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  1. XMidiCtrl - A MIDI Controller Plugin for X-Plane View File About this plugin You have a MIDI Controller at home with lots of buttons and knobs? Why not use it with your favourite aircraft to control the autopilot and many other functions! XMidiCtrl is a plugin for X-Plane 11, which allows you to connect MIDI controllers to X-Plane commands and datarefs without the need of additional software. The plugin was developed for X-Plane 11.50+ / 12 and supports Microsoft Windows, Linux and macOS (universal build). The following devices are officially supported: Behringer X Touch Mini The following devices are known to work: Behringer BCR2000 Behringer X-Touch Compact Loupedeck Live XMidiCtrl is open source: GitHub page Features Create different profiles for your aircrafts Bind knobs and buttons of your controller to X-Plane Commands and DataRefs Simulate push and pull functions for buttons (normal button press = push, long botton press = pull) Send MIDI messages to the MIDI device to illuminate buttons when certain modes are active (e.g. autopilot, heading mode, ...) Developed in C++ with no performance impact in your simulator Donate If you like XMidiCtrl and want to support its further development then you can donate. Documentation Detailed documentation of the plugin and all mapping options can be found here. Support If you need support or want to chat about the plugin then please visit the official support forum. Installation Extract the ZIP file and move its entire XMidiCtrl folder into your ..\X-Plane\Resources\plugins directory. Examples I have included the following examples as well as overlays to print out in the examples folder: ToLiss A321 Hot Start TBM 900 Hot Start Challenger 650 IXEG 737-300 ZIBO 737-800 iniBuilds A310 Felis Boeing 747-200 Templates I included a template for the Behringer X-Touch Mini in the templates folder of the installation package. This template includes an example mapping and further information about the supported mapping options. I have also included my hardware configuration of the Behringer X-Touch Mini in the same folder. You can apply those settings using the X-Touch Editor from Behringer. To use the template file, simply copy it into your aircraft folder and start adding commands and/or datarefs for your buttons and encoders. Usage When a new aircraft is loaded, the plugin will search in the aircraft directory for a file called XMidiCtrl.toml. The profile uses the TOML language and holds information about the MIDI devices to be used and the mappings of the encoders and buttons. Further information about the TOML syntax can be found here. The configuration of XMidiCtrl might be a bit intimidating at the beginning, but it is quite straight forward. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you run into problems. Screenshots Submitter VirtualCPT Submitted 01/05/2022 Category Plugins and Utilities  
  2. Version 1.13


