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YPPF Parafield Airport and Adelaide City Photoreal 1.1

11 Screenshots

About This File

YPPF Parafield Airport and Adelaide City Photoreal

Version 1.1 Update

Mar 09, 2013

The International Scenery Development Group (ISDG)


1.1 Update:

- Made city replacement terrain files "less green" by tightening the shrub overlay textures.

- Added night _LIT textures to the city; hence nighttime flying now looks like XP9 rather than completely dark.

- Fixed an over-sized DDS Texture - This scenery now loads in XP9 via the Compatibility Library.

XP9 Users, you can download : http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/327-x-plane-10-compatibility-library-for-x-plane-9/



- X-Plane 10.20 or better

- OpensceneryX 2.0 (http://opensceneryx.com/)

- A Modern Video Card with minimum 512 Mb VRAM, 1 Gb is highly recommended

- Ability to run at "Very High" texture resolutions (with compression enabled), else the effect is lost.

- X-Plane 64-bit and a 2 Gb VRAM Video card is recommended for the Highest Texture resolutions.

(No... We're not kidding... we will use every ounce of VRAM you have!)



Unzip and place folder "YPPF Parafield Airport and Adelaide City Photoreal" in your X-Plane/Custom Scenery/ folder.

- If VOZ is installed, then "YPPF Parafield Airport and Adelaide City Photoreal" must come before VOZ in the "scenery_packs.ini" file.

- If you are installing this for the first time, this scenery will automatically be placed first (which is correct, and will work immediately)


Delete the "YPPF Parafield Airport and Adelaide City Photoreal" directory from your X-Plane/Custom Scenery/ folder.


Custom Features of this Scenery Package:

- Photorealistic terrain at 15cm/pix resolution

- Hi-Res Australian-Style Urban Texture Replacements

- Complete Customized Adelaide City Downtown (CBD) buildings and parks

- Current Airport Taxiways, Tarmac, Markings, and Signage

- Custom 3D Control Towers and Field Support buildings

- X-Plane 10 Compliant ATC/AI Taxi Flow System

- Airport grounds modelled via XP10 Library and Customized 3D Objects

- HDR Lighting Support with Custom HDR Lights

- Windsocks - Australian Style coloured windsocks, with HDR lighting

- Regional Hangars and Localized Signage

- Field Obstacles, Gables, and Bollards

- Forests, Trees, Vegetation, and Grass

- Advertising and Billboard Signage

- Full Downtown Adelaide (CBD) Buildings

- "Gritty" Texture Support

- Lumber and 6 Restaurants just a short drive away

- This time there's a map of the grounds included.... see if you can find it!



Project Lead : Ropeless

Lead 3D Modeller : Sethesus

Misc 3D Models : Ropeless, Skyflyer, AndrooC, Chris K

Placements : Ropelss, Skyflyer, Chris K

Taxiways : Ropeless

Taxi Signage : Ropeless, Chris K

Tarmac Stencilling : Skyflyer

Vegetation : Ropeless, Chris K

City Textures : Chris K

City Skyline : Skyflyer, Ropeless

HDR Lighting : Ropeless, Chris K

Moral Support : Everyone else!


Hang on, Who are these crazy scenery guys?

Ropeless - Orthophoto Guru, WED & ATC Taxi Flow Master, HDR Lighting Overlord, and Photoshopping Machine.

SkyFlyer - Photoshopping, 3D Signage and Modelling, Stenciller, and our Local "Man on the Ground" again!

Sethesus - Lead 3D Modeller, Textures, and spits out Incredible objects faster than we can ask for them.

Karingka - 3D Modeller, WED Manipulator, Textures, FS-Conversions, Encouragement.

AndrooC - 3D Modeller, Textures, Sketchup Object Weaver, johnny-on-the-spot.

Chris K - WED Addict, Taxiway Paver, Object Rotator, Scenery Assembler, X-Grinder, Gardener.


