




  14. YPAD Adelaide Airport Photoreal (XP10)

    YPAD Adelaide Australia Airport Photoreal (XP10)
    Version 1.31 Release
    Mar 04, 2013
    Photorealistic terrain at 15cm/pix resolution

    Accurately modelled Taxiways, Tarmac, Markings, and Signage
    Accurately modelled Control Towers and Field Support buildings
    Complete X-Plane 10 Compliant ATC/AI Taxi Flow System
    Accurately Modelled Airport grounds and 3D Object placement
    Customized HDR Lighting w/accurate light-stand models and positions
    Customized HDR Lit Windsocks for landing visibility
    Customized Terminal Entrance and Passenger drop-off zone Signage
    Customized Gate Number Lighting
    Customized Hangars and Localised Signage
    Customized Runway Hold-Short Lighting
    Animated Jetways and Autogate DGS System
    Animated Terminal Doppler Radar
    Animated Service Vehicles
    Accurate Field Obstacles, Gables, and Bollards
    Custom Forests, Trees, Vegetation, Grass, and Reeds
    Customized (Non-Autogen) Terminal Roadway Lighting
    Current Advertising and Billboard Signage
    Custom vehicles, parking lots, and associated vehicle HDR lighting
    Accurate Helipads, Lighting, Markings, and Training Areas
    Full "Gritty" Texture Support

    ....And most important... 4 Different Restaurants to Choose From! (See if you can find them all)
    New in 1.1:
    Added Marginal's Amazing New Animated Glass Jetways (Autogate).
    Get The Plugin here: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5038
    Now with full x86_64 bit support
    Removed AWSS Tower and Field Grass due to FPS Issues with some users
    Added Some additional Exclusion zones on RWY 05 Approach
    Removed CBD Buildings (to make way for another ISDG scenery package which includes a much better CBD; coming soon...)
    New in 1.2:
    Removed artifact on orthophoto (Tile 12-6 near terminal gate).
    Refactored ISDGLibrary
    New in 1.31:
    New taxiway and runway edge grass; Gives a nice soft touch to the scenery.
    Replaced Windsocks with Australian Style Windsocks w/HDR Lighting.
    Added new Long Grass and Reed Areas via Facades; Little-to-no FPS Impact.
    Added Yellow Warning lighting in key ares (Incursion Hotspots as per AIP)
    Added guidance markers for main tarmac/ramp entrance/exit areas
    Updated ISDG Library
    Updated Autogate 1.40 (with LIT night textures)
    Scenery and 3D Object work:
    Copyright © 2012-2013 by the ISDG (International Scenery Development Group)
    All other derived materials are Copyright their respective rights holders, used with permission.
    Who Are We:
    Ropeless - Orthophoto Guru, ATC Taxi Flow Master, HDR Lighting Overlord, and Photoshopping Machine.
    SkyFlyer - Photoshopping, 3D Signage and Modelling, Stenciller, and our Local "Man on the Ground" who owns a nice camera.
    Sethesus - 3D Modeller, Animations, and Johnny-on-the-spot for most of the custom objects you see.
    Chris K - WED Addict, Taxiway paver, Object Rotator, Scenery Assembler, Gardener.
    Derived Object and Scenery Credits:
    - Barry (Baz) Roberts: Original AussiePak1 Objects fixed for XP10 and re-textured
    - GaryBKK (Gary): Containers and Ships
    - Nearmap.com: Orthophotos under Free Derivative Creative Commons Licence
    Copyrights are owned by Andras Fabian, Albert Laubi, and Laminar Research. They are used unmodified with permission of Andras Fabian.
    See ISDGLibrary/Forests/tree_textures/README.txt
    Contains material produced by "Simon W.".
    Used under the licence implied in:
    ISDGLibrary/Forests/grass/How to grow grass.pdf
    Car and truck objects sourced from "Vehicle Library Extension" http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=16812.
    Also in "New auto traffic" http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=15244.
    Used with permission from Jeff M. (Joyfulsongsters) and Cami de Bellis.
    See ISDGLibrary/Objects/vehicles/README.txt
    - X-Plane 10.20 or better
    We know the art library in the 10.20 beta runs may change, if it does, we'll issue a fix.
    - OpensceneryX 2.0 (http://opensceneryx.com/)
    - A Modern Video Card with MINIMUM 512Mb VRAM.
    This scenery (Plus X-Plane 10) use ~500 Mb of VRAM when loaded at "very high" with compression enabled.
    - You will want to run this scenery at "very high" or "extreme" Texture Resolution.
    - X-Plane 10.20 64-bit and 1 Gb VRAM Video card is recommended for the Higher Texture resolutions.
    - Charts for YPAD: http://www.airservicesaustralia.com/aip/aip.asp
    This scenery is designed to work best with:
    Vehicle Library Extension (http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/125-additional-vehicle-library-extension-xp9xp10-isdg/)
    FlyJSim Asphalt Textures (http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=16270)
    SkyMAXX sky colouring using "Vivid Skies" (http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=15821)
    BeachMAXX Ocean Textures (http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=17311)
    Autogate DGS System (http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5038)
    Wide Taxiway Markings (http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=18490)
    Still to fix:
    - Some buildings are still a little too "glow in the dark" at night.
    These are converts from AussiePak1 which were toned down, but could use some HDR lighting instead of _LIT.
    This scenery is Postcard-Ware. Send us a postcard if you like the work! We'd love to hear from you.
    See the included README.RTF for our address.
    Contact us anytime:
    chris k
    Other ISDG Group Member's Sceneries:
    YSSY Sydney Australia - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=16986
    YSCN Camden Australia - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=14867
    NZCH Christchurch NZ - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=15673
    KPDX Portland OR USA - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=11248
    KRMN Stafford VA USA - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=15638
    Glenelg, South Australia - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=18226
    KSEA Seattle WA, USA - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=18147
    KBOS Boston, MA, USA - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=15851
    Copyright © 2012-2013 by the ISDG (International Scenery Development Group)
    (Note: We seem to have lost the previous file page here at x-pilot; hence the re-upload as a new file)