    About this plugin You have a MIDI Controller at home with lots of buttons and knobs? Why not use it with your favourite aircraft to control the autopilot and many other functions! XMidiCtrl is a plugin for X-Plane 11, which allows you to connect MIDI controllers to X-Plane commands and datarefs without the need of additional software. The plugin was developed for X-Plane 11.50+ / 12 and supports Microsoft Windows, Linux and macOS (universal build). The following devices are officially supported: Behringer X Touch Mini The following devices are known to work: Behringer BCR2000 Behringer X-Touch Compact Loupedeck Live XMidiCtrl is open source: GitHub page Features Create different profiles for your aircrafts Bind knobs and buttons of your controller to X-Plane Commands and DataRefs Simulate push and pull functions for buttons (normal button press = push, long botton press = pull) Send MIDI messages to the MIDI device to illuminate buttons when certain modes are active (e.g. autopilot, heading mode, ...) Developed in C++ with no performance impact in your simulator Donate If you like XMidiCtrl and want to support its further development then you can donate. Documentation Detailed documentation of the plugin and all mapping options can be found here. Support If you need support or want to chat about the plugin then please visit the official support forum. Installation Extract the ZIP file and move its entire XMidiCtrl folder into your ..\X-Plane\Resources\plugins directory. Examples I have included the following examples as well as overlays to print out in the examples folder: ToLiss A321 Hot Start TBM 900 Hot Start Challenger 650 IXEG 737-300 ZIBO 737-800 iniBuilds A310 Felis Boeing 747-200 Templates I included a template for the Behringer X-Touch Mini in the templates folder of the installation package. This template includes an example mapping and further information about the supported mapping options. I have also included my hardware configuration of the Behringer X-Touch Mini in the same folder. You can apply those settings using the X-Touch Editor from Behringer. To use the template file, simply copy it into your aircraft folder and start adding commands and/or datarefs for your buttons and encoders. Usage When a new aircraft is loaded, the plugin will search in the aircraft directory for a file called XMidiCtrl.toml. The profile uses the TOML language and holds information about the MIDI devices to be used and the mappings of the encoders and buttons. Further information about the TOML syntax can be found here. The configuration of XMidiCtrl might be a bit intimidating at the beginning, but it is quite straight forward. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you run into problems. Screenshots
  3. Greetings, Single channel ILS approach ( with one VHF nav receiver set to ILS frequency) is not simulated correctly, and in case you want to approach on single channel there will be no glide slope operative. you could only have an ILS approach if both VHF NAV receivers are set to the ILS frequency. I have tried it in variety of airports. thanks
  4. IXEG 737-400 (RG MOD) | Airseven Fleet | OY-ASA, OY-ASB & OY-ASC View File Airseven fleet for IXEG 737-400 RG Mod. The two liveries are based Airseven's fleet consisting of just 2 737-400 aircrafts. !!This will only work with RG Mod installed and with the -400 model ONLY!! Do note that some of the screenshots are not showing the final product. About the airline: Airseven is the name of a new Danish charter airline that has been established in a collaboration between Primo Tours, Copenhagen AirTaxi and a former Jet Time director. During the worst crisis in the history of aviation, a new Danish charter airline saw the light of day. Behind the new airline are experienced people from the travel and aviation industry. The owners include Primo Tours together with Copenhagen AirTaxi, and the former Jet Time director. Airseven operates two Boeing 737-400.The Boeing 737-400 is 36m long and 29m wide from wingtip to wingtip. The passenger cabin has 168 seats, with two pilots on the flight deck and four cabin attendants. Our aircraft has a flight range of about 5 hours equivalent to approximately 4.000 km. They need a 2.500-meter runway for longer trips, but only 1.500 meters for shorter trips where the takeoff weight is lower. Installation: Simply paste the two respective folders inside "\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\IXEG 737 Classic\liveries". Make sure when choosing the liveries, that's you choose the -400 model. It's not compatible with -300, -400F or -500. Useful Links: IXEG 737 Classic RG Mod If you like my work, please help keep things going by donating - thanks in advance! (https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/captainjakob ) Hope you guys will enjoy these liveries! Submitter CaptainJakob Submitted 08/16/2021 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For https://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-saab-340a-p-100 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 11  
  5. Version 1.1


    Airseven fleet for IXEG 737-400 RG Mod. The two liveries are based Airseven's fleet consisting of just 2 737-400 aircrafts. !!This will only work with RG Mod installed and with the -400 model ONLY!! Do note that some of the screenshots are not showing the final product. About the airline: Airseven is the name of a new Danish charter airline that has been established in a collaboration between Primo Tours, Copenhagen AirTaxi and a former Jet Time director. During the worst crisis in the history of aviation, a new Danish charter airline saw the light of day. Behind the new airline are experienced people from the travel and aviation industry. The owners include Primo Tours together with Copenhagen AirTaxi, and the former Jet Time director. Airseven operates two Boeing 737-400.The Boeing 737-400 is 36m long and 29m wide from wingtip to wingtip. The passenger cabin has 168 seats, with two pilots on the flight deck and four cabin attendants. Our aircraft has a flight range of about 5 hours equivalent to approximately 4.000 km. They need a 2.500-meter runway for longer trips, but only 1.500 meters for shorter trips where the takeoff weight is lower. Installation: Simply paste the two respective folders inside "\X-Plane 11\Aircraft\X-Aviation\IXEG 737 Classic\liveries". Make sure when choosing the liveries, that's you choose the -400 model. It's not compatible with -300, -400F or -500. Useful Links: IXEG 737 Classic RG Mod If you like my work, please help keep things going by donating - thanks in advance! (https://www.paypal.com/paypalme/captainjakob ) Hope you guys will enjoy these liveries!
  6. Air Manas EX-37402 IXEG View File Air Manas EX-37402 IXEG Submitter Sergio Morozov Submitted 07/21/2020 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For https://ixeg.net/ X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 10 & 11  
  7. Version 0.1


