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  1. Check out the link I posted in #93 above. It's all there.
  2. The 3D cockpit has not yet been released.
  3. 10 seconds on Google found this.
  4. X-Plane would have to be written to accommodate Metal to achieve the performance increase. It won't happen by merely upgrading to EC. See X-Plane's developer blog for more on this. (Check the comments by Ben Supnik after the linked blog entry.)
  5. Sounds interesting. Thanks!
  6. What is the display in the lower left corner of your screenshot? (fps + something else)
  7. This is really good news! Thanks.
  8. When I started running X-Plane during the v8 days, I used AMD CPUs and continued to do so until about 10.20 when I switched to Intel. Yes, you can overclock an AMD to within an inch of its life, but per clock cycle the Intel still gets more done. I'm also a software developer (real-time financial analysis) and know the importance of running a number of demanding and mission critical applications as millions of $ of client funds are at stake. I'll never use an AMD again.
  9. For me, the combination of SkyMaxx Pro with the NOAA weather plugin is absolutely the way to go.
  10. I'll second what Kris said above and take it one step further by adding that I wouldn't run X-Plane without it. SkyMaxx Pro is worth every penny.
  11. Despite the number of tasks assigned to multiple threads, X-Plane still assigns all rendering for the GPU to one thread. Therefore, a CPU with strong single-thread performance is mandatory. Have a look at this performance comparison and you will see why AMD CPUs are not mentioned as often as you may like.
  12. Might this work for you?
  13. Not necessarily. The fix is being worked on. When ready, X-Plane will make the beta version available for users who wish to test them.
  14. Having flown into that airport countless times, your scenery brings back fond memories. And I thank you for that!
  15. This may be of interest for those considering OSX Yosemite.
  16. Windows 8.1 is fine. Running SMP 2.0 and the 2.1 betas with no issues.
  17. This is not good. My heart goes out to the families of the pilots.
  18. It appears necroposting is a popular new sport...
  19. Interesting, though I get the impression there is some difficulty making the selection of the correct season automatic.
  20. Ah yes, the 747... *lights up a cigarette*
  21. Based on the beta, the cloud shadow code has been reworked for the upcoming SMP 2.1. This might very well "cure" the external cabin lights issue on the JAR A320.
  22. Since the developer's website indicates 64-bit compatibility, X-Plane 10 would be required for that.
  23. Have you read the last few pages of this thread? ...just wondering
  24. Sure, sign me up! Config in my sig.
  25. Look really good. And thanks for the update! I have been patiently following it and looking forward to its release.
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