    1 comment


  15. RealLandIsrael

    V0.7.1 HotFix
    * Unzip the object to RLIAutogen07/objects folder
    sorry for this mistake
    *Follow the folders names...
    * It'll ask you to override some files , please accept
    * Go to RLIAutogen07 and delete all the .obj , .for .dds .png .fac that are NOT inside objects/facades folders , please be aware to NOT delete the new library.txt that you just entered
    This package includes a hundred of thousands accurately self placed , and hundreds of custom modeled Land Marks.
    **Before Installation**
    Please Make Sure that you have the following packages installed:
    Flags of the world||
    1) Drop the .zip file to XP10/Custom Scnery and unzip it.
    2) Then you can download the rest of the project via those links , as the download limit here is "only" 500MB ( well , the project is much bigger )
    Photoreal PART 1: https://mega.co.nz/#!2MhFwSTT!KgTXs8OS3PD33tw_aL1mQS-fnYyRWvG_o9psHUEkCRU
    Part2 : https://mega.co.nz/#!yV5GDYrK!Z0ctvAjw0tsZOluJDXvDwnY8TcBCBV-0sMHmzKq4Mrc
    Part 3: https://mega.co.nz/#!yUQAFT7T!nk7ccdBsNw4lq12oLakoFB6tGaXeEhjwFO8pnUU27e0
    Part 4 : https://mega.co.nz/#!acZGSCRI!nCRbhSx30WVdV4cgfquRcHv3a3cQWkM2fGXEXQwT2x4
    3) After downloading everything , please unzip the content of Part 1 to XP10/Custom Scenery.
    Then unzip part 2 +3 +4 content into z_IsraelPhoto/imagery.
    4) After every thing , please start a random flight in XP and then exit , and go to the Scenery_Packs.ini in the Custom Scenery folder , and make sure that it has this order:
    Autogen Packs
    Objects libraries
    Mesh Files
    Israel X-plane team developers:
    Gal Cohen
    Jonathan Friedman
    Ofek Weinberger
    Yuval Hirschmann
    Support given by other Developers:
    ISP - Israel Seneries Project
    Tomer Haim
    Bar Rodoy
    The future of this project:
    We will not stop here!
    We are planning to cover more parts of Israel , Next version will be V0.8 that'll include highly detailed Sde Dov LLSD and Ben Gurion LLBG airports , and maybe some more.