    Air Manas EX-37402 IXEG
  8. Hi Folks, Here's a short video of the newly updated 737. I hope you like it
  9. Hello, After reading all the good reviews about the IXEG 737 Classic i thought this is the plane to have but i am still on the ground with this IXEG 737 Classic After installing it in my XPLANE 11 (11.34 -steam version) it is not working !!! The standard planes that come with Xplane 11 work with no problems at all! So after installation of IXEG 737 in XPLANE i get the following issues; 1) No Sound ( after restart of xplane 11 sound settings went to zero for some sound settings, bug?) 2) My Joystick (Warthog Hotas) the axis of joystick and throttle input does not work , only some buttons work. Can somebody help me to get this working? Thank you
  10. Hello everyone. This post is mainly aimed at livery makers. I recently purchased the IXEG 737-300, and was at first pleased by the amount of liveries people have made for it. However, when I dug deeper I found that very few of my favorite liveries have actually been made. What frustrated me further was the amount of fictional liveries that were made. I may be alone in this opinion, but i have a flight sim for realism purposes, and it might just be me but flying in a plane with a fictional livery seems to just take something away from the whole experience. I appreciate that some fictional liveries are nice looking, and I also appreciate that it is difficult and time consuming to be a livery maker. However, an example of frustration when it come to fictional liveries is this: my two favorite Boeing 737-300 liveries are AirUK Leisure and Royal Mail (operated by Titan Airways). I appreciate that Air UK Leisure is a VERY obscure airline, so I can accept that nobody has make a livery for that. I will however include it as a request in the list below. But when I searched for a Royal Mail livery, the only one I could find was a fictional one based on Postman Pat. I almost laughed at this. It just seemed ridiculous to me. If you want to make a Royal Mail livery, especially if it is and continues to be the only one available for the IXEG 737, why ruin it by altering the aircraft registration to G-PAT1 or something like that, and "Operated by Titan Airways" to "Operated by special delivery service"? So that's my rant over, I'll now move onto something more constructive and list some liveries that is request. Requested liveries for the IXEG 737: Royal Mail operated by Titan Airways Air UK Leisure Thai Air Asia (There is already a livery for this, but in different colors to the ones I like. My request is for the livery with the mainly red fuselage and white vertical stabilizer). I'll attach an image. That's it! Thank you to anybody who has taken the time to read this, and a further thank you to any livery makers if they decide to take this on. Anyone is welcome to post anything in this discussion, even if you just want to let me know whether you agree of disagree with what I'm saying, or if you want to request some more obscure liveries. Finally, please excuse my user name. I don't like revealing my real name online.
  11. Version 2.0


    Hi,dies ist eine Bemalung für die IXEG 737 300 . Es wird die Boeing http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-p-122 benötigt. Einfach Datei Entpacken und einfügen . Viel Spass beim Fliegen ! Ps. Bei Fragen einfach Fragen und bei Texturfehler und Verbesserungsvorschlägen einfach anschreiben !
  12. Dear all, I've been spending hours and learning a lot using IXEG marvelous 737 model. I'm wondering if it's possible to save one of the pre-defined views as a passenger. The closest I could get to, starting from the default Shift+F6 "chase along" view and zooming in using the comma is to get to the following point (see screenshot), but I seem to not be able to move further into the body. Any tips or suggestions? Maybe I'm missing something. Thanks in advance for any help A.
  13. Dear fellow pilots, I've recently purchased IXEG 737 "classic", and I don't regret it a penny, since it's a pleasure to fly with. However, there is a little problem that's annoying me and hopefully one of you guys can help me out with. I've configured a couple of F keys to increase/decrease the MCP speed to XP standard controls "Navigation & Radios - Autopilot - Increase/decrease autopilot speed". However, when I press those keys, it seems that each keystroke changes by just 0.1 or 0.2 knot, so to increase from, say 140 to 150 knots, I need to press the key a hundred times, not really practical. Any of you has been able to solve this issue? I'm running latest version of both XP and 732. Thanks a lot in advice for your help! Best Agustín
  14. Version 1.0.0