Derived Object and Scenery Credits:

- Barry (Baz) Roberts: Original VOZ/AussiePak Objects - Retrofitted for XP10, re-textured, and HDR Enabled

- Nearmap.com: Orthophotos under Free Derivative Creative Commons License (CC-SA)

- Hypersonic Test Pilot: Guardrail objects and facades, used with permission.

- Nickster: Radio Masts/Towers. Free derivation of any objects for use in scenery as per his note.

See ISDGLibrary/objects/towers/radio/License - Original Author.txt

If we have forgotten anyone for objects not credited, please contact for inclusion or removal.


Copyrights are owned by Andras Fabian, Albert Laubi, and Laminar Research. They

are used unmodified with permission of Andras Fabian.

See ISDGLibrary/Forests/tree_textures/README.txt


Thecustom windsocks are modified X-Plane resources with copyrights owned

by Laminar Research. These objects cannot be sold or used with any

flight simulator apart from X-Plane.

See ISDGLibrary/Objects/windsocks/README.txt


Contains material produced by "Simon W.".

Used under the license implied in:

ISDGLibrary/Forests/grass/How to grow grass.pdf


Car and truck objects sourced from "Vehicle Library Extension"

Used with permission from Jeff M. (Joyfulsongsters) and Cami de Bellis.

See ISDGLibrary/Objects/vehicles/README.txt



This scenery is designed to work best with:

YPAD Adelaide Airport Photoreal - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/432-ypad-adelaide-airport-photoreal-xp10/

Glenelg South Australia Photoreal - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/345-glenelg-south-australia-near-ypad/

Vehicle Library Extension - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/125-additional-vehicle-library-extension-xp9xp10-isdg/

FlyJSim Asphalt Textures - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=16270

Wide Taxiway Marking Replacements - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/406-wide-taxiway-markings-library-replacement/

SkyMAXX sky colouring using "Vivid Skies" - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=15821

BeachMAXX Ocean Textures - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=17311


Reference Materials

Visual Pilot Guide for Parafield can be found on the CASA website:


ERSA entry for the airport at:


IFR Charts for the airport at:


Google maps for the area at:


Wikipedia entry for the airport is at:




Scenery and 3D Object work copyright © 2012-2013 by the ISDG (International Scenery Development Group)

All other derived materials are Copyright their respective rights holders, used with permission.

You do not have to pay for this scenery. This scenery is Postcard-Ware.

Please send us a postcard if you like the work! We'd love to hear from you.

ISDG Group

PO Box 892

North Sydney, NSW 2059


....We still haven't received a single postcard for YPAD.... C'mon guys..! wink.png


Contact us @ x-plane.org

chris k







Other ISDG Group Member Sceneries:

YSSY Sydney Australia - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/78-yssy-sydney-australia-airport-photo-scenery-xp10/

YPAD Adelaide Australia - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/432-ypad-adelaide-airport-photoreal-xp10/

YSCN Camden Australia - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=14867

NZCH Christchurch NZ - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/122-nzch-christchurch-airport-photo-scenery-xp10-isdg/

KPDX Portland OR USA - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=11248

KRMN Stafford VA USA - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=15638

KSEA Seattle WA USA - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/321-ksea-seattle-photoreal-underlay/

KBOS Boston MA USA - http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?app=downloads&showfile=15851

CYTZ Toronto Island ON - http://forums.x-pilot.com/index.php/files/file/301-cytz-toronto-island-airport-and-downtown-toronto-xp10/


Hope you Enjoy!

- The ISDG Team

What's New in Version 1.1


  • Various object and urban texture fixes
  • Nighttime urban _LIT textures added
  • XP9 pseudo-compatibility added via optional compatibility library.
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User Feedback

Recommended Comments

I'm speechless guys. I just can't believe you have no more than 1 comment on this awesome HD Scenery. A Quality of Hard Work and Exceptional Vision. For this to be a freeware is excellent. Keep it up guys there's lots of potential to explode..Best regards and many Thanks your time and patience for every single detail. Good luck in your upcoming projects. I wish I could have seen my local airport (KHEF) in Manassas Virginia this Detailed I'd be so satisfied


Sergio Salamanca

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