  16. Spokane, WA - KGEG

    Spokane, Washington State USA
    KGEG, Spokane International Airport, under construction.
    This airport has had several changes over the last two years and is in the process of taxiway reconfiguration, building a new ARFF facility, and several other projects. I am almost complete, but wanted some feedback. Version 3 will contain custom objects.
    I have the airfield side configured as it will look at the end of next summer when the taxiways are reconfigured. Right now I am using only the default objects. I have placed some airfield side ramp equipment. All the buildings, lighting and lights are placed as close as possible to real with default objects.
    I have excluded most of the default roads (wrong locations) at the airport due to new construction. I have placed new polygons where the roads and drives actually are.
    I added photo scenery and several more buildings surrounding the airport.
    Please see the attached txt file for some changes that need to be made to the earth_nav.dat file, otherwise the glide slope antenna for rwy 3, and localizer antenna for rwy 21 and the IM of rwy 3 will be in the wrong locations, two of them right in the middle of the runway.
    I have placed some fun stuff.
    I will have a few changes and additions to make but I didn't notice until I had everything zipped up.
    Let me know what you think.





    This is my first attempt at creating an airport scenery pack. I choose KPVD for several reasons, but above all for its size and sophistication. I felt a small “full size” airport would be interesting to create, and not too overwhelming to complete in a reasonable time (took about 5 weeks). While it’s not my home airport (KPHL), I have flown into it several times as a passenger, and have always loved its ease of use and it’s proximity to Boston, MA. Being my first airport, I had much to learn, and thanks to the posts of others on the various forums (X-pilot, AvSIM and the .org) and Ben’s work on the x-plane development blog, I was able to absorb an astounding amount of info about X-plane development, so thanks to you all! Also very special thank you to Marginal, whose excellent tools I have relied on so heavily to complete this project.
    I’ve done my best to optimize the scenery, but it is very detailed and contains many custom objects, you will need a decent computer to run it well. This scenery come as two packs. The first is required and contains the airport and buildings. An optional but highly recommended package contains the photo real underlay. These .15m orthophotos are very high res 4k tiles and there are about 12 of them, so you will likely need little more than 1gig of VRAM, but if you have got the system, they look great. I have done some editing so that the change to x-plane default scenery is not so abrupt. Also note, that this project was built for X-Plane 10.25, and relies on HDR for night lighting. I am certainly open to feedback, and I expect some bugs but hopefully not many. I hope you enjoy using it as much as I did making it. Please see the PDF for additional information.
    · OpenScenry X
    · RU Library
    · R2 library
    · Autogate plug-in by Marginal
    THIS IS PART ONE OF A TWO PART SCENERY PACK. If you want the photo-scenery, please go here:




  18. SUMU - Carrasco International Airport

    Carrasco International Airport, Montevideo, Uruguay.
    With GroundTraffic animations and Marginal's Autogate.
    Libraries suggested - not required.
    Visit: http://axplane.blogspot.com.br/




  19. LGSR Santorini

    Currently my time is a little bit limited, thus I decided to release a version 0.9 of "Santorini X-Plane".
    Place GR_LGSR_Santorini_0.9 and zz_GR_+36+025_GR_Thira_gx17 from the downloaded zip file into the Custom Scenery folder of your X-Plane installation. For updating to V0.92, see further below.
    You also should install (if not already done):
    1. OpensceneryX library (http://www.opensceneryx.com) – latest version.
    2. FF library (http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=12836)
    3. Flags of the world library (http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=17090)
    4. Ruscenery (http://ruscenery.x-air.ru/files/RuScenery.zip)
    5. People library (http://www.x-plane.at/drupal/node/191)
    6. R2Library (http://xplane.cz/en/r2-library/)
    For the time being you should turn „runways follow terrain contours“ off, until I have edited the mesh (and added more features) in the next release.
    Remark - you will see the cruise ships only from around noon on, but not in the morning (like in reality).
    For further information please read the included pdf.
    New in 0.91
    Resolved issue with cars
    Runway lights for 34L and 16R
    Runways fit better to orthophotos
    New in 0.92
    Sharper looking othophotos with the "decals" technology (see this posting), and this screenshot.
    Download ONLY the terrain.zip file. Unzip it into in the "terrain" subfolder of zz_GR_+36+025_GR_Thira_gx17 and overwrite all existing files.
    Have fun ...