    Hi, this is a painting for the Boeing 737-300 IXEG http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-p-122 Zip file Unzip and paste into the Livery folder.Downloadlink :https://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/files/file/40149-ixeg-737-300-condor-hamburg/ Have fun flying! Ps. If you have any questions, simply write them down on texture errors or suggestions for improvement! More EUROWINGS, SUNEXPRESS, CONDOR, Groundhandlingsets and Liverys on my site:http://forums.x-plane.org/index.php?/profile/465767-lidlrico/content/&type=downloads_file
  15. wain


    Nice flight this morning, taking advantage of a day off, from Barca to Geneva using the 737 and SMP4.6 thought I would share a few shots, also after watching the video linked to me in another thread the ILS was perfect......
  16. IXEG 737 Sunexpress Deutschland Livery View File Hi,dies ist eine Bemalung für die IXEG 737 300 . Es wird die Boeing http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-p-122 benötigt. Einfach Datei Entpacken und einfügen . Viel Spass beim Fliegen ! Ps. Bei Fragen einfach Fragen und bei Texturfehler und Verbesserungsvorschlägen einfach anschreiben ! Submitter lidlrico Submitted 07/01/2017 Category IXEG 737 Classic Livery For http://www.x-aviation.com/catalog/product_info.php/take-command-ixeg-737-classic-p-122 X-Plane Version(s) X-Plane 10  
  17. Hi, as the title says it Fails to download my newest purchase, the Ixeg 737 . Everytime the installer starts downloading the liveries and then it gives me an error message. What`s the matter here, anybody able to help? I have attached a screenshot of the error message.
  18. No rudder pedals..lol so please excuse the drift..
  19. Hi, Have tried completely refreshing my entire system even and cannot get the IXEG 737 to work. Sooner or later the FMC causes the whole thing to freeze and have to force quit X Plane. Even using no addons does not help. Any help would be really welcome. Jeff Cycle Dump.txt GizmoLog.txt Log.txt Process.docx
  20. I have a problem with the 737, which is that there is a 3-dimensional area around the cockpit, inside of which the visibility of ground and sky textures becomes truly odd. There is a violet blue hue in every visible thing, except for the inside of the cockpit. In the video: -Gizmo64 is on -All other plugins are disabled, therefore they shall not affect to the appearance of the issue -The X-Plane version is 10.51 -HDR was off, enabling it didn’t make a difference Also what is perhaps worth mentioning, the problem does not occur during day, only night, sunset and sunrise. A video to demonstrate the problem: https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B41aCLDyn918ZzhqdUVrT0p3REU Does anyone have an idea about what the problem could be? All my drivers are up to date. Mod EDIT: I use AMD Radeon HD8750 card
  21. Somebody know why this ???
  22. I am currently working on a repaint on the IXEG 737-300. i am making a fictional freighter variant of the aircraft. Everything is coming along nicely except for one thing, the windows. I found the file for the window decals and repainted the frames and insides of them blue, i also painted all of the glass textures blue as well. This worked, however the passenger window shadows are still visible and i cant seem to get rid of the effect. First pic hides the passenger windows and looks like a freighter, second pic passenger windows darken in color.
  23. After about a month of flying the beautiful IXEG 737 my copy of it started to bug out aggressively. If anyone has a solution please respond. Here are the pics of my situation..
  24. A short film shot in X-Plane 10 of the arrival runway 22L at John F. Kennedy. Sorry about the poor sound quality.
  25. Version 1.0.0


    Hamburg International livery for the excellent IXEG 737 Used best with winglets checked
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