  20. Ben Gurion Airport


    *Follow the folders names...

    *Follow the folders names...
    The objects of this scenery were converted from the FS2004 version By David Rosenfeld , all the credit for modelling those great objects goes to him.
    Nevertheless , except of the objects , the hall airport was built from scratch to be 100% comptable with XPX , and updated to the new situation in the airport today .
    Thanks to Heinan Cabouly , that sent me his own apt.dat , I merged it with my apt.dat to get the most accurate ground work .
    Before Installation
    * if you are using RealLandIsrael please update to version 0.7.1 :
    * Please install AutoGate plugin
    * OpenScenery X is required
    *ff-library is required
    *R2_library is required
    * Unzip the rar into Custom Scenery folder
    * If you are using RealLandIsrael please make sure that RLI_BenGurion is above of all RealLandIsrael folder in Scenery_packs.ini
    Reccomended packages and settings
    * RealLandIsrael :
    * Wide Taxiway markings Library Replacement 2.0 by ISDG
    * Taxi-HD enhancement pack 1.0 * Gritty details in the rendering options is reccomended to be ON
    * You'll want to run this scenery with Very High texture resolution or Extreme , High may also be just ok .
    * To have the more accurate and updated approaches you have to install AIRAC 1407 for x-plane 10 data base
    * David Rosenfeld for modelling the objects to the FS9 version
    * Heinan Cabouly for sending me his apt.dat that I merged with mine




  21. LELN - Leon (Virgen del Camino) - Spain

    Please, rate and/or comment it. Thanks so much.
    Por favor, evalúe y/o coméntelo. Muchas gracias. ***************************************************************************************************
    The scenery needs checked "Runways follow terrain contours" option and HDR activated for a correct ilumination.
    This scenery don't need any aditional library but...
    Some objects used in this scenery are from:
    - Flags of the world (link broken).
    - 3D people library (link broken).
    - OpenSceneryX ( http://www.opensceneryx.com/ ).
    - Autogate ( http://marginal.org.uk/x-planescenery/plugins.html ).
    - C101 from freeware LESA - Matacan - Salamanca Airport by JRollon.
    Thanks to my family and to Mr. Antón García and Mr. Jorge Álvarez for his
    selfless collaboration in this project. Thank you very much to all PUE, in
    general, for their tests and support.
    (c) Luis Mtnez. 2016 - Freeware. Forbiden their sale or rent.
    (c) Plus Ultra Virtual Airlines Virtual ( http://www.plusultrava.es/ ).
    (c) Pilotos Virtuales España ( http://www.pilotosvirtuales.es/ ).
    If changes are made on scenery, please, report.
    El escenario necesita la opción "Pistas siguen contornos del terreno" y HDR activado para una correcta iluminación.
    Éste escenario no necesita ninguna librería adicional, pero...
    Algunos objetos usados en él, son de:
    - Flags of the world (enlace roto).
    - 3D people library (enlace roto).
    - OpenSceneryX ( http://www.opensceneryx.com/ ).
    - Autogate ( http://marginal.org.uk/x-planescenery/plugins.html ).
    - C101 del aeropuerto gratuito LESA - Matacan - Salamanca de JRollon.
    Agradecimientos a mi familia así como a D. Antón Egea y D. Jorge Álvarez
    por su colaboración desinteresada en este proyecto. Muchas gracias a todos
    los PUE, en general, por sus tests y apoyo.
    (c) Luis Mtnez. 2016 - Freeware. Prohibida su venta o alquiler.
    (c) Plus Ultra Virtual Airlines Virtual ( http://www.plusultrava.es/ ).
    (c) Pilotos Virtuales España ( http://www.pilotosvirtuales.es/ ).
    Si se hacen modificaciones en el escenario, por favor, comuníquelo.




  22. Portoroz Aerodrome - ALSG

    Portoroz-By ALSG
    -Info about the airport from wikipedia-> CLICK
    This is Portoroz LJPZ-Project inherited from Matija Skerjanec a.k.a. brent123
    Features of this scenery->
    -Crisp Hi-Res texture, mostly 2048x2048 Resolution
    -Average Orthophoto
    -Detailed objects
    -3D Volumetric grass
    -Kyle Sanders, Saad Belouafi, and Matija for resources
    -Chris K for the modded .for files (grass) [sorry if I'm not allowed to redistribute, if I'm not allowed ill remove the 3d grass]
    Hope you enjoy the scenery!
    -Update for Portoroz has been released! here there are new concrete textures to match the real-world counterpart pavement look, new skidmark textures, and more! this update is really worth having and should be downloaded to get more from this scenery! plus still XP-9 compatible.
    -We hope you enjoy the update, the Aeroliner Studios Group




  23. Ben Gurion Airport LLBG

    Fix for cut asphalt
    Some folks had a problem which caused the asphalt to be cut at the +31+034.dsf and +32.034.dsf meeting point (RW21 Vacating area)
    Donwload: http://www.mediafire.com/download/f9dwdj4fw5i5ns6/Earth+nav+data.zip
    and drop the folder inside the .zip file to the scenery's folder , and agree to replace the existing folder.
    Ben Gurion V2* by IXPT is the most accurate and detailed rendition of the real thing.
    - Custom objects with UHD textures and specular effects
    - HD ground textures with many kinds of asphalt and concrete
    - Accurate and updated layout ; in real life the airport is changing , we will continue to update it of course!
    - 3D vegetation
    - Custom Ground traffic with Marginal's ground traffic plugin
    - Working VDGSs and animated marshalls for gates and hard stands respectively with Marginals' Autogate plugin (NO working jetways)
    - Fully compatible with "Real Land Israel" as well as the default scenery
    Before Installation
    - Please remove any scenery for this airport.
    - Open Scenery X is *required* (The newest version from 30 May 2015!!) : http://www.opensceneryx.com/
    - Make sure you have the last stable version of Xplane
    - (Recommended but not required) Real Land Israel by IXPT: 
    - (Recommended but not required) Marginal's Autogate plugin: http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=5038
    - (Recommended but not required) to get an accurate and the newest approaches to the airport , you'll need to purchase AIRAC: https://www.navigraph.com/
    - Open the zip file and drag it's content to Custom Scenery
    - Please make sure that within the scenery_packs.ini file 
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPT Ben Gurion LLBG/
    is *HIGHER* than
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Global Airports/
    - If you are using it with Real Land Israel , apply the previous step , so "IXPT Ben Gurion LLBG" is higher than Real Land Israel folders.
    For conclusion , this is how it should look like if you are using it with Real Land Israel
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPT Ben Gurion LLBG/
    SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPT Sde Dov LLSD/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPT Tel Hashomer LLSM/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPT Sourasky LLIC/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/Global Airports/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPT Israel Landmarks/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPT AutogenW/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPTeam_Library/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/OpenSceneryX/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPT Photoscenery/ SCENERY_PACK Custom Scenery/IXPT Israel Mesh/  
    This airport is highly detailed , so expect it'll affect your FPS , however it mostly depends on your computer and Xplane's settings.
    Known Issues
    Terminal 1 building is not textured yet , we will get to it in a future update.
    Credits and Support given by other developers
    - MisterX6 , for some of the objects in this scenery.
    - Niv Tesler for the new tower and swissport objects 
    - Marginal for the working VDGS and marshalls
    - This scenery is done by israeli Xplane Team (IXPT)
    Our next projects
    - Real Land Israel 08W
    - Another airport in the country




  24. NZWN Wellington International Airport

    I've been working on this on and off for ages and I thought that I may as well share it.
    Requires Openscenery X.




  25. KEWR Newark Liberty International with Orthophotos

    Here is my first shot at doing an airport using WED. I have chosen KEWR Newark Liberty International because it's the airport that I fly too from Edinburgh when I'm heading to the States with United Airlines.
    This scenery is based on orthophotos which cover the airport and surrounding parts of New Jersey. These are large files, hence the download size. The orthophotos are not great quality so I have taken the liberty of tracing out every single taxiway!!!
    I have tried to make the airport as realistic as possible with correct building placement, busy ramps, cargo areas and runway details. I have also added a large number of taxi signs, I'd like to do more of the complex ones but these take a long time.
    Terminal A
    Terminal B
    Terminal C
    GA Area
    FedEx Cargo Area
    UPS Cargo Area
    OpensceneryX is required!
    This effort is far from perfect but I hope that you enjoy using it.
    Feedback and suggestions for improvement welcome!




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